We’ve had concrete confirmation that the replacement for the Zonda – codenamed Pagani C9 – WILL be the Pagani Huayra.
We’ve had a little blat of activity over the last week or so on the replacement for the Pagani Zonda – the car we have known until recently only by its Pagani codename – the Pagani C9.
Yesterday we ran a story that reported Pagani registering the name Pagani Huayra with EU trademark agencies, which we thought may point to the name for the C9. But there was no guarantee. So we dug out our little black book of Pagani contacts and Pagani owners to see if we could shed a little light.
After endless phone calls, emails and texts (yes, our friends on the other side of the Pond all text like teenage girls) we finally got confirmation from two sources that the new Pagani is the Pagani Huayra.
Existing Pagani owners and all the super-rich lurking in Horacio Pagani’s little book of contacts will be getting a call to come see the photos in the next few days and part with a chunk of cash. How much will that be? Good question.
Pagani’s attitude to pricing is a little cavalier, to say the least. But from two sources we’ve heard that the price will be under €1,000,000, so we’d like to hope that is the case. For Pagani’s sake as much as anything. With a global target for the Huayra – once the factory gets built and the gremlins are expunged – of 50 cars a year, they’re going to struggle to move that much metal if the price goes higher.
Still, that’s for later. For now we know – it’s the Pagani Huayra.
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