After the intervention of Cars UK, Hyundai has stepped in to act on ‘Administration’ fees on cars bought under the Scrappage Scheme. We’ve written umpteen Hyundai Scrappage stories in the last year. We’ve been impressed with the way Hyundai’s marketing team have picked up the Scrappage Scheme and run with some very clever strategies to increase their […]
Hyundai launch their own Scrappage Scheme
Hyundai are launching three schemes to keep buyers coming as the Scrappage Scheme ends – Trade & Upgrade, Happy Returns and Friends & Family. We ran a number of stories last year on Hyundai’s clever marketing, and the way they cleaned up under the Scrappage Scheme. But with a smart marketing team at their disposal […]
Scrappage helps UK car sales in October
October has been a good month for UK car sales, rising a very impressive 31.6% year on year. Despite our reservations about the Scrappage Scheme, it does seem that it has inspired buyers in to showrooms in the last few months. And October has recorded a year on year increase of 31.6%, although total car […]
Scrappage Scheme to be extended
Lord Mandelson looks set to announce an extension to the Scrappage Scheme later today. Update: It’s now been confirmed that the Scrappage Scheme has been extended. The Scrappage Scheme has run out of money and is due to end well short of the original estimated end date in February. But it’s being reported that Lord […]
Ford tops Scrappage Scheme
Yes, we’ve had lots of misgivings about the Scrappage Scheme in the UK. And most of those remain. But it is proving to be a boost to beleaguered car dealers and manufacturers as people stream in to showrooms to take advantage of the headline £2,000 discount. Ford – who are the biggest car seller in […]
Scrappage Kicks in – UK sales improve in June
Yes, it’s been a horrible year for car makers. Sales down. Credit hard to deliver and buyers reluctant to commit to a new car until they see which way the land lies. But the Scrappage Scheme in the UK was brought in to try and give a lift to sales. And – to a degree […]
Toyota Prius – sales double
As we reported last month, the Toyota Prius – the new, 3rd GEN car – took the top sales spot in Japan in its first full month on sale, knocking April’s big seller – the Honda Insight Hybrid – in to second place. For the fist time the top two spots in Japan were taken […]
Hyundai ahead of the game on Cash for Clunkers
Despite our reservations about the Scrappage Scheme in the UK, it is clear that it has been a big success for car makers who have taken the opportunity offered by the scheme by the horns and milked it for all it’s worth. And none have been more successful at the Scrappage game than Hyundai, who […]
Hyundai guarantee petrol / gas prices
Hyundai is making a real name for itself, not just with a very good range of cars, but also with the way it is capitalising on the Scrappage Schemes in the UK and Europe and the Cash for Clunkers Programme in the US. Hyundai has come out top of the Scrappage Scheme sales in the […]
Hyundai – Top of the Scrappage heap
I don’t think it took a genius to work out that it would be the manufacturers of small, cheap and economical cars that would be the big winners in the Scrappage Wars. After all, if you’re going to get a £2,000 discount on a new car, £2k is a huge chunk of a £7k car, […]