John on the Ford KA 1.3 Zetec TDCi
The English language is a funny thing.
We like to think that language is something that binds us. But actually it divides us; classifies us; condemns us and pigeon-holes us. Speak with a Cockney accent and you’re either a cheeky-chappie or a wide-boy. Espouse your views in broad Scouse and you’re bone idle and have a moustache (girls too!). Your class, intelligence and wealth are all judged by how you speak.
And if you think about it at all, you probably suppose that this is just a peculiarity of the class system that still exists in the UK. But you’d be wrong. The Americans can have you down as trailer-trash or Ivy League before you’ve finished your first three words. Even the Aussies can pin you down as from the Outback or the City, and judge accordingly (or from NZ – and then you’re really condemned).
But it’s not just accents which mark you out – there are often huge differences in pronunciation. I was born in Lancashire and there it’s all harsh vowels and enunciation (think Bath instead of ‘Barth’, and Lay-er instead of ‘Laire’ ). But in the South it’s elongated vowels and blurred syllables. And my accent is combination of both. Born in Lancashire but raised in Essex from the age of 10. From the working class North to the middle class South. With an accent that’s hard to pin down, but with the middle class south winning out – except for the odd harsh vowel.
And I wonder if my wandering linguistic roots explain why I never know how to pronounce KA, as in Ford KA. Is it Ford KA as in ‘Car’? Or is it Ford KA as in CAndle? Neither sound right to me. One sounds too much like ‘Ford Car’ and the other requires a linguistic stop followed by the motoring equivalent of Ulrika-ka-ka-ka. So I opt for the pragmatic option and say ‘Kay-Ay’. And in some ways, that’s what Ford has done with the new Ford KA.
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- Ford KA 1.3 Zetec TDCi: On the Drive
- Ford KA 1.3 Zetec TDCi: On the Drive – part 2
- Ford KA 1.3 Zetec TDCi: On the Drive – part 3
- Ford KA 1.3 Zetec TDCi: On the Drive – part 4
- Ford KA 1.3 Zetec TDCi: On the Drive – part 5 – Claire’s drive
- Ford KA 1.3 Zetec TDCi: On the Drive – part 6 – conclusion and quick tech specs
David Davies says
I’ve had my Ka for nearly 9 years. She has always behaved beautifully, and never, allowed me to take her beyond the limits of ‘road-holding’ – not without ‘fussing’ to warn me. This is the ideal first car for those daughters you cherish. attending University.
Almost a ‘throw back’ to the ‘Model T’ – but oh so much more genteel. Your youngsters will love this vehicle – with every good reason. Never mind the reviews, that would not mention an ‘un-exploded bomb’ – reviewers bought by the industry. It really does make you ‘spit’. I hate the whole ‘over-paid’ clutch of un-trustworthy bas***ds.
Frank says
I’ve looked at so many Ford KA Reviews, but this is the first one that had 2 points of view. Good move. I tried out the KA and reached the same conclusion as the main tester. But after reading this my wife went and tested the KA and we’ve ended up ordering one. Not the diesel KA though as we both preferred the petrol. So thank you very much for helping is buy a KA even after I had set against it.