Mercedes C Class and E Class BlueEfficiency models (OM651) seem to be afflicted with an injector problem which Mercedes are struggling to resolve.
Update: There has been a lot of interest in this article, and we’ve asked Mercedes a number of questions about the injector issue. They haven’t answered, but you may find the article on Mercedes Injector Problems – the unanswered questions useful.
Cars UK isn’t exactly Watchdog. But when we get a number of comments on the site about problems with a car – and far more emails on the same subject – we tend to sit up and take notice. And that’s where we find ourselves with injector problems on the latest Mercedes BlueEfficiency C-Class and E-Class.
We reported back in June last year on the new engines for the C Class BlueEfficiency and said how impressive the figures where. More economical, more powerful and less polluting, they seemed to be another example of how car makers are managing the Holy Grail of more for less with each generation of car.
And we had no hesitation in calling the C Class BlueEfficiency a good buy. Mercedes has once more become a car maker to rely on after a decade of chasing profits at the expense of quality. Pre 1995 Mercedes were bullet proof. I ran consecutive S500s and they didn’t miss a heartbeat in a combined 500k miles (well, one lambda probe). And we’d come to the conclusion that Mercedes were now back to where they always were, as makers of extremely desirable, reliable and well-made cars.
So it’s sad to see that there is a real problem with the Mercedes BlueEfficiency (OM651). It takes no time at all to undo a hard-won reputation (as Mercedes have already found out once to their cost) and, despite Mercedes’ assurance that they are addressing this problem, Cars UK readers are not convinced. So what do Mercedes say? We asked them for a statement and received the following:
“A problem has been identified which is due the manufacture of a small number of faulty diesel fuel injectors by our supplier, which can affect 220 CDI and 250 CDI models of the C-Class and E-Class ranges fitted with the new OM651 engine.
“The problem can manifest itself in a number of ways from illumination of the engine warning light; uneven engine running characteristics; or in the worst case, the car entering its “limp home” mode. In “limp home” mode the car remains driveable albeit at a lower speed than in normal use.
“As an interim solution, Mercedes-Benz has provided a loan car to the small number of customers affected by more than one failure, and will return the customer’s vehicle once repaired and fully tested by its technical team. This is in addition to the offer of a £250 Mercedes-Benz voucher, or a complimentary first service to each of these customers.
“We are working hard with our supplier to ensure provision of sufficient parts so we can replace all the injectors in affected cars, at once. Mercedes-Benz is committed to excellent levels of customer service and takes its responsibilities very seriously.”
Which seems commendable and it looks as if the problem is minor and affecting just a small number of cars. But is it? Perhaps in terms of percentage, but it would appear the problem is bigger than Mercedes seem to be admitting. We had one email which told us that when one reader’s C220 broke down with injector problems he was told he would have to wait for parts until the 30 cars at his dealership with the same issues had received their parts. Another reader told us that when his car broke down the mechanic who turned up from Mercedes Assist told him his was the fourth car he’d attended with faulty injectors in the last 24 hours.
It would seem the big issue is with parts sourcing. Mercedes use Delphi to supply the injectors and it seems they are unable to source sufficient parts to resolve the issues, with many of our readers reporting their cars off the road for months. True, Mercedes do seem to be offering loan cars to owners who have had more than one injector failure (surely they should be doing it for everyone?). But one reader told us Mercedes supplied him with a VW as a loan car. Are there that many issues with injectors that Mercedes don’t have enough loan cars to go round?
We’re sure Mercedes are doing what they can to resolve this. It is difficult when the parts you need are coming from an outside supplier, but that’s not the customer’s fault or problem. It’s Mercedes’. They can’t conjure injectors out of thin air, but they need to keep their customers better informed. They also need to be giving – even if they have to rent them – a loan car to every customer with this issue.
Mercedes has probably already lost a number of customers over this issue. If they’re not seen to be bending over backwards to help those customers affected they’re in danger of losing not just customers but their reputation – all over again.
And that would be sad.
stassin2 says
On Monday 23rd March my 2012 c220cdi SE exec (28k miles with FSH) started violent juddering and billowing a light coloured smoke from the exhaust. I was on the A127 doing about 50 mph.
Whilst trying to exit the A127 the rev counter would increase on its own accord and I would have apply the brake to slow it down the main dealer informed me yesterday that there has been a catastrophic engine failure and that there was a hole in the engine and that they are now waiting for Mercedes to approve an £11k repair.
Must say this has really caused me to lose faith in MB ( I have been using them for 15 years). My warranty runs out end of June 2015 and I am worried about the car becoming a money pit.
Has anyone heard of similar issues?
Eddie says
Have to say my 2010 E200 Cdi Se BlueEfficiency = complete money pit.
40,000 Kim’s injectors failure, 60k Kim’s water pump, some after timing chain and now @ 75k miles I was flying down the motorway and brakes failed. Hydraulic pump for brakes seized. When mechanic removed it he said the internals were in pieces. Time to sell for me, can’t afford the risk anymore. Will never buy a Mercedes again.
Dean says
I have just had my 4 fuel injectors replaced by Mercedes, i read about the £250 Mercedes-Benz voucher, or a complimentary first service to each of these customers.
I had my car picked up by a trailer which cost me £100
Does anybody know where i can get the voucher or service from ?
Thank you
Lisa says
I purchased a E220 CDi in January 2013. The car was barely 2 years old. Prior to this I had a C220 manual from new. The former car has been nothing but trouble. It judders when I am at junctions, so much so I am worried it might stall. There is a smell of oil burning sometimes. The engine light stays on. I do the turn engine off on 4 times and the light does go out. When I start it in the morning it stalls unless I have a good run in front of me to depress accelerator down a long way. The latter manual C Class I had for 5 years and I had absolutely no problems whatsoever. I hate my E220. I know there is a problem but I am worried how much it will be to correct. I also feel ripped off by Mercedes. If they are aware of these problems they should do a recall. It would work out a lot cheaper than previously loyal customer no longer having faith in them and purchasing their new cars from their competitors. I am not sure what the problem is. I have been told it could be the torque converter, fuel injectors or even contaminated fuel. But this would mean every garage has contaminated fuel. I don’t think so! I am so upset. I dread going out in the morning to start the car. If I am hemmed in, forget it. I wont be going anywhere until the engine has been running a while and I can gain some momentum in pulling away.
Paul Reed says
Hi on reading your articles I have to ask if you think I have a faulty injector manufacturer fault.
My Mercedes E250 CDI AMG Sport Cabriolet has just had its first a month early as the engine management light started coming on intermittently and the car went into get you home mode.Also Clean Fuel Filter flashed up occasionally.
I put it in for service and got a phone call tell me that I had fuel contamination and would have to pay £600 + to have the fuel system cleaned out as it is not covered under the warranty.
I got the car back and after driving a couple of miles the Engine management light came on again.After having the car recovered they now tell me that the contamination has got to the fuel injectors which need replacing.They are not sure if that is covered so may cost me more.
Any ideas or help would be much appreciated.
Paul Reed says
just read my comment above and realised that I missed out the word service after the word first..
John.Woodlock says
I have had this injector problem for about 8 weeks!
I have been using an independant mechanical service company for my servicing on my now 4 1/2 year old E259 CDI Coupe.when this problem started, (Engine warning light on and rough idleing -lack of power at take off) I took it back to me service company,for testing.
They couldn’t find a reason for the apparent problem
I decided to take it to the dealership where the car was bought(Barlow World Moorabbin) where I was told after waiting for 1/2 hour, that my vehicle was on notice for injector replacement!!
The car was to be held by them for at least three days, while they waited for the parts needed.
They have given me a loan car , to keep me happy !
I want to know why my individual service people didn.t know there was a problem with Mercedes???
Would have thought a letter from Barlow World would have been in oder for a recall ???
Kk says
I own mercedes e250 Cdi sport saloon 2011 reg. after 12000 miles one morning the engine was judding aggressively, exhaust I could smell illicit fuel, vehicle would not rev over 3000 rpm. I started driving aggressively but would not sprint. A vehicle bought for 39k absolute ridiculous. Booked in with mercedes Laughton which was 1 week later. Informed injector problems which were replaced due to under warranty. Now vehicle from 0mph is sluggish and feels very heavy. I am seriously fed up as I am embarassed at the traffic lights due to lack of power. Pls pls help
Axel Keegan says
Greetings to everyone, please somebody to share information for me. I already ordered an used vehicle C200 CDI BE first registration at 15.07.2010. The motor is also OM651 Euro 5, does this engine is using also these problematic Delphi injectors, or only C220 && C250 are affected by this problem.
Best wishes !
Kim Douglas says
Greetings from Ireland….
I have just had my E250 re-called for injectors – despite having NO problems with my 2010 car for the last 3 years. Unitl now! Car went in last Wednesday, picked up on Thursday by my husband and driven by me on Friday. Nightmare! Car shook and rattled as if it was about to take-off like a space ship. Saturday, whilst on the motorway, power went in the accelerator. Had to pump the pedal until ‘limp mode’ kicked in. Crawled home in the slow lane and prayed. Engine warning light flicked on at some stage of the journey home.
Contacted MB main dealer on Monday morning. They deemed the problem worthy enough to come and air lift it on a pick-up truck.
I was absolutely floored when their mechanic rang me today to tell me that it had nothing to do with the new injectors fitted last week but was a fuel contamination fault.
Can anyone out there please tell me why my perfectly well behaved car is now being a brat AFTER the new injectors have been fitted? Could it be the fuel – or am I being fobbed off?
Eddy Jawed says
Unless you’ve put petrol into diesel or vice-versa it must be the injectors.
stassin2 says
Kim, would be good to talk and see how your issue was resolved. I had the same symptoms with my C220 CDI 2012. I am being told by my MB dealership that my car needs a new engine at 28k miles and they may not cover the cost under warranty.
Can you mail me please.
Many thanks.
Denis Farrell says
bought my c250 2009 diesel c class in December 2012,Only doing 23miles to the gallon.Returned it February 18th 2013.Repaired as a recall,new injectors!Engine light still on,so will return again.The car has done 68000 miles.Can i get MB to give me the service history through the onboard computer memory?does anyone know?also if it is possible are they obliged to do so?i would like to know as i don’t have a service book and would like to know how many times under the Mobilo guarantee the car can be returned for repair.
Paula says
This injector problem would seem to be still there ,our e220 2011 is on a recall to replace injectors . They have already fixed water leak on fuel filter which was also a recall.Mercedes ireland refuse to fix tear in boot around gear selector based on a photograph the garage took this tear is at the base of gear selector and to low down to have been caused by a womans nails . it would seem mercedes warranty is totaly useless build quality non existant my fourth and last mercedes ,I was only informed about recalls through servicing ,and looking to have boot replaced
Jude says
I have a C-180 Blue Efficiency CGI purchased in April 2011 with injector problems. The engine light comes on for a long time (1 week) and goes out for 1 hour before coming back on again. The car rocks when stationary, sometimes jerks at 25m/hr, drags at 60m/hr and have lost power once but fortunately in traffic. Mercedes company keep taking the car to their garage for 2 days on each occasion for the fourth time now. They seem to be more concerned about getting their loan car back on time rather than fixing my car properly. My regret is that my wife didn’t listen to me when I suggested that we buy a 3-series BMW instead of this bundle of disappointment called Merc. Please is there a way out?
Roy says
My C250 D 2010 went in for a coolant leak fix last week and came back with new injectors, so obviously worth chasing now, go in with some minor defect check and you’ll get the upgrade but it’s not an official recall.
Defects after 2 years so far – New shock absorbers, fuel leak recall, coolant leak, injectors changed.
Cars UK says
That’s good news and seems to confirm what Mercedes told us recently.
Ben says
Advice: If you bought it from a main dealer and it has been fully serviced by Mercedes, then you should be covered under the merc extended warranty (mobilo). Ask your dealer.
Mine is a E250 cdi, i should know (6 times off the road) It is just coming up to 3 yrs old and still covered under warranty with full roadside assist and car loan. It’s just been recoverd and gone back in for its 4 monthly hospital trip.
A Howard says
My C250cdi Coupe bought in Sept 2011 with only 4k on clock died on Saturday. Travelling on dual carriageway when sudden loss of power, went into limp mode. Managed to travel for about a mile before being able to exit dual carrageway on slip road which was uphill only for the car to finally stop. Had to be towed from slip road by Police as was told by them we were not in a safe place??. Car recovered to the dealer I bought car from to be told it would take a while to repair as they already had a couple of cars in with the same problem. One had only just had the ok from MB to be repaired?. Been given a C180 (PETROL) as a loan car on hire from Eurocar with unlimited rental? Although not been informed what the problem is as yet it seems from these posts that it could be the injector problem, it was interesting that the recovery man could not find and error codes on his reader.
Have had Lexus for the past 11 years with no problems at all, changed to MB because thought they has sorted all their problems and the good reviews of the BE engines – how wrong I was.
Does anybody know if you can reject the car under the sale of goods act?
G Webb says
I am really scared. I bought my E class petrol 350 cab in march 2010. It has only done 12000 miles and I have just had my SECOND fuel failure. The first time November 2011 and the car mileage was 8872 I was driving in a small town. I lost all power and I could not even steer.
It was trailered off to my garage from where it was bought. The garage said that they had never had that problem before and fixed it by replacing the ‘fuel pressure regulator’ – or so I thought. I told them that I was really worried about driving the car especially as most of my driving is on the motorway. They assured me that all was well and that there was no fault.
Some four thousand miles later on Sunday 12 August 2012 on the MOTORWAY the engine was spluttering and the engine cuts out. OMG my worst nightmare. Luckily for Mercedes and myself and husband unusually for me I was in lane 1 and I just got on to the hard shoulder. The car was again trailered off to a garage in London and now they are saying it is the ‘high pressure pump’. can someone out there please calm my nerves as i think my car is a deathtrap waiting to happen. Plus the warranty runs out in march next year and how much is it going to cost me everytime it’s trailered off?
If you turn on your tv screens and see a pile-up on the motorway and a Mercedes is the cause sit up straight and take notice – especially if you drive one!!!!!
Hi..Can you please tell me if this problem still exists..I am about to buy an E 220 CDI first registred in January 2012 and the dealership in Berlin said that this problem is old..and it is not existing anymore? is that true? should I go ahead with my purchase? how can I find out? Thank you.
Mark says
The problem is still ‘live’ my wife and our daughter were going to Gatwick on the 3rd of April when the engine checklight came on and we lost all power. It is an E220 BlueEfficiency registered in Jun 2009, MB finally sorted it but all four injectors had failed – for the third time.
Mileage about 55k at the time, we will be buying the car next month when it comes off the contract (new ones are even more expensive) as parts have a 2 year warranty.
Karl Wilkinson says
I took delivery of a C250 CDI Coupe last October. Yesterday whilst driving the car I suddenly lost all power, all dashboard lights were flashing and I lost the steering. Luckily I was on a quiet road when it happened with no traffic around. Dread to think what may have happened if I’d have been in the outside lane of a busy motorway. Anyway the car got picked up on a transporter and I’ve been told by Mercedes service today that its due to faulty injectors and they are on order (2-3 days). Car has done 4000K miles. This problem needs sorting with a recall because these vehicles are potential death traps.
Michael Knight says
I just purchased a 2010 E220CDi with just 11,000kms on it. It failed after 7 hours / 650km with Injector problem. (Lost all power but went in to “Limp Home Mode”
To be sure “before purchase” ask them to run the car’s VIN number through the Mercedes system to see what (if any) recalls / campaigns / TSB’s are outstanding on that vehicle (you should watch them do it) If the vehicle is clear – then either the campaign on Injector has been done or it did not apply to that VIN Number
Mr Rice says
Have had a beautiful Silver E250 cdi Sport since Dec 2009. Here’s my story:
Injector failure Jan 2010, recoverd on low loader and issued with a ML280 CDI for 4 weeks as a loan car from Mobilo.
Car was noted as becoming increasingly smokey during late Oct 2010. Car attended by Mobilo Assist to reset DPF and regenerate it. Serviced Dec 2010. March 2011, Merc assist called again to reset DPF and regenerate it. This again was after smokey exhaust (emabarassing). Returned to dealer, my complaint of smoke again. Comment that they tend to do this, DPF gegenerated October 2011 Door lock replaced also as it would not operate. Serviced December 2011. Mobilo called again in May 2012, this time he insisted that the car was returned to workshop for thorough inspection as the DPF appears to have a problem with random and over regeneration. Major components replaced inc CAT DPF and other bits in he fuel and exhaust system. Also raised an issue with the AMG alloy wheels corrosion, plus split and cracked driver seat base. Both items replaced under warranty July 2012. Smoke started appearing again Aug 2012. Car has been retuned to dealer once more, now with:DPF issue, Fuel Injectors leaking into wiring harness, Injectors required!
Must say that every time it’s been in, they have given me at least an E class, mostly 250s. Support has been good, the warranty will last for 25 years should i keep it serviced with Merc.
Apart from all of the above, i have enjoyed the merc. A nice drive, good looks and pretty quick. Not happy with the MPG, only really get 38 even on a fair motorway run with some A roads. Could be doen to the issues mentioned above. So, time to say goodbye to this soon (Oct) as going back to BMW 520d M Sport.
Susan Dodds says
We have an E220 blueefficiency diesel which is 6 months old. We filled it with diesel on the 26th April and took the car home – 1.5 miles maximum.
Used the car for about 2.5 miles on the Friday morning and the ‘Clean Fuel Filter’ light came on. We booked it into Mercedes for Tuesday and I spoke to their technical support at their breakdown to be told it would be fine to use. We didn’t use it much and the light sometimes came on and sometimes didn’t. On Tuesday before going in the engine management light came on. They then told us we had fuel contamination. Well that fight with the forecourt is still going.
On Friday I found out that Merc had the problem with injectors and sent them the article late Friday. They did, apparently, change both the fuel pumps I think on Thursday and Friday they claimed they were changing the high pressure filter but somehow now don’t think this happened.
Low and behold this morning and the girl we were dealing with returned from taking a holiday on Friday to be told they were working on our injectors! Well I have told them that is down to warranty to be told she knew nothing about the problem. So I gave her a copy of your article.
Its funny, the reason why the car was not coming back to us is that the engine management light kept coming on.
Its strange, an Audi and an older Merc bought diesel from the same garage and had the same problem after us – they have their cars back on the road.
Apparently, injectors are on back order from Germany and I have just told her why to “I knew nothing about this!”.
Its funny, today they have been very slow to update us on the car – I am now think I know exactly why.
HI Susan can u please call me Alan 07841105452 , im having the same problems many thanks
shewshew says
Buy the car. great car too. don’t be put off by people saying there’s issues. mob mentality. all vehicles suffering with injector probs at some point. I deal with 651 engines daily and change maybe 1 or 2 a month out of 100s of vehicles. so go on……people don’t know what their on about half the time
Mark says
Look at my post above, we have had a E220 CDI BE from new (June 2009) the first set failed at c.5000 miles, we were offered a Ford KA as a replacement as they had run out of Mercs as the injectors were ALL failing, we then had then fail again at c.20,000 miles – we had a MB CLS 320 CDI for three blissful months whilst waiting for injectors to become available. Then the third failure was April 2012 at c.55k miles and all four had failed – AGAIN!!!!
For a £30k (minimum) vehicle this is not good, and the injector failure was rampant throughout the whole of the 220 and 250 CDI BlueEfficiency range due to the ‘bleeding edge’ high tech injectors.
Yes – my cousin has an old ‘real’ 300 CDI E-Class with 260k on the clock and no technical issues – ever – but that was when they made ‘real’ Mercs.
mark powell says
Can you tell me if the same problem has accured on a e270 cdi as im on the hunt for one or should i steer clear!
David Pearson says
I have a C Class 220D BlueEfficiency on a 59 plate – The injectors failed in march 2011 in the outside lane of the M3 and nearly caused a serious accident as I struggled to steer the car over 3 lanes to the hard shoulder. Car was recovered to my local dealer (no such thing as limp home – the car would not even start). It was with the dealer for 5 weeks and all was well until April 2012, when I noticed that when engine was cold, it would kangeroo etc – also the tell tail sign of the rocking from side-to-side when stationary … booked into my dealer, who confirmed it was injectors again …. to say I’m angry is an under statement … thankfully for me, my MB is a company car with a lease due to expire in a few months time … the MB brand is one I will now stay clear of (I should tell you that I’ve had 3 C Class cars over the past 8 years and all have mechanically failed at some point).
Not a happy customer — MB – sort it out !!!
Julio says
Hello. I want to buy a ML 2012 350 CDI. Do you have the idea if this engine has the same problem like OM 651 (220,250 cdi)? I heard that the V6 is the best engine of MB.
Cars UK says
As far as we know, the 350 CDI has not had injector problems; and you’re right – the 350 CDI is very good. We haven’t had the ML in, but we reviewed the E350 CDI Estate a year or so ago and were impressed with it.
KM says
My c-class with OM651 motor has 62.000 kilometers and is approx. 13 months old.
The 1 problem was the heating unit of the fuel filter. It was damaged and so 30 liter fuel flow out in an underground garage of a shopping center.
The problem with the injectors is definitly not solved. This week they changed the 1 injector in my car. I would like to point out, that only 1 piece not the complete set.
I will come back to BMW.
I have a 2010 C180 which developed ajudder in first gear two months from new. Mercedes replaced the fly wheel and clutch assembly and for 3 months it was OK. When the problem started again they adjusted the mounting bolts. On the third occasion they took the car away and bled the clutch. I have had it back for one day and it is again juddering from start in first gear. My previous car for three years was a BMW and not a single thing went wrong with it. Needless to say I would not touch another Mercedes.
Shewshew79 says
I would like to point out that Mercedes Benz are resolving the issues with the Delphi injectors fitted to the OM651 engine. The fact is the fuel that you people are buying isn’t 100% diesel. You will find that its a mix of bio-diesel and diesel. This is causing problems and assisting with lacquering of certain components within the fuel injector. You do not have to wait for new injectors now and to be honest I see the OM651 engine every day and rarely have to replace injectors. I believe when the fault first arrived Mercedes wanted them replaced so they could figure out the problem hence them going on back order. But now that the problem is understood there is a simple process that the dealerships can carry out to rectify the problems. Why is it that when people have a problem and find others with the same they turn into a mob……….I will never buy a Mercedes again attitude.
Mercedes are the leading brand in technology providing others with bench marks to follow.
But hey go on, the grass certainly isn’t greening when you look at some of the other shit you are driving around.
Sofien says
HI..Thank you for the info..
I am planning to buy an E Class CDI..from Germany ( Euro 6) and I will take it home to Tunisia where we have Diesel ( Euro 3) am I gonna face the same problems? or should I get the CGI version. Thanks
Rub says
CGI engines have the problems as well!!! The gas leaks into the oil crankcase !!!! And it seems nobody knows how to fix the problem!!!! Mercedes is the best shit
stassin2 says
Please see my post 27th March 2015. The symptoms very similar to others posted.
My dealership are playing hard ball and blaming it my car potentially missing its first A service.
As a Mercedes insider, what is your view.
Never will i ever buy MB again says
I am from South Africa have a 320 cdi, i got it at 32 000km on the clock, i have been having power problems since i bought this vehicle. no acceleration, the car does not go above 40km/hr. I have spoken with other customers with a similar vehicle like the Viano 320 cdi. Ainilar problems are experienced these cars have a problem with the Mass Air Flow Meter sensors and the turbos. My air flow meters have been replaces twice and the turbo has been replaces as well. I am told that the problems in these units are exerbetated by the fact that the diesel availbale in the country is not the cleanest the best we get is 50 ppm, whats even more disturbing is these vehicles were sold in SA when 500ppm was the only diesel availble, and Merce knew these vehicles were not ready for SA as the proper fuel was not available. Currently my car is parked as am tired of it. I have always been a fan of Merc, i even convinced my dad, mom and brother to buy mercs and they all drive mercs but after this experience with this brand i am never buying a merc again.. but father is also due for a replacement but i will advice him otherwise he has been driving mercs for the last 15 yrs or so..but it looks like the brand is just interested in numbers and profits quality is no longer their concern
badinjector says
The OM 651 is being launched first in its 150 kW version on the Mercedes C250 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY, marking the debut of Delphi’s Direct Acting Piezo CR system.
To ensure the durability and robustness of its all-new power unit, Mercedes-Benz subjected the engine and fuel injection system to 100,000 hours on test rig and 10,000,000 test kilometres under conditions ranging from the desert to Polar regions. With its new generation of four-cylinder diesel engines, Mercedes-Benz is launching the first Euro 5 application and setting new standards in power output, torque, fuel consumption and exhaust emissions.
Delphi’s innovative diesel technology was developed in Delphi diesel technical centres in Blois, France, Gillingham, United Kingdom, and Bascharage, Luxembourg. The C-Class’ system is composed of a high-pressure pump, injectors, a rail and an electronic control unit (ECU). Employees at Delphi’s technical centre and manufacturing facility in Blois are dedicated exclusively to engineering and producing injectors for advanced common rail injection systems. With a “customer-orientated” approach and employing a Quick Response Room for rapid customer response, the Delphi team relies on a unique combination of people and processes to deliver this precision product.
Shewshew79 says
Delphi injectors in the OM651 are solenoid not piezo like the OM646.
but good post though.
Leon Delta says
We purchased in June of 2011 from a very reputable Merc dealer a 2010 C250 CGI with 11000 kms, as of today October 19 2011 the vehicle has done a total of 15000 kms. Before and after the vehicles’ 1st service @ 15000 kms (which we paid well over $500.00,) the vehicle performed then and performs still – extremely sluggish, it shakes under low revs, the pickup from zero is unbelievably slow and not responsive. We are now told by the dealer and Mercedes it’s a ” Blue efficiency” problem. We were never ever informed by the dealer about a “blue efficiency” problem. We were also told that the C250 CGI was a twin turbo (have it in writing), which it is NOT!
We had eight Mercedes’s up to date, they have all been excellent and reliable vehicles, but this C250 CGI is a giant dissapointment and a major con!
The matter will be taken further and hopefully Mercedes Australia will assist us out of this situation – Developments more show less
Harley says
And I’m just about to trade in my 5 Series for a brand new C250 – or was.
I was just looking forward to a bit of a change, expecting that Mercedes were on a par with BMW when it comes to sorting out their teething troubles. But the injector issue seems to be an ongoing issue that dealers and the manufacturer are just not coming completely clean about, and that bothers me far too much to give them my money, I’m afraid.
I’m definitely shelving my plans for a Mercedes with all this going on, and will stick to my tried and trusted BMWs. No problems there for years now.
Sorry, Mercedes, but this has gone on too long and you just lost a very big customer.
What a shame.
Shewshew79 says
don’t be put off…………..there is no problem.
just people jumping on the band wagon.
BMW…hahahahahahhaa lame.
you don’t see yourself like all us none bmw drivers see you!
Michael Knight says
Shewshew get your head out of the sand ! there “is” a problem and it is world wide – driving service centers up the wall. Here in Australia it is still widespread – happened to me and I just got entire injector system replaced under warranty. Owners are on “wait lists” here waiting for the kits to come in to fix their cars.
Bruce Lee says
I have a Bluetech GL 450 Diesel. I have had over 9 limp mode situations. Last Saturday was the worst. Getting onto the 495 Beltway in DC the acceleration went limp and we were almost taken out by a truck. The car is at the dealership. I don’t want it back. I won’t let my wife drive it and I won’t put my family in it. Way too many scary moments with loss of power. Mercedes has a huge problem with this and I am now involving my attorney.
Alan says
This thread seems to have died a death last July so am I the only person having recurring problems with my C Class?
Car was in the dealer again in February after losing power and acceleration and finally going into limp mode. Dealer diagnosed that the injector seals fitted when the faulty injectors were replaced hadn’t been seated correctly. I let this one go as anyone can make a mistake, even though I wasn’t happy about it.
This morning the car has once again lost power and acceleration, won’t go above 30mph and takes an age to get there although the engine management light hasn’t come on yet. Car just been recovered to the dealer yet again and I await their diagnosis of the problem this time. If injectors again I seriously don’t want the car back but I need to research my rights as the car is now 2 years old and I’ve allowed MB to repair it twice.
Anyone else got recurring problems or have I just got a lemon?
Sam says
My car has just been admitted to the garage and it turns out the diagnosis is fuel injectors have gone, this is the second time in just over a year. I told the engineer that this is the second time since we took delivery of this brand new vehicle which is a 59 plate and he seemed surprised – I thought each car had its own history on the MB database! I am sure he underplayed this as I am a woman. For some reason he has to write a memo to the Head Office etc etc and the car will most likely not be returned for 5 days! Luckily I have a hire car but its not quite the same as my MB.
GP from Belgium says
Hello everyone,
I had the same problem again on August 28 this year. The 4 injectors has been replaced. A new microcode has been installed. This is the third time in 2 years and 2 months. It seems that the problem is recurring. In any case, Mercedes does not consider this as a recurring problem. For them, it’s not luck. No guarantee extension is planned.
GLK 220 CDI 2009-07
Mark Sampson says
I am about to buy an E250 CDI Sport and would like to know if the injector issue is solved and if so from what serial forward?
genti says
what is the status now of this problem? has it been resolved? if we get a second hand 2009 c-class will it have the same problem?
CarsUK says
There are no guarantees with any car, but the replacement injectors Mercedes now fit seem as reliable as any other car maker’s.
Michael says
Hi my w212e class has had all4new injectors fitted at2’000 mil now at 63’000gone agian lets see what they do this time
steve l says
I feel for all everyone with this problem. i am about to buy a e class 220 blue eff. should i not go ahead or avoid, which engine and models should i go for? i cant afford to have a car off the road as i am a private hire driver. any help i would appreciate it thanks
Denis McConvey says
I have a 2010 e class mine went in for it’s first service with no problems until the garage put new injectors in. They lasted 11 miles. I was on the phone to Mercedes every other day for almost 4 weeks till I got my car back. So you make your own mind up mate.
DP says
I have a E250CDI registered APR10, 45K miles ( Mostly motorway driving) & regularly serviced. A friend with a similar aged car had injector issues and was without his car for 6 weeks. My injectors went last week, there was no “limp mode” kicking in or any warning lights the car simply blew out plumes of white smoke and spluttered to dead stop and would not restart. ( Luckily outside my house). The recovery engineer could not diagnose any fault but once it was recovered to the garage they confirmed it was an injector problem. So far the service I have received from Merc/enterprise car rental who supplied a replacement car has been appealing to the say the least. The car is still at the garage and I have no idea when it will be return. Due to the poor customer service and this mechanical issue, sadly I would not have a MERC again and would not recommend one.
Andrew says
Hi just letting everyone know I have experienced injector problems again on my E250 cdi some 41,000 miles after the original problem. Rumour as it Mercedes Benz were aware the replacement injectors were not a lasting solution, but a short term answer until a major recall was done to remedy the injector problem with a totally new designed injectors. Is anyone else aware if this problem? Such a pity as it one of the nicest cars I have ever owned!
Tim says
My 2009 (Dec registered) C250 CDi has just had its second set of injectors (at 35K miles) after a limp home failiure close to my local dealer. Its first replacement set was fitted on recall when about 6 months old so they lasted about 25K miles. It was with the dealer over New Year alongside a C220 with the same problem.
The dealer said the new set had a 4th new/different part number for the injectors and problem was due to lean fuel burning and resulting higher than previous engine temperature to achieve fuel efficiency. They dealt wth it well, loaner for duration and there was no problem with part supply.
It does seem, therefore, that MB is aware of the problem. Maybe my old set (June 2010) had done better than some others, but too early to tell if problem is now fixed for good.
I also have the ‘hot electrical/burning’ smell this and other sites refer to and, for the first time when I booked it in for ANOTHER look see, the Diesel Particulate Filter was mentioned as a possible cause.
Otherwise, I agree, great car, looks good, crying shame, like others here I’ll be returning to BMW next time.
sarah drury says
Merc 250cdi blue efficency – 59 reg. had strong electrical burning smell within a few weeks of purchase – checked out at main dealer and nothing found. Happened several times – by the time it gets to the dealer – no smell and no fault found. Nov 10 kept going into ‘limp home’ although no warning lights showing – merc roadside assitance came out and no fault found.Went in for injector recall – doing well for a couple of months – started losing power again….went in for a service in January where I mentioned it had happened again twice but ‘resets’itself if engine turned off then on – they checked again and no fault found. Has happened twice since and tonight lost acceleration on very busy A road – managed to limp home and as I got out there was a VERY strong electical burning smell……Mobilo Life coming 0930 tomorrow – NOT IMPRESSED with this car
Joe says
I bought a Mercedes C250CGI BlueEfficiency Sport Auto 4dr 2009 first registered 12 december 2009. The vehicle has done 7,000 miles. 2 weeks ago I had an engine warning light. I took the car to my dealer and they did a diagnostic check and said the fault was due to a balancing shaft problem. They changed a solenoid on the engine and returned the car within a day. However after a few days the warning light came up again, took it back to the dealer again, the technician said the diagnostic check again shows balancing shaft problem. The service manager advised that they do not know why the warning light is coming up even after changing the part and they have to refer the matter to the manufacturer. It is almost a week now and still no sign of a resolution to the problem.
Has anyone had this type of problem? I have read many forum posts regarding injector problems in BlueEfficiency range of cars. Is my car having similar problems but I am being advised of something else. Clueless about car engines. Please help.
RiC says
Hi Joe,
I’ve gotten a E250 CGI BlueEff Coupe and is having the same problem as you. At first it was excessive oil burning, after fixing it, the warning light came back on again. At this point in time, nothing has been resolved. Seems like this batch of CGI BlueEfficiency cars have a real problem!
Jo says
at the end of the week i am going to sign my purchasing contract for a new GLK 220 CDI, i was wondering if the injector problems are over?
thank for your comment!
Michael Drury says
I received my C220 BE on the 21st of DEC….within 5 days it the injector became faulty and I limped it to the local dealer who told me they have so many I would be awaiting at least 4 weeks which soon became 2 weeks after I suggested they keep it! 11 months later and another injector has failed with the car currently in the workshop. On both occasions Mercedes offered useless loan cars but the hire firm they can use (if you insist) is Enterprise and they have supplied a C class on both occasions.
r vincent says
hi my 2005 mercedes 220 cdi with 46000 miles has just broken down on the m3 with smoke bellowing from the went from seventy to 100 mph on its own,i had trouble stopping the car,i have just had a new turbo fitted and it still did not start so my mechanic has started changing the injectors this is going to be one hell of a also he has remaped the car.has anybody else had this
RAG says
It may be excess oil burning in the engine. check the oil(lub) is as per specification.if u found excess plz remove. Also set the engine cleaned well and then start.Your problem may solved.
Note:This is only advice.I am an engine expert but with out seeing the live problem i dont give any advice.This first time i am advicing online.
CarsUK says
Thanks for your input, Rag. Welcome to Cars UK!
Berto Neves says
ola,comprei um 250cdi de 2009 com 15000km e passado 4000km ele parou em Salamanca quando vinha para a Suiça, levou os injectores novos e passado 2700km ja na Suiça ele mais uma vez teve problemas e novamente troca de injectores,,…
Richard says
What have you done to my plans? Better yet, what has MB done? I came across this site by accident while gathering information for my first Mercedes. Reading horror story after horror story has put a damper on my purchase, though. I would consider the beautiful Jaguar XF, but here in the States, it has had bad press regarding reliability. And much to my amazement, one of our major consumer groups has said that Mercedes, Audi, and BMW are the least reliable autos out there! Everyone praises the Lexus, but I don’t think I have ever seen duller designs. They look liked gussied up Toyotas. My Ford is runhning like a top, with some 154,000 miles, so I guess I’ll just drive it until it or I fall apart. I am not a happy consumer right now.
CarsUK says
Actually, the problems Mercedes had with injectors does seem to have been resolved, so if it’s a diesel Mercedes you’re after (and this issue was only with diesel injectors) you shouldn’t have any major concerns.
Shame you think the Jaguar XF has reliability issues; we don’t really see that. Last week we had the diesel Jaguar XF S in for review. It is an exceptional car.
M Brown says
I note my C250 CDI has V rated tyres fitted from the Stuggart factory however the Mercedes handbook manual clearly states that they should in fact be W rated. The W rating was also corroborated by Bridgestone technical and other various tyre suppliers.
My insurance company informs me that my policy may be invalid in the event of a road traffic collision if I dont have the W rated tyres fitted as defined in the Mercedes manual.
Anyone in a similar position?
Georgis says
I do have a problem with faulty injectors on Mercedes Benz GLK.
I m very fed up with Mercedes after Sale service attitude and approach. My injectors were replaced first time on 16.12.2009 ( 3 months after purchase). Mercedes Benz confirmed to me these injectors were replaced for new technology injectors this time for one life. Nevertheless, on 31.8.2010 my car collapsed again due to injectors issue ( 1 year since purchase – 40 000 km on board). It is evident my old injectors were replaced for faulty injectors which means Mercedes Benz does not have developed new non faulty injectors yet. I did not buy this car to have these problems and attacks from after MB sale sarvice making fun of me. I do want to obtain a replacement car. I hired a lawyer. Pls, could you provide me with more information you got from Mercedes Benz on this topic?
Steve Mitchener says
An E220 was supplied to me as a hire car. I spent the Bank Holiday yesterday on the hard shoulder of the M2. The fuel injector was the problem. The Mercedes technician let slip to the break down truck driver that this was the 3rd problem of this kind that he has encountered this weekend alone.
Patrick says
I have had my C220 CDI Sport for a little over 4 months. It is now back at the dealership for the third time, though has failed on four occasions. Three times it incurred problems with the fuel system, “running out of fuel” even though the fuel indicator read a quarter full. A couple of these times leaving me in a ver precarious situation in the middle of busy roads! Then last Friday I had the limp home mode with the injector problem.
I posted this a while ago, a short while after I got a full refund! Very happy with my new car!
Patricia M says
I took delivery of my C220 CDI in October 2009. It was recalled twice before Christmas for engine management faults. Then it suffered loss of power in April when it was recovered back to the dealer who took 2 weeks to ‘identify the fault’ as being a faulty valve that had never happended before (or so they said) so there would be a delay. The car had also been recalled for a third time! Then on 17 July 2010 the same fault reappeared, loss of power and again it was recovered back to the dealer. After 1 week the dealer tried to return the car and it suffered a power failure again! A week later the car was returned (30 July) and guess what? As I write this it has broken down again (31st July) and has been recovered! So much for the reliable and efficient Mercedes. I have made a formal complaint but have yet to receive a response. I amnot happy to say the least!
Alan F says
Patricia….I would seriously afford consideration in returning the car as ‘unfit for purpose’ pursuant to The Sale of Goods Act before October 2010 (viz: before the car is 12 months old )
Good luck.
Alan F says
P.S. Despite your dealer telling you the problem was a ‘faulty valve’ I would demand to see a copy of the mechanic’s report. I suspect, that in fact you may have suffered a faulty injection problem initially, and the dealership only replaced the single injector instead of all four. All the subsequent injectors would also fail eventually, which wouild explain your continued problems ? Read all the above comments carefully re faulty injectors which I’m sure will be helpful.
Norman says
as any one had a problem with a new c180k blue Efficiency executive se manual, I have a problem when in 1st gear from a standing start. Its very jerky throws you backwards and forwards 2/3 times, general manager at dealership said it was normal!! (I think not).
peter burgess says
I purchased a new S Class back in November 2006, superb car apart froma fault that appeared back in January of 2009, the car kept missing it went into Manchester Mercedes on abour 6 occasions over that period, they said they had changed this altered that but after driviving for a while the problem came back, but this time it felt like the gears where missing and the car kepted shuddering, so in May they took it back into Manchesetr Mercedes and they said they changed something in the gear bos & Torque, cost £6000.00 of which I had to put 10%, I was ok with that. I have had the car back for a few days and the car is starting to shudder again when I am driving on at about 40 mph, I am convinced it is a fuel problem, where do I stand as far as warranty goes because as I said this problem started 18 months ago when it was still in warranty. can you help me,
Kind Regards
brijinder bhatia says
In my personal view Mercedes manufacturers do care about their reputation and the efficiency of their cars. Germans have always been proud of the quality products they produce and they take deep pains in producing it. Small injector problem is not a very big problem for the Mercedes owners. Mercedes manufacturers will put it right to protect their name and the name of their country.
May Waheguru bless you all.
Brijinder bhatia
Terry says
i bought a new 250 cdi e-class in March and use it for brooked hire corporate mainly, i asked before purchase re the injector problems and was assured that it was resolved. Saturday 5th June of this week limp mode struct at 9.346 miles. Picked up by lorrie and taken home i insisted on a replacement merc but enterprise did not have one so i refused a car until they could. i was told by MB that they would pick up car Monday at 8.0am they arrived 8.30 had phone call from enterprise that a 250 cdl would be available this evening.
folowed lorry to Southampton dealership (not the origanal supplier) I discussed the problem with the service manager A Mr Sean Nevatte who was extreemly positive and helpfull so much so my car was ready for collection at 4.30 the same day, and running perfectly.
How about that for service, absolutely second to none.
Tim says
So, is it now safe to buy 220/250’s, ie, have they started installing new injectors in the 2010 registered cars? Thanks
mms says
Non-defective injectors were produced and installed in new vehicles produced after the end of November 2009, so yes it is now safe.
Merc Boy says
I think the whole BlueEfficieny injector debacle has blown over now. Our C250 broke down several months ago and has been running fine ever since the new injectors were installed.
New cars should be fine and any remaining cars with defective injectors have been recalled.
The whole thing has been handled pretty well by Merc. Most customers with problems have got the outcome they wanted (be that rejection of car or compensation or something else).
Schalef says
How’s your fuel consumption? My car was delivered the first of may 2010. The car has gone 1400km and my fuel consumption is 7.5 L/100 thats 32MPG :/
SimonW says
Mine has now done 7000 miles and is averaging 35mpg. Not quite what the official figures lead you to believe.
It does seem to be a car that is of extremes. If there is any amount of traffic, traffic lights or roundabouts mine is doing barely 30mpg (also if driven in a sporting manner) but on a 60-70mph 100 mile round trip the other evening it easily did 54mpg and if I had been trying, could probably of gone higher.
It is capable of being economical, it is just exceptionally sensistive to conditions. I guess that is what you have to expect from an engine which has such impressive power outputs.
John says
Just completed round trip Nottingham to Southampton using A roads
160 miles each way 49.5 mpg to Southampton 48 mpg return trip. C Class CD220. Injectors replaced under recall.
Paul Hoskins says
Is it possible this is also affecting older Mercedes C-Class cars? We had to have our fuel injection system replaced on our 2004 car 10 months ago and it has already failed on us …
Ian C says
I bought a E220 Sport Estate in January of this year and today have received a telephone call from our dealer saying that the car must visit the dealership to have the injectors replaced. Surely if MB were aware of the problem in Sept/October as is suggested they wouldn’t be producing cars in December/January with the faulty injectors…..would they???!
I’m now very concerned that the car (yet to break down) has been sold in the knowledge that it may break down and now they have parts in stock, they decide to fix it. I’m tempted to reject the vehicle on this basis – has anyone had any success?
Also, anyone had any issues with the sluggish throttle response – you put the car into drive and wait for at least a second or two with the accerlerator fully depressed prior to the car leaping into action?
Alan F says
Hi Ian, I think you’d have great difficulty rejecting the vehicle when, to date, nothing is wrong with it ? At least you have the opportunity to have the probable cause of an imminent breakdown rectified before it happens. I personally would accept the injector replacement at your convenience (sooner rather than later). My new E220CDi was also sluggish at pulling away from a standing start (traffic lights etc) but once the injectors were replaced, it now pulls away immediately with no delay. My mpg has not been compromised.
NB ensure they replace all 4 injectors…tell the dealership in writing that you are aware that they knew of the problem with the OM651 diesel injectors when they sold you the car….and that if it breaks down again (I would suggest anytime within the first year) with the same problem, you’ll reject the car under the provisions of the Sale of Goods Act.
Additionally, I would ask your supplying dealership if they would consider offering you either a free 1st service or an MB voucher for £250 as a token of goodwill. Remember, if you don’t ask……you don’t get !
mms says
If your vehicle was produced in or after late November then in all likelihood your car was not produced with faulty injectors but with the first release of the new injectors. Not definite but more than likely. There appears to have been no particular problems with this first release but as with many automotive parts, there has been a subsequent revision with reports of improved economy and smoother running, also my experience. As such it is likely that your concerns are unfounded and surely once your injectors are swapped out you will have experienced no loss and minimal inconvenience?
Ben says
Can anybody advise? I have posted further back in this thread. My E250 Sport has had it’s injectors replaced (all 4) This was a December 2009 car, built in Decemeber (build date 10th Dec). People are saying that these cars should be free from these issues? But not this one. I do like the car a great deal, drives rides and build is good. My only issue is how MB handled the situation. I am a lease car driver, i select the car i want and it is built to order on my specification. The complication is, the lease company set the deal up. The car came from a dealer in brighton, i live near liverpool so therefore i have no dealings with Brighton. I deal with MB Liverpool. When the limp home happened, 4 days following a visit to the dealer about smoke and rubber smells, i limpped home on a saturday, with the children in car and called Mobilo. Mobilo would not asist and wanted me to fork out £200 to have it recovered, as they said it was a South African car. The upshot is, it is not a SA import MB had a mistake on there system! Then i was without a car from Saturday until Monday 16.00. Spend the morning on the phone to all of the above. Never got an apology from MB. Where do i stand with regard to complaining or some kind of compensation for loss of time and serous inconvenience I am leasing, yes, but i am responsible for the car for the next three years. Should i write to MB of Brighton? Is it worth trying to infiltrate MB? Any advice would be appreciated…
Darren says
Hi Ben, from other posts it looks like your contract is with the lease company and its them who you need to contact. I am not a lawyer though so maybe someone else will advise correctly. Have you contacted the lease company?
Pete says
if you are a lease car owner then you have a commitment to the lease company for the term of your lease (just like a bank loan).
You really need to talk to your lease company about it and see what they say about the situation first, technically you have the same rights as purchaser with MB but if you want to threaten to return the car under sale of goods act then it’s vital that you discuss it with the finance company since they will probably have a lot of small print in their contract that makes you liable for the interest payments.
I’m sure your finance company will give you some good advice, I’m sure this is not the first time this has happened for them.
Mike Jones says
Claiming against a beast called car dealership is very difficult. As far as the manufacturer that is MB in Germany. MB UK is the distributor so they are like Teflon , nothing speaks to them.
Speak to MB Customer Service, the bit about a mistake on database is their fault and you should be compensated.
Speak to the lease company and explain this. Mobilo/MB UK should compensate you if MB Customer Service decide to fob you off say that you will put things in writing to them and would like to settle amicably. Only if they decide that they do not want to help start proceedings in a small claims court against them. Your local Citizen Advice can help you do this.
Darren says
Just joined the Facebook group where you can document you failure:!/group.php?gid=109900435705187
Mercedes must know about all of the people unhappy why are doing nothing about it?
Darren says
Good decision Tigertiger I would do that as the injector issues has only been dealt with on some of the Blue Efficiencies as a new Merc owner I and many others have been treated very badly…. So god knows what happens to second hand owners!?
tigertiger says
Reading the above experiences worries me. I was about to buy a used E250 CDI blue efficiency but now having second thoughts and thinking of a Beemer.
Has the injector problems been fixed? Thanks
mms says
The problem has sorted on all the blue efficiencies since the rollout of V5 injectors in mid-December. It’s easy to tell from the injector serial number whether or not this has been done so there should be no issue with a used E250cdi and regardless it will be well within warranty so any problems will be covered. Having had an Audi and several BMWs I can tell you that you just are as likely to experience problems and ropey customer service from any of these 3 brands.
My last E60 suffered a string of electrical problems and it might have been an engaging drive but I pity the poor sod that got it after me.
Took 6 visits over 10 months to sort out the AC unit on my A6 which would only blast maximum heat or maximum cooling. The car was also off the road twice for a total of 3 weeks when the electric handbrake kept seizing. Audi were very contrite but it shows that these things can happen regardless of brand.
Darren says
I too have had Audi’s (2) , VW’s (6), BMW Mini’s (1) and my missus has a Toyota Yaris (yes I know!) and I have never been treated by a car dealer like I have been by Mercedes Hull.
I accept all cars have their problems as they are complex beasts but to treat people like idiots is inexcusable.
Even Toyota sent an M & S voucher for the inconvenience with the accelerator pedal issue…and I can’t remember a single issues with the Audi!
I do think different people have different experiences.
mms says
You’re confirming exactly what I say which is that everyone has different experiences irrespective of brand but none of the manufacturers, not even MB, has the monopoly on treating customers like idiots. As it happens my dealer has been upfront and relayed faithfully the limited information they received. I sense that the failing has been either at MBUK or MB Germany.
With my last E60, BMW wore me to a frazzle, wearily dismissing problems as ECU glitches, and yes, treating me like an idiot. Deciding on a change I gave MB a shot this time, and was fed up with the injector issue but they fessed up, sorted it, gave me more than adequate compensation and the car has been great since. I’m realistic enough to understand that any brand of car can act up and that their CS all have the potential to be as bad as each other and as such dramatically proclaiming that I’ll never drive an Audi, or BMW or MB again is a pointless gesture.
C220 Cdi driver says
Have been offered and accepted 3 yrs service plan – value £900. Hope it doesn’t pack up again – its a great car.
Darren says
Hi C220 Cdi driver,
Was this offered to you initially or was there a less beneficial one offered 1st? Is the dealer paying for the service plan or was it offered by Mercedes UK? It looks like its reliable once the injectors are replaced (in full)…but you never know!?
C220 Cdi driver says
It was at my instigation. I asked for a meeting with a senior person at the dealership and they came back and offered me the 3 yr service agreement which I think was fair.
Gwantommo says
Just had my failure incident on the fast lane of the M1, which cost me an important meeting and almost made a fried miss his flight to the states from Heathrow. They put me in a couple of cars but mine was only off the road for 3 days. What really gets me is the danger factor of the car shutting down in the fast lane, standing on a cold hard shoulder in the rain for 45 mins and having all the hassle of trying to get replacement cars – they tried to put my in a Daewoo Matiz! My E250 had already been recalled once, so I also had to take half a day off work for that. I’m going to complain after reading the above and realising I’ve been sold a dud so will let you know what I can get out of them.
Darren says
Hi Gwantommo,
Brian and Merc Boys advice above is to complain in writing to the dealer principal…be aware if you don’t complain in writing you will get nowhere! List all the issues and all your costs…if nothing else you may get a voucher but hold out for more…In my business (printing) if you supply a failed order the customer has the right to complain and get either a reprint or money back…as far as I am aware that is correct with any goods sol in the UK!
I had been warned by a colleague about Mercedes reliabilty issues and the salesman at Mercedes Hull laughed at my reservations when buying the car! Hmmmm he wasn’t so bullish when I came back in “Limp Home Mode” (in fact he avoided me!).
I should have bought BMW or stuck with my Audi!
Good luck with your complaint and let us all know how you get on with your complaint.
Darren says
I tried to reject my C 220 CDi on the basis that the car was sold to me with the knowledge of the fault…the dealer Mercedes Hull) wasn’t interested.
I am now trying the rejection route through Mercedes Finance but don’t hold out much hope.
I have now lost faith in both Mercedes UK and the dealership (and the salesman) as they have all lied to me regarding this issues, claiming no knowledge of the fault.
I cant wait to get rid of it…even though I actually love driving it…Mercedes have ruined a good reputation with the way they have handled it.
Merc Boy says
Keep on at them … send a formal rejection notice to Mercedes Finance but then pursue the dealership (via the Dealer Principal).
Show your serious be handing them the car and both sets of keys. Get a hire car and state you’ll claim costs if they don’t accept the rejection by a deadline (say 5 working days).
This should do the trick.
Darren says
Thanks Merc Boy I am now awaiting a response to the initial dealer complaint letter but The inconsistency is what annoying me….some people got upgrades, some people got vouchers, some people got free servicing…Its seems to me if you accept what they are telling you, you get nothing!?
Merc Boy says
You’re right… it’s inconsistent. MB like any large corporation aren’t into giving away money. But, if you’re patient, persistent and show your serious you’ll get what you want (whether it’s a free upgrade, full refund or something else).
If they’re sluggish with responses, start setting reasonable deadlines. Then, at least, everyone knows what they’re working to.
Good luck!
Harry Bury says
Two days after my failure (12 April) I hand delivered a letter of rejection to the dealer. I then went straight to the top of the queue via an offer of three years free servicing. Rejected both and held out for a buy back. Agreed a price two weeks ago but I’m still waiting for the money. Not sure who is causing the delay but a new BMW 520d is waiting for collection.
Sarah A says
Ordered E250CDi Sport in November 2009 and were told our delivery date would be March 2010. Then in January we were told it would now be 31st May 2010. Contacted the dealer to check delivery date yesterday and they said they haven’t even started the build on the car yet, due to issues with the engine. Delivery date now estimated end of July but could be September!
Order cancelled! Would have been our first Merc, should have listened to others who warned us about poor service. Have been fobbed off so many times now about the delivery time, that Mercedes were working a short week, engine problems etc. What really annoys me is that they are still advertising the cars!!!!!! Now on a mission to look for another car!!
pier says
Have you considered the E350 cdi? I swapped my C250 for a E350 and its in a different leauge altogether, so silky smooth and unbelievably quiet. You may be able to get a good discount seeing as the dealer has messed you around so much…
Alan F says
Has anyone yet received any form of compensation yet so we can perhaps establish some form of parity ?
Brian says
Alan, I got one months finance returned to me and I must say the dealer was excellent although I must admit I had to hint at something. The local dealer (not who I purchased from) who repaired it basically handed me back the keys and said here’s yer car, thanks, no apology nothing. That’s when I went back onto the selling dealer and he was excellent.
Do I think one months finance was enough? We I was without myc ar for a month so I suppose it was.
Alan F says
Brian, Thanks for that. From what I can gather, it seems whoever shouts most gets most ! Typical offers thus far seem to range from £250 (sometimes in the form of an MB voucher) up to £500. I wonder if the general consensus is ‘satisfaction’ (in relation to the overall levels of compensation ?)
I personally claimed a £250 voucher plus another £150 for ancillary expense incurred (viz extra running costs of an S Class 3.5 against my E220 CDI). MB agreed and sent me a cheque forthwith !
Brian says
Alan never gave much thought to the additional expense I had in running an M Class which typically ran at double the fuel consumption of the C250!I got £400 and reckon the additional fule could easy have been £100.
To be honest I was happy with what I got and in the end I was quite well treated although I believe I was sold a pup at the time.
Alan Gillies says
I received 2 year’s free service care package plus a tank of fuel and was as happy as I could be considering my car spent a month off the road. £600 for service care and £70 for the fuel at current prices so could have been much worse. As seems to be the norm I was delighted with the service from my selling dealer but MB have been atrocious, with the exception of initial response to the breakdown which was good.
I demanded a refund of 1 month’s finance payment to compensate for the 4 weeks driving Chevrolets and Vauxhalls, MB haven’t even had the decency to respond.
cd says
they have both sets of keys and letter of rejection but still refusing, they said its becasue they cant find any problems with it even thou they saw it like it! ive told them we are not collecting it and have treatened legal action. i would stop payments but we ar ein the process of moving and dont want it to affect our mortgage – looks like we will be taking MB to court. What gets me is how they can still refuse the rejection and tell me that theres nothing wrong with the car when two of there staff saw it in its faulty mode? this case has been going on since jan. i dont no what to do as if it does go to court then the only way i get to prove it is by the car in its limp mode but it only does it every so often, and if mb say they cant find any faults with it when on the machine and when engine is turned off the faults go and then you have wait for it to happen again? this is so stressfull as dont want to drive the car as it unsafe and unpridictable. i will never be buying a merc again.
Mike Jones says
cd, you may want to have a chat with a friendly lawyer before going in to a court. Don’t forget your dealer has a retained lawyer and is paying for it any way you on the other hand have to earn your cash, pay the tax man, then pay your lawyer and the VAT on every single thing your lawyer does. Your Principle can work out to be a very expensive!
How is your documentation, has everything been documented, is there a trace of your confirmation of the problems to your dealer. Is there a read receipt for every email you have sent to the principle/service manger? Have you escalated to MB customer service for a resolution? If you have finance then you are not the owner you may have more success rejecting to the finance company.
Any arbitration will want to see that you have exhausted every reasonable avenue to get your problem resolved.
Ask the dealer to put their assurance in writing, make it clear that this assurance means that the next mechanical problem means automatic rejection.
Mike Jones says
cd, you may want to have a chat with a friendly lawyer before going in to a court. Don’t forget your dealer has a retained lawyer and is paying for it any way you on the other hand have to earn your cash, pay the tax man, then pay your lawyer and the VAT on every single thing your lawyer does. Your Principle can work out to be a very expensive!
How is your documentation, has everything been documented, is there a trace of your confirmation of the problems to your dealer. Is there a read receipt for every email you have sent to the principle/service manger? Have you escalated to MB customer service for a resolution? If you have finance then you are not the owner you may have more success rejecting to the finance company.
Any arbitration will want to see that you have exhausted every reasonable avenue to get your problem resolved.
Ask the dealer to put their assurance in writing, make it clear that this assurance means that the next mechanical problem means automatic rejection.
Every time you speak to any one confirm it in writing, if you are that fedup call your local rag, or even a national one (wait until the election is over Next week)
From experience justice is very expensive in this country.
C220 Sport driver says
That last comment has reminded me of something – looking back now… mine started to smell (hot/burning) in the weeks before it broke down. Now I know what to look for if it is going to happen again (its back now with new injectors)
others who havent gone into limp mode yet should watch out for this indicator – it was noticeable when getting out of parked car – I thought it was because it was a new car.
cant decide whether to try and reject car, dealer has offered servicing as compensation – but i like the car….
pier says
How can you now reject the car if its repaired and running ok?
C220 Sport driver says
I will if it happens again
Alan Gillies says
An interesting observation, got out of the car yesterday and noticed a smell – almost a burning brake smell from spirited driving but I’d driven home from work very sedately. I’ve had the injectors replaced following breakdown but a little apprehensive now if this is a precursor to a further problem.
No second chances if it happens again, straight rejection will follow but to be honest much as I love a good battle on occasion I really hope it doesn’t come to that as I genuinely love the car and would hate to see it replaced by an Audi – the only real alternative for me.
Ben says
I had similar issues with burning smells (Dec 2009 built e250) within the whole of it 4500 mile life. A few weeks back i noticed plumes of smoke when pulling away from stand still. The two seemed to go together, smoke and smell.
Booked car in for a check up, got it back the same day with no problems recorded. They said that the Particulate Filter regenerates every now and then and may cause the smell and definately smoke!! How emabarrasssing driving around in a £35k car with smoke billowing from the exhaust… Nonetheless, i had to go along with it and drove the car home. Four days later the car when into limp home mode and was admitted to the dealer for new injectors…. All seems a little to conindiental to me? Anyhow, got it back after 5 days, with four new injectors (Mercedes Liverpool) and have put a few miles on it, no issues. However, i am still convinced that the smell of burning exists 100%. Never had this issue with my previous DPF fitted to my BMW 5. Finally, MPG? V Hard to better 40. Oh and a rubbish range too, thanks to small tank. 400 miles for merc 600 for BMW
vincento says
I joined the LIMPITHOME club this Wednesday night.
I paid for an E class 250CD Coupe manual to get in.
On joining, I was greeted by the recovery driver before he had even closed his cab door with the meet-and-greet phrase of ‘Its your injectors mate’ – an opening which made me suspicious and which has eventually lead me to this site.
Some facts.
Car delivered to dealer circa 15 December 2009, ordered early September.
Mileage when joing club was 8900
Yes, also had burning rubber smell, but that was early in its life and certainly not within 3000 miles of the injector failure.
Original mpg was circa 42 but built up to 52 mpg at the time of death. Note that some of this [I estimate 3 mpg] has to be due to the fact that earlier miles were in the grip of winter with lights on, very cold ambient temperature, rain [this saps a great deal of energy – think of the huge volume of water that is lifted and displaced by the tyres] etc
E’prise hire car is a 220 CDi saloon with Auto, 59 reg and 4000 miles on it [so I may well be joining twice?]. There is a big difference in the performance of the 220 and 250, even allowing for the 5 speed auto.
This hire car, driven in a similar manner, is returning circa 40-42
Car in at MB Bolton which has been mentioned negatively in dispatches earlier in this thread.
Poor communication from dealer and injectors promised ‘next week’
Question..Does anybody have any reliable info on the lead times that are now being experienced for injector delivery?
Malcolm Inchley says
I’ve experienced this burning rubber smell from my C250, intermittently, since new last August and it has continued since the injectors were replaced. Coincidentally I’ve just returned from a visit to my dealer (Stourbridge), where I asked for a categorical assurance that the smell is not a precursor to another injector failure. I was given this assurance and told, as I had been told previously, that the smell of burning rubber occurs when the DPF regenerates, though no one could explain why the smell is exactly like burning rubber. I was also assured that my dealer knows of no failures of replacement injectors, which I tend to believe, since duplication of the injector problem would be a very expensive passtime for M-B.
I’d like to have a clearer understanding of the burning rubber smell, so is there anyone out there who can explain it?
mms says
Google “dpf burning smell” and you’ll see that pretty much every brand of car fitted with a dpf will produce this smell when it burns off the particulates. The gearbox may also hang onto a lower gear to keep revs and heat high. My last BMW E60 certainly did it.
John says
AA on DPF regeneration…
cd says
My c220 sport broke down whilst i was in labour, rejected car but they refused got offered 1500 conpensation & was told car would be fine – ever since thn the car has been going in and out of limp mode (when engine off and on it corrects itself), went back second time and was told this time it was due to a faulty gearbox (rejected but refused) so that was fixed, still not working. went back again due to limp mode, this time was told nothing wrong with it… so we requested diognostic reports to get an inderpendant review – 3months later still not recieved them! car keeps going into limp mode but instead of calling road side help thought its better to wait and drive it to our local dealer whilst in limp mode so that they cant get out of it – well last friday it happened whilst i was pulling off my parent drive with my 4 month old daughter in the car, got my parents to follow me to our local dealer left car running and tech guy came out and saw it ( making a loud noice and burning smell whilst parked but still running, so they could clearly see theres a fault), i told him not to turn engine off, he agreed and said he would put it dtraight onto there machine to find the fault – i told them there that i am rejecting the car and not to fix it. well today i got a call from them saying they could still not find a thought with the car and its all fine ready to be collected, even thou they saw it in the faulty mode!! apparently when the put it on there machine nothing showed. just got off the phone from the directors office and he told me that they have to turn the engine off the connect to the machine and that they go by the readings they get from that! im so angry cant beleive they are trying to send us back out in a faulty car – mercedes benz are terrible and have the worst customer service ever. Oh also the paint is peeling off the bonnet badge.
pier says
Reject the car…dont accept their refusal, take out your belongings, give them both sets of keys and a letter stating the sale of goods act and unfit for purpose and misrepresentation. Tell them you are NOT authorising any further repairs to the car, it will not be picked up from you and if they try and refuse your rejection again, take them to court, issue legal proceedings. Your car sounds like on of the worst cases on here and if you spoke to your local trading standards office I am sure you have a strong case for rejection.
I managed to reject my 250 sport after a 5 week battle and I instantly refused the car as soon as it broke down, I wouldnt give them chance to repair it. I rejected it and it was a non-negotiable argument in my eyes, they buy it back, or I take them to court to recover my money for selling me a faulty car
End of……….
minh says
Hi everyone,
We have a 4 year old C200 and very happy with it, never any problems at all. So last month we decided to order a new C250 cdi because of its energy eff. offer but today having read what you all complaining about i’m quite scared!! Should we cancel the order? MB said it will be ready in July.
Chris Johnstone says
Had mine since March, can’t tell how good a car it is, just fantastic. Hopefully it hasn’t faulty injectors. If it has and they have to be replaced still think it’s a great car. I’ve had Lexus’s don’t think they come close, Audi and BMW don’t ride as well. Your choice!
minh says
Thanks Chris for your reply. I feel a bit better and hope MB fixed the problems. We ‘ve always had great reception from them and hope to have it in the future.
djamel says
I have recieve my mercedes e classe in november 2009 ,has probleme in janaury injectore after take it in mercedes mecanik i finde 78 cars broken engin before me now it is 2 may until now I am waiting for reaparin ,for me I am very angry and if I have a seconde chance never by merceds a gain never never never ,It was for 20 years a go my best car but never after ..
mms says
Where are you from and what language are you speaking? Is it Mercedes or Merceds in your country?
pier says
come on, dont have a pop at Djame, hes probably from a non-Englaish speaking country and you can see quiet clearly he is speaking English to is best ability, albeit broken…adn I also thought youd have the intellegence to decipher that the car he is refering to is in fact a Mercedes, like thr rest of us, especically as its an MB forum
mms says
I’m not having a pop. I thought that you would have the intelligence to recognize that the post reads distinctly like an English speaker deliberately mispelling to give the impression of being non-English, and in effect trolling. Using “Mercedes” and “Merceds” was the most glaring giveaway, hence my question. I was going to add that my query to Djame shouldn’t really be your concern, but maybe the fact that your spelling has suddenly gone the same way as Djame’s isn’t a coincidence.
John Curran says
On Monday I received a recall letter from MB requesting me to arrange to take my just less than 6 months old ( 4850 miles ) E220cdi Avantegarde in to have a “technical update of the fitting of modified diesel fuel injectors”. I arranged an appointment for the following week. On Saturday evening just before setting off on a long distance weekend family visit the car gave up power on our drive. Weekend ruined. Car collected by MB today ( Sunday ) and replacement Volvo provided. Having read all the correspondence on this site I am furious that I was sold a car with a known fault last November. Do I have a case under the Sales of Goods Act 1979?? Thank goodness the car decided to conk out on my drive and not in the fast lane of the M6!!
pier says
Yes, I rejected mine under the SOGA at 7800 miles
Ed says
Thankyou everybody for keeping us all informed. Has been very useful for getting more open responses from different dealerships.
Ordered E250 from local dealer in Jan for early April, now slipped to late May.
Shortage of Panaramic Roofs, Distronic and leather, but no shortage of injectors Sir! Problem sorted a long time ago Sir!
Anyway thanks again and keep it up – you’re doing a good job!
Les McGuffog says
10/10 mercedes york.
As mentioned previously since collecting my car from intensive car when breaking from “reasonable” speed there has been a vibe through the brakes like wharped discs.
Booked into York, courtesy car provided for the day, new rear discs fitted and unlike MB Bradford car washed and vac
Disc problem caused by being off road for 4 weeks, but rectified with little hassle or stree.
Ben says
E250 cdi. Has finally happened to me. For me it was 100m from home, Saturday Noon. Called Mobilo, they said ‘we’ll have it returned within an hour, do you need a car?’ Tes i said.
3 mins later they called back informing me theat the car was south african (i live in the UK) and they could not support me! Anyway, i was standed, with a known fault and being asked for £200 to have my car recoverd and no loan car, no sympathy, no asistance. My car is not a SA import. But MB, would not assist. After a weekend of stress and worry i called varoius people, dealer etc… Eventually MB called casually saying ‘we have car to collect’ no unprompted apology. Ubelievable.
They had an error on their system!!!!
From then on, all was excellent. MB collected, Enterpriose dropped a car off ML280 CDI sport. (Very nice). MB called two days later to say it would be two weeks ‘sir’. As i was in a ML, i didn’t mind. This was on Wednesday. Friday of the same week got a call to say that my car was ready!!! Probably because i was in a £80 a day rent car! MB replaced all four injectors. Love the car, great drive, good economy, hope it carries on working. MB rude
Keith says
Mine (CD250 CDi) broke down after six weeks. The pick up guy said they were collecting six a day! Got a loan car but told mine would be six weeks before return (actually got it back after four).
Now however, passenger internal door handle has disconnected, bonnet catch on passenger side doesn’t latch (notified by another motorist on M1 last week), driver’s side internal door handle now also disconnected, paint peeling off bonnet badge.
I came from an Audi A6 – guess how stupid I feel now.
pier says
Reject the vehicle under the section 14 of the sales of goods act 1979. Not fit for purpose, unreasoable repaor times and mis represntation by MB for selling you a car with a known fault.
I rejected my C250cdi Sport in Feb after a breakdown and now am in a E350cdi coupe sport….I paid the difference, but would never go back to a C class now!
Pete says
Just further to my last comments I complained bitterly to Merc about all this (poor hire car etc.) and 5 minutes later was called back saying that an E-class was ‘suddenly’ available, and my C-class got fixed 48 hours later. Gotta say fair play to merc on this one, just a shame that their policy seems to be “he who shouts loudest gets fixed quickest”.
Just be aware, if you’re not happy then complain massively about it and get somewhere.
Abdelaziz Daoudi says
I just joined this website and I’m surprised to see so many people with the injectors’ problem. But what surprises me more is the fact that Mercedes seems not to take in full consideration the problem by minimizing it. I just bought a C class 220CDI (january 2010) and I had the same problem as many times described above. My car is still at the garage since 3 week now and the service (rental car, etc.) is just ‘indecent’.
Jaime Jonsson says
I have written a letter of rejection of the vehicle (under Swedish consumer law) but if anyone would like to have it to use as a template they are welcome – just join my facebook group regarding Mercedes Benz fuel injector problems and message me.!/group.php?gid=109900435705187&ref=ts
HR says
Well I have received MY E220 back a week ago now & it runs fine apart from the fuel consumption which is averaging 30mpg on day to day & 38mpg on motorway driving which is nowhere near what the brochure says. If you are still awaiting for your car to be fixed I strongly advise you get your compensation agreed before you pick up your repaired car as the most I have been offered so far is £250 which is no where near enough for loss of earnings nor inconvenience I also recived a snotty email saying it was their final offer! I never had this trouble when I had a BMW!!!MB customer service is crap! Never ever again will I buy from them again.
Phillip Carruthers says
I have an E250CDI on order in Australia and am told that motors cannot be built because they can’t get injectors. I suppose the reqal reason is they can’t solve the prpblem. Surely if it’s an ijector problem they get a different injector.
David Mason says
Letter in todays Sunday times – driving section. Raises the question of why the press have not taken up this saga. Don’t know if it will get any response from MB but I doubt it!
Ric says
My first e220d se saloon failed after 7000miles(average 40mpg)now have e220d avant garde estate with 1000miles and is only averaging 36mpg(40mpg at 75mph for 1 hour),nowhere near official figures.Very disappointed but sales bloke said it would loosen up after 10,000miles!I think this is rubbish!
Vincent Flynn says
Just an update on where we are with delivery of used C220BE to take delivery in a weeks time assured all injectors will be replaced before I take delivery and workshop paperwork along with serial numbers of the injectors will be available.
Is there anything else I need to know upgrades other failures etc
Nick says
I joined the C250Cdi injector failure club on Easter Sunday in the outside lane of the M6.
I bought the car from Mercedes in Harrogate (Rybrook) in November. Car relayed back there for repair. Service sept rings me two days later and says 5-6 week delay. Having googled the issue and come across this site I write to dealer to say rejecting under SoGA. Two days later dealer calls to say car repaired.I continue to reject and write to confirm this. Two days later I am offered full refund of every penny I have paid since Nov (Inc GAP Insurance and document fees). My complaint managed in an exemplary manner by dealer (customer manager Gordon Hunter).
Tips picked up during this saga:
1. Known fault
2. Dealers all been on training course on how to manage complaint
3. Supply of spare parts still difficult
4. Every car has a notional pot of money associated with it that can be used to help customer. Every day you have a hire car erodes the sum in the pot and so an early rejection of car and relinquishment of hire car should help dealer or MB to settle.
Good luck to you all. Just off to find a Volvo from whence I came to MB
Elaine Usletten says
mms says
You’d be dead right Elaine. My brother and numerous work colleagues were caught out badly by Volvo’s ETM problem. Volvo UK denied any problem until they got dragged on Watchdog and then dragged their heels badly in sorting out the problem. Lost loads of customers. I didn’t enjoy our injector problem but compared to the Volvo saga MB was a dream. To be fair I, like many others have felt like a guinea pig with the numerous problems with both of my BMW E60s and the customer service has been pretty poor so none of them are really geared up to cope brilliantly when problems arise, so I have a little chuckle when people announce dramatically they’re off to another brand. They’re are the same and one’s experience depends largely on the dealership and luck.
Costas says
I ordered a new E 250 CGI saloon in December from Mercedes Diplomatic & Tourist Sales. I was told that the car was ready for delivery on 27th of April. With out any notice and after I proceeded with full payment of the car since it was going to be transporter to Cyprus, they informed me that I had to pay an extra £ 637 GPB because my pro-forma did not reflect the current prices increased by Mercedes-Benz UK. Can they increase the cost of the car without giving me any previous notice?
Andy Clarke says
yes it is in their sales contract that the customer is responsible for any price increases from date of order confirmation to delivery it happened to me in 2003 with a factory order Brabus ML and I contested it but after taking legal advise it was pointed out to me it was on the reverse of the sales agreement in very very small print.
Colum Dillon says
There seems to be lots of those parts over here in Ireland my Dad e220 went down on wensday and was picked up yesterday to be fixed he was told that he could pick up the car on momday so 4 day with no car and a nissan note to drive
Andy Clarke says
Following an earlier post with reference to my wife’s C220 Cdi BE failure on 23 march, I thought I should update on my experiences.(sorry it’s like war and peace)
The vehicle broke down and left my wife and 2 childern stranded in a semi remote area with no phone reception and my wife with children were forced to walk along the roadside without pavement in the dark for some 2 miles before she could call for help. I inspected the vehicle, and suspected as she had filled up less than an hour earlier had contaminated fuel. Having driven the Merc back home on 2 cylinders – 18mph and strugling to enguage transmission in anything other than manual mode (1st gear). I called MB Breakdown who advised that they would be recovering the vehicle – I asked about a mobilo technician, they advised it would be better recovered (at this point thinking better for them as if it was contaminated fuel they would submit a higher bill to me ).Enterprise were great turned up within the hour with an Insignia -didn’t that used to be a budget deodorant ( anyway made my wife realise how privilidged she was to enjoy a Merc)told me they had no deisel Mercs as they were all off the road, but would get a petrol C Class to us by 6.00pm the following day -to their credit they did. A* for Enterprise. Car was collected by a local breakdown company (riggers boots and dirty overalls)- comment ‘is it going with all of the others’-panic-Google -CarsUK then following a onversation with MB customer services – very arrogant and conceited (think they are bulletproof ???- I Don’t think they may be good at poker though) decided to take legal advise from 2 of my colleagues -3 letters – 1 to customer services, 1 to MB Finance, 1 to MB Preston. Letter quoted Fit for purpose, sale of goods and services regulations (EU law) and unreasonable repair time. MB customer services advised I did not have the right to reject the vehicle (which I knew was incorrect, I work for a premium brand competitor, and had the full detail on Delphi manufacture quantities, vehicles affected etc and reason for some failing and others not), Dealer was MB Preston (dealer principal) phoned me and advised he would like to retain me as a customer (I was shocked after MB CS response), he asked what I wanted to do, I advised I loved the car and would consider downgrade to C200 (but was weary of the same OM651 engine and lower performance) or an upgrade to a C350 exactly the same spec and I would contribute, but would not accept the vehicle back. 2 weeks later and 4 very pleasant and reasuring phone calls later (with DP) I took delivery of an awsome silky smooth C350 CDI which is acheiving 47mpg from the showroom (13 mpg up on the C220) In summary If you bought your car from a good dealership you should not have any problems – Enterprise A*, MB Preston A*****. And yes I will return to MB Preston to buy a-n-other MB over and over. Whilst the dealer would not comment (very professional)I suspect they have been shafted by the mother company just like the end user -my advise is speak to your dealer, despite your annoyance be professional not angry, or it will get you off on the wrong foot with the one person who can probably help you.
Schalef says
Hi guys! We ordered a mercedes benz e250cdi in the start of februari 2010. Today we got a letter saying that our car has arrived and can be picked up on monday. Is there any chance that there are old injectors in it? Are the new injectors safe? I have’nt read any thing bad about them yet. What do you guys think? Is this problem only big in UK or in germany aswell? I live in sweden btw.. Thx for sharing some great information, im really glad that we (mercedes oweners) are taking care of each other, giving tips and providing each other with info all the time 🙂
Vincent Flynn says
I have just put a deposit on a 6month old MB 220Sport BE and have read all of the above. Have requested the dealer confirm the serial number of injectors and if the car was a reject car, only 3400 miles on clock. The car is to be supplied from MB dealer in York. Have given them until saturday 1300hrs to confirm or I will cancel the deal.
Thanks for the info.
Mark O'Reilly says
Mercedes Benz Customer service atrocious!!
First MB I’ve owned E220 CDI Sport Auto nice car collected in Nov however had same problem as everyone else with 8k on clock. Lost power on Easter Saturday 3rd April near Birmingham on busy M42 two hours into a journey to Cornwall with 4 passengers, plus luggage, bodyboards etc. Took MB breakdown more than 2 hours to get to us then they looked for a replacement car…only one available Kia Carens! which we eventually drove away in “5 HOURS later” exhausted and exasperated with 4 more hours to go!!! They said they would change once in Cornwall… they didn’t.
Holiday ruined! Kids wouldn’t go out in the Noddy Car!
Faith in MB ruined!
Faith in car ruined!!
Personal cost and time!!
MB couldn’t be bothered…. haven’t responded to my email complaint formally…Enterprise not bothered about providing another car for me. Enterprise wouldn’t return my calls!!!! Offered free service eventually…… not enough! Calls to MB free on 0800 number but then seem to be calling +31 at full cost… not seen bill yet.
If I treated my customers in the same fashion I would not be in business.
Car finally fixed and returned on 19th April so quicker than 4 weeks initially told.
I would like to hand car back as on PCP….is that possible? Anyone know?Going to look elsewhere for another vehicle.
S McMahon says
C250 CDI Sport. Purchased Nov 09, covered 5.5K miles.
Died on me today. Was fortunate enough to roll into nearby garage forecourt. Car wouldn’t even drive on to very flat low loader so limp home mode is certainly misleading.
Tad concerned as sounds like a fairly significant issue. Incidentally my first MB after only ever having driven BMW (with no issues) for last several years. Mmmmm? good choice ??
S McMahon says
Mercedes Benz Fuel Injector Problems
m gould says
C250 cdi 5 months old 3500k broke down on saturday pm near my MB dealer so limped the car there only to be told that its no good bringing it here as we cannot provide you with a loan car. (All out, Wonder why) Your best bet is to drive down the road away from the dealer and call out MB assistance and they will recover the car and give you a hire car. How’s that for a good dealership. But, i must say that my car was recoved within two hours I made my own way home (wife picked me up in her reliable swift sport) and a E200cdi was delivered to my door an hour later. Have today, thursday, only 5 days later picked up my fully repaired car (i hope). So its a case of poor dealership to start with but ending in not Too much poor service in the end. Has anybody else got rusty brake calipers mine are red with rust and look horrible. Dealer looking in to the problem , but will be surprised if anything gets done.
Les McGuffog says
my cars off back to merc next week,now have a bad vibration when braking, is this what happens when car sat for just under 4 weeks with hand sorry foot brake on rusting to the discs.
if new discs needed wonder who will pay for new discs and pads, cars only done 8000 miles, my old land cruiser much heavier and an auto never needed discs and pads lasted over 50,000 miles, another sign of penny pinching at merc?
John says
C220 bfi Had recall letter last week collect and return today within 6 hours, as well as new injectors- wiring harness check and software update, what do they check on wiring harness and what does the software update do?
Alan Gillies says
Wiring harness check is a routing issue, chance of abrasion and chafing so the wire is tied back elsewhere and cable tied in a preventative step. Software update may be the same one that pre-empted the injector failure for many, seen as a possible attempt at a quick fix. Then again it may be a routine thing unconnected to the injectors – not sure as mine was recalled back in December before injector failure for a fuel pump software update, I was told by the salesman that some people had experienced failures but didn’t know about the injectors at that time. I understand that another update was done while it was off the road after injector failure too.
Pete says
Seems like I’ve joined the masses of disgruntled B-Eff owners with this injector problem (4 months and 3.5k miles for me). To make matters worse a colleague in my office had exactly the same problem on the same day as me with the same engine (just a minor fault affecting a handful of cars eh?)
Clearly this is a major issue for Merc far bigger than their press release says.
I’ve been given the standard 4 week leadtime for the fix and since there are no Merc’s left to loan out they’ve provided me with a beaten up 3 door vauxhall astra as a replacement – not too easy getting a baby into the rear child seat I can tell you.
This stinks, and I expect to be getting some serious compensation from Merc over this, especially as this fault was clearly well known by them when they sold the car – interested to hear what other people have managed to get out of Merc as compensation for so far so I can pitch my claim at the correct level.
pier pistocchi says
Reject the car under the sale of goods act 1979. Mine had done 7700 miles and i successfuly got a rejection. It took a 4 week battle but now I am taking delivery of a new E350 cdicoupe sport for just £2500 more then my C250 cdi, in 9 days…worth fighting for
Alan F says
Collected my E220 CDi from the repairing dealership yesterday and travelled 150 careful miles home returning an average of 50.2 mpg. The car, after 4 weeks absence, seems fine but in view of the preceding reply post by mms I’m making further enquiries into exactly which series of injectors have been used as replacements. Thankyou for your post mms.
mms says
Alan, just to clarify, the first 2 paragraphs of my post are a quote from Jezzer B’s post above and I am querying the premise of his post and asking for evidence.
What is important for you is that there appears to be no failure trend from any of the revised injectors, be they V5 which were fitted from mid December 2009 onwards or V6 which apparently started to appear from Jan/Feb 2010. Generally any injectors that are currently being fitted will have been produced no more than 3-4 weeks before fitting. Basically if I were you, unless you see evidence to the contrary, I would not be remotely concerned about injectors versions as neither V5 or V6 appear to have the design failure of the earlier injector.
Alan F says
mms….ah yes, many thanks for that. I’d misread it in haste.
Jezzer B says
There seems to be a bigger issue that drivers of MB are unaware of relating to the injector problems on OM651 engines. There are in fact some 80,000 vehicles affected by this problem each vehicle having 4 injectors = 320,000 injectors at fault!
Series 5 injectors were being fitted tot he earlier failure vehicles which will need to be replaced with Series 6 injectors once these become available from late Spring.
Note to all MB owners affected by this problem….ensure you get Series 6 injectors fitted ASAP. All vehicles being fitted are having Series 5 injectors currently.
Corporate (fleet drivers) will get preferential treatment over retail customers so be warned and make yourself a pain in the backside to MB customer services.
mms says
“series 5 injectors were being fitted tot he earlier failure vehicles which will need to be replaced with Series 6 injectors once these become available from late Spring.
Note to all MB owners affected by this problem….ensure you get Series 6 injectors fitted ASAP. All vehicles being fitted are having Series 5 injectors currently.”
I am not aware of a failure trend with the version 5 injectors so can you state why exactly they “need to be replaced” and more importantly why you say “ASAP”. Can you please evidence what will happen if this isn’t done ASAP. Also how does one specifically distinguish V5 from V6 injectors?
Stephen M says
Took Delivery of my C220 CDI back in December, after it was originally supposed to be early Nov. I was told this delay was due to MB not releasing new C220 and C250s for some reason, upon investigation I now know why! Have only done 4500 miles.
It went in last sunday and was just told that they are “still waiting on injectors”
MB immediately sorted a temp Car from Enterprise (brand new E250) however I’m now worried that this will go also!
First and last time I’ll be getting a Merc and definitely wont be recommending them as company cars to my colleagues.
NIck M says
Update on the injectors that I was told were arriving, (now you see them now you don’t).
because my car is on the “recall” list, I was told that the injectors were “at the factory in Milton Keynes” and would be with MB on Tue, then Wed, then Thurs, Then Fri, then Sat or Monday – and they still haven’t arrived.
Its now over a week and I am thinking – should I settle in for the long haul. Can feel my ire gathering momentum, can’t help thinking that they shouldn’t have sold me the car in the first place. (mid Dec 2009. Am planning to go in and ask for my money back.
All experience and advice on this process would be very gratefully received.
pier pistocchi says
Mine broke down after 7700 miles,and I refused them to attempt a repair and did a letter rejecting the car under the Sale of Goods Act 1979, section 14. Unfit for purpose, misrepresentation by MB for knowingly selling me a faulty vehicle, threatened them with legal proceedings. After a 5 week wait they finally accepted a buy back of my C250 Sport for £957 less what I origanlly paid. I did dangle a carrot and said I would buy an E Coupe 350 if they did this… that may have helped
Fight , fight, fight, is what I say
Gillian says
Well, looks like I’ve joined the masses with faulty fuel injectors.
Received a recall letter a couple of weeks ago for my 250cdi sport (new in Dec 2009 and has done 6000 miles). Booked in for Friday just gone, but once we got there they told us they didn’t actually have the parts (but did the other recall on the software)
This morning on the way to work it failed, went into limp mode, hardly any power and very juddery. Called MB Assist who agreed it was probably the fuel injectors (as did the breakdown van and Enterprise) and now waiting on Enterprise to deliver a replacement (they tell me it will be an S class)
So far was feeling quite happy with how it was being dealt with…but now having done some searching and come across this page and similar I’m feeling very angry that I was sold a car with a known issue, and feeling thankful that I was driving through a village and not in the fast lane of the motorway at the time!
Car should be on the way to MB Brooklands now for repair so will have to wait and see what they asy about timescales and compensation.
Gillian says
Well I have to say everything has been dealt with very efficiently. Received 58 plate S class shortly after my previous post as hire car. Had a call from MB Brooklands that afternoon to let me know that they’d diagnosed the fault, it was the fuel injectors, and that the parts were taking about 5 days to come in. So was fairly suprised when I recieved a call less than 48hrs later saying the car was ready to be picked up. All in all service both by MB and Enterprise has been great.
I’m still annoyed that I was sold the car with a known fault and will be raising that seperately with customer services, but the experience hasn’t put me off Mercs, and I love driving my car!
Stan Crowley says
Orderd E250 in january 2010 From MB Warrington, told i would be able to collect it on last week of March or first week in April.
Now being told it will not be available until July due to the injector problem. Called MB customer care to check if dealer was telling the truth they denied that there was a problem.
Saying they would check with the dealer and get back to me within 5 working days, day 3 and still waiting.
After reading this forum i am going to cancel on Monday and get some thing different thanks for the information.
HR says
48 hours after getting my repaired E220 back im getting 42mpg on motorway & 32 mpg urban its still fuel thirsty does anyone else have better mpg figures?
Garry Cleaver says
I must be the lucky one. I bought my C220CDI Sport Estate from Mercedes Benz Shrewsbury 14Th October and it was a pleasure to deal with them. I had recently bought and quickly got rid of a Honda Accord Tourer (about 3 months 2,000 miles) because I hated it except the ADAS whic was wonderful.I had problems with the radio/CD from day 1 but this was changed with very little inconvenience to me. Last Thursday I was at Shrewsbury MB and was talking with the salesman about what I had read about the Injector problem, when I said I had done about 3700 mile Richard said that was about the time the problems started. I went to Wrexham on the Friday and low and behold engine management light less power than my wifes Aygo. I called MB Help and was told it would be OK to drive to my son’s house and they would arrange to uplift the car and get me a rental. All went perfectly well until it came to the rental company (Enterprise) who said they had only got an Astra if I could collect it,I was not impressed, I called MB again and they weren’t impressed either. MB called Enterprise I got a phone call back surprisingly they were now offering to deliver the Astra and to be honest I was pleasantly surprised with the Astra. MB wanted to send my car to North Wales MB I said I would prefer it to go to Shrewsbury and this was what happened I was told it would be about 3 weeks. In the post on Saturday I got a recall letter from MB. I called and told MB Shrewsbury on Monday and I was asked if I could Fax this to them as it could be that injectors were pre allocated to my car so I did this. Monday much telephoning to Enterprise re an MB hire car a petrol C class saloon was delivered on Wednesday and the Astra taken back. Thursday a call from MB Shrewsbury saying the car was ready. When I arrived to collect it it was beautifull clean and ready to go and the dealer said they would organise the return of the hire car.
To be honest I think the dealer has been superb and always courtesy itself. The car is a delight to drive if, electronically, a little basic compared to Honda but when I compare the way I have been treated this time, compared to the 17 warranty faults I had with my VW Passat was exemplary.
Well done and thanks to all at Mercedes Benz Shrewsbury who made this unfortunate experience as stress free as possible
David Mason says
Just got my C250CDi back after 20 days. Not sure if the parts are coming in earlier or if I have jumped the queue as I was making lots of fuss to the dealer and MBFS about a rejection which they were steadfastly declining.
This saga has been an eye opener and has shown just how little clout individual customers have. Both the dealer and MBFS refused to acknowledge the effects of the Sale of Goods Act. The dealer said he wasn’t responsible and it all depended on the decision of the manufacturer/distributor. MBFS wouldn’t get involved as a repair would solve the problem. Both denied that MB could have predicted that the car would fail before I took delivery of it (Nov 09) as they “don’t keep a record of the serial numbers of parts fitted to individual cars”!! Interestingly the service manager told me today that they have now started a recall program which rather suggests they do have a way of telling which cars are going to fail.
In the end I had to be pragmatic. I’m sure I would have won a rejection case if it went to court (and my house insurance legal expenses insurance were happy to take the case on) but I would have had to decline to take the car back today and also hand back the hire car leaving me without transport while the lawyers argued which could have taken months.
I have written again to the dealer explaining the above but giving notice of my intention to follow through on the rejection if it fails again. I’ve also demanded compensation for loss of use and extra expenses, but how that will be received I don’t know.
Best of luck to all those still waiting for repairs!
pier pistocchi says
Well my C250 Cdi Sport that I bought in October 2009 broke down in Feb, I immediatly rejected the car under the sale of goods act, initally MB refused my rejectione, threatened them with legals, and to cut a long story short,yesterday they bought it back from me for the full price I paid in October minus £956 towards the 7700 miles I had put on the clock.
I have now ordered a brand new E350CDi Coupe and cant wait!
CS says
Hi – We had the same problem with our c220 sport. we also rejected the car but they have refused what did you threaten them with and what dealer was it? was it the dealer or mb finance that agreed the buy back? sorry for all question just have completly lost all faith in this car. It broke down whilst i was in labour! thanks. you can email me on
HR says
Well after 26 days of waiting I have now got my E220 back, still no news from MB Customer service regarding compensation even though ive emailed 3 times chasing up!, gotta say local MB dealership & Enterprise were very good supplying rental cars I wish MB customer services could be as good! Too early to say if the car is living upto its promise of being repaired properly im missing the S Class rental already!
Harry Bury says
Having now trawled through the entries above and realised the scale of the problem I’ve done the following: Told Enterprise that their £500 excess wasn’t acceptable and had it reduced to £250 (still waiting for the e-mail to confirm) and learned that I’d moved from 4th place to 2nd place to get a Mercedes in place of the Avensis (horrible car). Spoke with Consumer Direct (Trading Standards) and then ‘phoned the dealer (MB of Notingham). Polite but sticking to the line that it’s four weeks for a fix and they cannot do anything about it. Told me quite clearly that if I wanted to talk about rejection/buy back I had to speak to MB Customer Service. Guess what? MB Customer Service are adamant that rejection must be processed through the selling dealer. They have logged my complaint and said they would contact the dealer, we’ll see. Next stage is to prepare and deliver a letter of rejection to the General Manager at MB of Nottingham. Sad really, the C250 CDI Sport is a lovely cat that I was really enjoying but as a long term purchase it has now lost all attraction and I’ve lost faith in the product. Like all the other threads, if I had not taken the initiative I’d just be sitting around waiting because no-one has made any contact with me.
Keith says
Just had call from dealer in Shrewsbury – my C220 has had 4 new injectors fitted – that is just 21 days after failure – could the supply be improving?
Has assured me it has been tested thoroughly and all will be ok – will find out tomorrow when I pick it up. Meanwhile waiting for reply from MB re compensation request (free servicing, extension to warranty + goodwill) – can only live in hope!
Les McGuffog says
monday just leaving Leeds to go to London and recd a call that Enterprise had located me a CLK so swoped the Insignia first merc since 23rd March.
This morning had a call to say the injectors had arrived and @ 5 30 a message to say done, still downsouth so will pick up Wednesday, hurray.
have been told that dealer \ merc will pick up cost of excessand provide me two year service contract , verbally at present..
TC says
Just picked up C250 today, failed 20th march.
Had windscreen replaced by them as well as there were loads of scratches on it and I was already comlaining about that, so 500 metres out of dealership needed to clean screen and passenger side wiper failed as the bolts on wiper not tightened after replacing screen!!!
Anyway back now and MB have offered 1 months lease payment and next service so waiting on that now, I am going to monitor the fuel consumption now as there are certain journeys that I do regularly and know the consumption to miles, that will be interesting.
NIck M says
spoke to MB Uk after I recd the letter re injectors. She told me that because I recd a letter my car had been identified as needing them and the parts are in the UK waiting to go to the dealer so it should be 3 – 5 days not 4 weeks…
to be continued
NIck M says
spoke to MB this morning. service guy said average for getting injectors was 4 – 6 weeks. my car went in today. done 3500 miles from new.
Why don’t they have them in stock? Or am I missing something
Do I have to pay the damage waiver cost to Enterprise for all that time?
seems a touch unfair….
Harry Bury says
My five month old C250 failed today with injector problems. Mercedes have instructed Enterprise Rental to provide a comparable loan car but they are struggling to locate a Mercedes because so many are already out on loan to other Blue Efficiency victims. The workshop in Nottingham were fairly honest, or so it seemed to me, but the salesman really wasn’t interested at all. I bet he’s still selling the cars though!
Profoundly disappointing so far.
David O'S says
April 8th – C220 Sport, 3500 miles, injector failure when queuing for embarks controls to board Le Shuttle in Coquelles. Limped onto the train, and just about got off at the UK end. MB assist were fantastic, recovery took an age to arrive, but Enterprise called and arranged courtesy car as I sat there. Car taken to MB Gatwick, who have not yet been touch. Enterprise initially provided a Prius, but exchanged it for an E320 the following day. Letter from MB recd on April 9th, to tell me about faulty injectors. Just called MB Gatwick who are awaiting spares, but unable to give me a time frame for repair.
NIck M says
Hey ho
Took delivery C220 Sport Blue Eff 16th Dec – and very pleased with it – after 2 years of BMW 325i Coupe. and then… this morning it all happened exactly as so many above. light came on, no power had to crawl across main road to side street.
Enterprise v g but only Mondeo (what a big car) and mine going into MB tomorrow morning – where I bought it. Hope its not 4 weeks.
Now I think about it, when it was due for delivery they delayed it for quite a few days to do something to the “ECU” wonder what that was,
I got a letter from MB two days ago about a recall re injectors and booked the car in for two weeks hence, amazing that within two days the car conked out
– they must have known when they delivered the car that there was a problem with it
– more importantly, will this affect resale value in 3 yrs – car is on PCP with guaranteed buyback price etc
Will update when (hopefully) they call me tomorrow
Sandy Michie says
re my earleir post – many thanks for the responses and guidelines. My MB E220 CDI broke down on 7th April – was given a small Corsa the complained then yesterday was given a C180 sport – better than the Corsa. Enterprise Said that was the best Car they could provide – any comments please?
MB garage told me last Friday that my car was no on thier recall list – did anyone know they had a recall list? Then 2 hours later a MB engineer called me to say the problem was with the Injectors. They have ordered them and expect delivery in 3 weeks – how does this relate to other suffering MB drivers?
Understand the dealership I am dealing with is owned by MB and is not a franchise operation – does this make any difference when complaining or the service provided?
Any guidance on what sort of compensation I should be pushing for. Read that soem people have recd a £250 voucher against future products/services; one years warranty extension: Others – any suggest on how best to challenge MB and get compensation – Yesterday IO sepnt two hours getting to and waiting for Enterprise for a replacement car…..
Jaime says
I have set up a facebook group to document these failures whether it be a C or E class or any other class which is relatively new and the fuel injectors have failed. This group could be useful if enough members joined who have had these problems. Please add this to any forums in your own countries so that we can all get together in one place.
Sandy Michie says
Hi Jamie, have updated facebook. Thanks for the good work u doing.
Les McGuffog says
i’ve had calls from Merc assit today, enterprise manchester, enterprise head office, another car hire company CCL, to say still trying to sort out a more appropriate car, 2+ weeks since breakdown on 23rd March, not sure when will unless, i can travel 100+ miles round trip during work hours to collect a C class!!
They did change astra for an insignia 1.8 which rides harder than a cooper S, 800 miles this week, okay if road smooth, oh give me my merc back please
i’ve been told even though there is an S class sat there doing zilch can’t have it!!!
Do you think they can coat a merc with the same no stick product the assist team use, as that will give excellent paint protection!!!
Willie Callaghan says
Your web site has given all the info I needed regarding the problem of the injectors. My C220 Estate broke down and had to be recovered. The driver of the recovery truck said straight away that it was the injectors as he had dealt with a number of MB breakdowns in recent months with the same problem. Although I was disappointed with the breakdown MB have made amends by supplying me with a replacement car in the shape of a new 59 plate MB. ML350CDI for the duration of the repairs. They can take as long as they like to repair mine. To be fair MB have been great they delivered the replacement car the following morning to my place of work and also covered the taxi fare to work. Well done MB first class service. (don’t rush I am having a great time with the ML).
Alan F says
My 6 months old E220CDI failed on 20 March 150 miles from home. Mobilo took 2 hours to reach me due to heavy traffic. Took me to a nearby rendezvous point to collect Enterprise Hire Vehicle (Ford Mondeo which I had to accept due to weekend opening restrictions etc.) I was then told belatedly by Mobilo that they could have willingly taken me and my broken car home (150 miles) so I could have arranged repair with my local MB supplier !
Phoned by the repairing MB Dealership on the following Monday who were less than economic with the truth. Told me that they ‘suspected’ faulty injectors without even first having completed any diagnostic checks. My suspicions were immediately aroused and then I discovered, like many others, the real truth online !
The same day I visited my local Enterprise who upgraded me to an S320 without hesitation. Excellent service ! I now intend to await completion of the repair before I embark on either compensation or litigation with MB Customer Services.
*NB In response to Sandie Michie (above)…get your courtesy car upgraded ASAP.Bang the drum either with your supplying MB dealership or your replacement car supplier. Tell them in no uncertain terms, ‘If you’d wanted to drive a Vauxhall you would have bought one and not a Merc !’
Good luck. Update to follow in due course.
Mike Jones says
You will find that MB UK is like a Teflon nothing will stick to them. You have to take your fight to your local dealer who sold you the car. If it is a lease car then the leasing company as technically you don’t own the car.The UK car distribution is a muddle! Before you waste any money on litigation figure out who you want to go after, and it is not MB UK they have no obligations towards you.
Alan F says
Mike…. You’re exactly right….I shall plan my campaign very carefully before setting my sights !
TC says
Update – 20 days on and no word of repair date. Have been emailing MB and speaking with dealer mo rejections allowed!
Was given gutless petrol C180 but internal door handle broke and couldn’t get out drivers door without undoing window! Good news there is I now have a ML320 csi 4 Matic on the drive to have a bit of fun in taking me back to the VW Touareg that I had until November when I went sensible and got the C250!
Gunning for compensation at the moment been offered a service and replace the windscreen which I was already complaining about, not finished yet though.
mms says
The dealer receives an email 24 hours before the injectors arrive to allow them to quickly schedule the work so they won’t be able to tell you anything before this. As of last week the lead time on the injectors was 3-4 weeks, so your breakdown on Saturday March 20 puts your wait today on 18 days, though more realistically, 16 days from Monday 22, when they had the earliest chance to order the injector pack. From my experience the injectors will be here within the next 5-10 days.
I too had a C180k and I agree that it was very dreary.
David Tovey says
My 6 month old C250cdi failed at 70mph in lane three of the M1 at a point where there are five lanes – how I got to the relative safety of the hard shoulder though lines of HGV’s I’ll never know! Great service from Mobilo – breakdown truck driver told me that the problem would be the injectors and that he had recovered 4 of the same model in the last few days. Car recovered to dealer and am told to expect a 4 week wait – hire car supplied, Vauxhall Insignia. Dealer obviously familiar with the problem and offered no more than what must be the Mercedes ‘party line’ – “its not Mercedes fault’ etc – which was the point I first ‘lost it’ and asked if that would be the line they would have used had I not made it across the M1 in one piece. Dealer informed me of two other upgrades and a wiring check needed in addition to the injectors.
Standard letter from Mercedes received with that £250 offer. First breakdown I’ve had in over 25 years and over the last five years have driven two Audis trouble free for over 250,000 miles. The C250 CDI is a really nice car but this is not the quality I expected from Mercedes – and they really don’t seem to care.
Sandy Michie says
This morning – my E220cdi – less than 6 months old with 13,000 kms on clock – broke down. Yellow engine warning light, no acceleration – engine runing very noisy. Managed to limp home. Called MB who advised me to call Mobilo – and within 2 hours faulty car picked up by breakdown vehicle and in posession of a replacement car – Vauxhall Corsa. Was impressed by how quckly MB responded then a chance remark by someone thought there was a known problem with the fuel injectors – and a search on the WWW highlighted the extent of the problem. Yes I was impressed by how quickly MB responded then anger when I realised MB have know about this problem for some time and must be aware of the growing number of incidents. Feel gutted that have been misled, gutted because my car has gone and am driving a Corsa, gutted because I always say – if you want quality then buy the best. Yup am gutted and angry. Tomorrow is another day….
Alan F says
Sandy, See my post below dated 8 April !
Gary Morris says
Just found out that I am one of hundreds it would seem with this problem.My car CD220i Sept 2009 plate,failed yesterday.In the last 24hrs everyone from the vehicle recovery company to the car hire company supplying a replacement knows about this!!
How come the owners of the £30K plus vehicles are the last to know!!
Raj Lall says
I came accross the link below, this may be useful if enough people join the group:
“Join the Facebook group “Mercedes Benz Fuel Injector Problems”.
To see more details and confirm this group invitation, follow the link below:
Cemberk Miçoo?ullar? says
Purchased a 250CDI 6 mounths ago. After 3 month my car failed to run so i delivered to its service.
They told me injection system’s cables were damaged by a mouse attack (or some animal like that) so they replaced 2 of 4 injections. (I paid that repairment costs.)
A week later my car failed on holiday road and 2nd time my MB was on the service road. This time they told me it is because of replacement failure. 2 injections failed because it had to changed by full 4 injection set. And so all injections replaced by a brand new set.
A week ago my car failed 3rd time on a business trip. i waited 6 hours at Antalya mountains for service car. At last they came and told me they knew about injection problems and they claimed it is only special for Turkiye because of poor diesel quality of country. And they told me they have new designed injections especially for this problem. If it fails again they assured me they will give me a new Mercedes.
They car is 83,813€ in Turkiye and i think that i bought a problem with it :S
Alan Gillies says
Monitored my fuel consumption over the last week when I’ve done 1400 miles mostly on motorway and got 41.4mpg according to the trip computer, some way short of the claimed extra urban figure of 58mpg. Spoke to my dealer this morning and he’s going to send a report to MB and see what they say.
For info, the previous recall about the wire tie-back wasn’t connected to the inector issue, it was a chafing risk due to the routeing of the wire so it’s been fitted with a guard and tied back elsewhere.
Ric says
I have a new e220d avant garde estate.I have done 1000 miles and it only averages 36mpg(40mpg doing 75mph for 1 hour).The sales bloke says it will take ages to loosen but I think that is rubbish.It is nowhere near officil figures.
peter rabaa says
Dear Sir
Do these problems extend to Australia?
pier pistocchi says
Well as I assume all Mercedes C & E classes with the 220 and 250 diesel engines are made in Germany, then globally every car is affected regardless to which country it got shipped to after it was made. My general opinion is that cars that are made here in Europe that are for the far way markets are more likely to have the older injectors in them as the cars got shipped over many weeks prior to delivery and made prior totheat…. ask a few MB dealers there about injector faliures, we would be interested tohear your comback on it!
Mike Jones says
The C Class is made in South Africa! The E Class in variety of places but they all source components from the same place. The problem is the Delphi injectors which are common to all Diesel Blue Efficiency Models. Therefore all Diesel Blue Efficiency Models are equally effected. The rumors are that some where between 80,000 (MB’s Numbers) to 180,000 cars (independent numbers)require the new injectors.
That is why MB stopped production of the engines to be able to catchup with replacing the injectors. All injectors on all Diesel Blue Efficiency need to be replaced worldwide. MB as near as damn it have come out and said that. That is why you see such huge wait times for the injectors, and no dealership can keep stock. Hence no recall, car’s have to fail before dealers can ask for new injectors. Then they are to wait for weeks. Crazy at it sounds this is how MB are approaching this also fiasco.
HR says
After 11 days driving an Enterprise 2 year old E250 around whilst my 2 month old E220 sport was waiting in the garage I had enough & blew my top with both my local MB dealership ( who informed me it would be another 17/18 days for the parts t arrive)& Enterprise and told them i wanted a new car within 24 hours or they could take the 2 year old E class back & i would rent another one & bill MB for it and surprise surpsise within 1/2 hour I had a call from Enterprise saying a brand new S Class was wiating at the Enterprise garage for me! So i am now driving the S class (what a fantsatic car)around and dont really care when the E class is ready as i would gladly swap if offered the chance! My suggestion is moan like billyoh until your happy, fair play to Enterprise though they have been really good unfortunatley the same cannot be said about MB service dept!
g.bradley says
mercedes benz are trying to fool their customers not answering questions i have had no feedback from dealership principal,of greyfriars court milton keynes were i purchased my e250 sports,mercedes customer service is no help whats so ever, you spend 35500.00 they dont care once got your money thats it dont find acar for you ended up hiring from hertz as we need automatic have not paid up yet. i put astop on first repair they are not having it i am going to drop car at dealership then they will no i mean business must be some way of rejecting your car .Its dreadful that the customer gets treated like shit mr g bradley
Gaz says
my car has suffered the same fate – twice! The first time I was given an old C class as a “suitable” replacement. The second time I was given a c class, this was switched to an old E class, then was switched back to a C class when the wipers stopped working, and now i’m back to an old E class; meanwhile i’ve had to carry on making monthly payments for a brand new e class whilst driving used sub-standard vehicles.
I had a call from Merc yesterday telling me that my E220 CDi was now fixed and ready for collection. The repairs have taken five weeks this time round. I’ve told them that i’m rejecting the car as unfit for purpose and i’ve quoted the sales of goods act etc. I purchased the car in Sept 09, it broken down in November and then again last month. I’ve had absolutely enough and I have decided to sue. The only “deal’ i’ve been offered thus far is 2 months of finance payments that i’ve had to pay whilst my car has been with Merc. That’s not compensation; i’m entitled to that come what may!
If others are interested i suggest that we consider a group/class action; that would save costs and have more of an impact than single isolated trials scattered around the country. I also suggest that we involve watchdog and expose merc for what it really is.
David Mason says
I’ve written formally to the dealer to reject the car and he says its up to MB to deal with the issue and seems to deny the applicability of the Sale of Goods act.
I’ve also written to MB finance as the car is on an Agility HP scheme, so in law the car belongs to them and they are responsible for putting things right. Had a reply stating that the dealership has the right to repair the vehicle.
I suspect the MB organisation as a whole are stiffening their attitude in the face of the increasing number of rejections they are receiving.
When I spoke the the dealer principal on Monday he said that parts were coming through in 10 to 14 days so the delay in repairing the car would not be unreasonable, however when I checked today with his own service manager I was told it would still be upwards of 4 weeks as they are only getting a couple of sets of injectors in each week and I’m seventh in the queue. The poor bloke sounded like he had had enough and was clearly under pressure to be economical with the truth.
I (like many people) have legal expenses insurance as part of their house insurance so I’m waiting for a call back from them to see if they will take it up on my behalf. Perhaps it’s a tack others could try.
pier pistocchi says
Does anyone know or recommend a solicitor that specialises in consumer law?
I am trying to reject my 4 month old 250cdi that broke down 4 weeks ago due to injector faliure, on top of 4 months of other small teething issues.I did a long standard letter “sale of goods act 1979 section 14 blah blah blah, not fit for purpose, blah blah, misrepresented blah blah” I have dangled the dealer a carrott by saying i will buy a E350cdi off him if he buys back my car. I have had 4 weeks of waiting for MB UK to come up wuth a yes or no. Last week i was indicated they would buy my car back at the full price i paid minus 1% for every 1000 miles it had covered (7,700 before breaking down) so I was happy with that. Now yesterday the dealer said MB wont accept my request fro rejection and cant tell me how long it will take to repair. Trading Standards say a reasonable repair time is 7-10 days but I am still hearing stories of up to 8 weeks to get the lastest injectors in
I wanna now go legal, so can someone help me please
Tim Dodsworth says
Result, I have now had my E250 back for nearly four weeks and covered 6300 miles with out a problem, the car is perfect and doing what it said it would on the packet, so to speak. I am achieving 10.14 miles per litre on average still improving, mostly motorway driving. I can’t say that the whole experince has not left me thinking what do I buy next, but for sure it will not be through Portsmouth MB. Good luck to all of you still to get your problems resolved, for me I’m pleased to be able to close this chapter in my motoring experiences.
Gary Betts says
Well really that is my point. Why would the principal/owner of 3 large MB dealerships suggest that the supplier was Japanese rather than European when we all know that it is is Delphi. Even the front line staff have mentioned Delphi by name. Maybe it was just an aberation or ………..?
mms says
I assumed that he either made a mistake or was misinformed about the nationality of the supplier; I can’t envisage another angle. I’ve never been surprised at how little dealers or their employees know about the detail of their product. They may have been told that the injectors are made Delphi by MB or more likely by clued-up customers, but beyond that they are less likely to know about DDS and where the manufacturing is based. It’s possible that I’m missing your point, but in the dealers statement, it seems to me that whatever the nationality of the supplier is, it’s of minimal importance. In this day and age, bit of a result to get a personal written response, especially from a car dealer.
Gary Betts says
I had occasion to write to my local dealer i.e. the dealer that handled the repair as opposed to the dealer I bought the car from – it was an ex demo and my local dealer could not source the model I wanted. The purpose of the letter was to thank the service staff for their co-operation and politeness throughout the injector debacle. After all it was not their fault and they did the best that they could under the circumstances. I had a reply back today from the dealer principal which included the attached paragraph. If true it puts everything into a slightly different perspective. I would welcome your comments.
“Also, sorry about the injector problem, it is a temporary hiccup on what is a great New Engine. It was caused by faulty manufacture of injectors from the Japanese supplier. Unfortunately 80,000 cars had already been built and delivered when the problems occurred, so as you can imagine it has caused panic all round. I have to say that the Germans on the manufacturing side have done a good job under the circumstances. MB shut down production in order that the supplier could cover the backlog, which unfortunately took some time despite 24 hour 7 day a week manufacture of parts.”
mms says
The supplier isn’t Japanese, it’s the European arm of Delphi, originally American but now multinational, operating as Delphi Diesel Systems, manufacturing out of Blois in France. Otherwise the statement is correct and like you I have found the guys on the front line to be doing their very best given the limited information they received from MB and the huge logistical scope of the task that the failed injectors present. I hope and trust, for their sake as well as ours, that the matter has been resolved.
Mr Andy Matthews says
I last posted some comments on Monday to explain that my C220 Sport was entering it’s 5th week in the garage and that there was no news on delivery of my injectors at this stage.
In fact, my injectors had been delivered last Thursday but nobody had the decency to tell me. I was told that once the injectors arrived that the work on the car would only be a couple of hours and I could drive away the same day?
Obviously this was not the case and have since found out that when the garage road tested the vehicle the engine management light was still showing. This was diagnosed as a seperate fault and the altenator needed to be changed.
I was told this only this morning and waiting with anticipation for the call to say “all is well with your car and you can come and collect it” was actually a call to say that there is in fact ANOTHER problem!
The ECU (Electronic Control Unit)had now failed and a new one has been ordered. It will be with the garage in 5 working days which in real money means that my car will have been off the road going on 7 weeks!
The dealership and MB Cust services both assure me that the matter will be compensated and I have been invited to meet with the after sales manger when my car is ready to collect.
Really had enough of this mess now!
GP from Belgium says
hello Mr. Andy Matthews
I had the same problem: break of the 4 injectors, replaced fairly quickly (3 days) with 4 new injectors (serial number starting with 10062) and the computer which crashed 10 miles after replacing fuel injectors . For information, it appears that this problem is recurrent. Several of my friends and fellow-sufferers have told me this.
Since (only) 400 miles, I found my vehicle as the early days, ie silence, flexibility and reasonable consumption. I asked for compensation for Mercedes-Benz. I await the answeer.
GP, GLK 220 CDI, Belgium
les mcguffog says
As the person quoted in Whatcar having had meltdown in the o/s lane of the M60 on the way to Stockport, and a week enjoying the pleasure of quality motoring in an Astra.
It would appear it is about time that we the public let the rest of the public know about the problem.
I would suggest that we all write / email relevant newspapers.
yorkshire residents try
Fred Manby (motoring journalist)
Yorkshire Post
Yorkshire Post Newspapers Ltd
PO Box 168 Wellington Street
Telephone : 01132 432701
have also just emailed the editor at Daily T as couldn’t find a contact for motoring section.
Lets stand up and let our voices be heard, a united front is needed.
If anyone else contacts papers let us know so we too can do the same
a week plus later, still in an Astra
Gary Betts says
Just to let you know that I e-mailed the Daily Mail twice regarding this fiasco late Feb and early March. The first e-mail received no response and the second received a read response and the name of the individual reading. However not a snippet in the paper since. This whole thing has been hushed up better than any secret service agency could manage!
Malcolm Inchley says
I too notified The Mail very soon after the time when they were happy to print dramatic headlines about Toyota. I also e-mailed Autocar in response to a glowing report they gave on the E250. Both met with deathly silence; makes you think doesn’t it?
David Mason says
I think this just confirms my point that the response from MB has been completely shambolic and has been left for the individual dealerships to sort out how they are going to respond.
My initial contact with the dealer was similar to yours but was immediately met with what was in effect a denial of liability which has just compounded my sense of annoyance and made me more determined to get a solution that suits me.
Hope you enjoy the C350CDi – I currently have an E320CDi from Enterprise and its nice to have a car which pulls away swiftly when you put your foot down and not with a 2 second delay which seemed to be the case with my C250CDi!
Jay says
I financed mine with MBFS through local dealer. Below is what I emailed the General Sales Manager at local dealer. After receipt of this email my rejection and refund was wrapped up very quickly. I never dealt with anyone else other than the General Sales Manager and they took care of the finance agreement.
“You may be aware my vehicle gave into the faulty injector problem a few weeks back. The vehicle was being driven by my wife with my 13 week old daughter as a passenger, I dread to think what may have occurred had the injector fault happened 5 to 10 minutes later than it did as she would of been heading north up Handcross Hill, luckily she was only driving at 30mph in Cuckfield when all power was lost!!
I have decided to reject the vehicle due to MB knowing of an injector fault at time of collection (20th October 2009) and not making me aware prior to this. Had I been made aware that there was a fault I would not have taken the vehicle as it would be deemed dangerous as I spend a lot of time on motorways for my job and on weekends it’s used by both me and my wife with our baby as a passenger.
For the reasons above I have lost all confidence in this vehicle and my wife has made it clear she will not be happy to drive it again, the latter a shame as previously I had BMW’s for 5 years and she never liked driving them but loved the C Class, coincidently during those 5 years I never had 1 breakdown over 4 BMW’s !!
Please contact me at your earliest convenience as I would like a resolution to this ASAP.
Best regards”
I’m a little surprised to hear of the way some people are treated, I was calm throughout and knew my rights as a consumer, as you can see from the above I never even mentioned my rights or threatened legal action – perhaps i was very lucky with my dealer but still if a vehicle was collected anytime after October then it’s fair to say MB have absolutely no leg to stand on in terms of rejection as they were fully aware by then of the issue but decided not to tell anyone thinking it was just the odd few with problems!! Lastly, only threaten rejection if you mean it, I meant it and now drive a lovely brand new C350 cdi sport saloon – far better ride then the C250 cdi sport saloon with no difference in MPG.
Mike Jones says
You are absolutely correct, your legal recourse is to whom ever you bought the goods from, in this case it is the finance company toward whom you have an obligation to pay for the goods. That is the way that it also works with credit card companies.
So you should channel your efforts towards the finance company.
In truth the dealer sold the car to them and not you. I hope that this makes sense.
You may want to speak to a friendly lawyer if you know one, as the car distribution set up in UK is a sham. MB UK is a distributor of the car and takes no responsibility for anything! So legally you can not touch them.
David Mason says
Interesting phone call and exchange of emails with the dealer principal in Bristol yesterday where her flatly rejects his responsibilities as the seller under the sale of goods act. He also claimed that things were improving and parts should be available in 10 – 14 days, which completely contradicts his own service manager.
I wrote to reject my C250CDI (which broke down last week) under the SoGA as being not fit for purpose. I took delivery of it in mid November, well after MB were aware of the problems. My argument was that it had a fundamental flaw and, had I been made aware of this prior to delivery, I would have cancelled my order.
He has passed my complaint/request on to the MB UK directors (based in Maastricht!!) for them to deal with and was adamant that they had to sort it out whereas I believe the SoGA says that it is the seller and not the manufacturer of a product who is responsible. It makes no difference if its a car or a toaster!
This was confirmed in a phone call to Trading Standards, however they pointed out that, as the car was bought on finance (Agility HP agreement with MBFS) under the Supply of Goods (Implied Terms) Act 1973 (as amended) the finance company are ultimately responsible for sorting the problem out and any rejection should be directed to them and not the seller (dealer). I think this might be of interest to others as i suspect a lot of these care are bought on finance. I have now written to MBFS and will see what view they take.
I think this all goes to show that the situation is being dealt with in a totally unprofessional and ad hoc way with the dealers making things up as they go along.
Mr Andy Matthews says
By way of an update, it was the 26th Feb that I posted my C220 Sport broke down with this fuel injectors issue. I am now into my 5th week and today received a call from MB customer services (now a senior advisor due to length of time)to advise that as my case has gone over the four week suggested period that MB are telling everyone and that they would be monitoring the progress of my case before deciding on a compensation offer.
I guess this is fair as each individual case seems to be a differnt length of time off the road and as I move towards the Easter break with little hope of seeing my car, I’m guessing this could move into week six, which gives me a hugh reason to make some noise! and I will!!
Will post again when I know more…….
Steve Salisbury says
I got my 59-plate 220CDI C-class estate with 4300 miles on the clock back from the repairing dealers on Tuesday last week after the mandatory 4 weeks and it seems to be running fine. A quick check under the hood revealed a full set of new injectors with serial numbers beginning with 10 so I’m hopeful that it’s a permanent fix. Fuel economy at 53mpg on a long run seems as good as before.
I note the various comments about compensation and would like to know who makes the offer when asked – the dealer or MB Customer Services? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
Gary Betts says
Steve. It seems to me that compensation is arbitary and depends how loud you complain. For me personally I initially recieved a cheque from MB CAC for £150.00 to “take my wife out for a nice meal” after I complained bitterly about losing a day of my life on a pre-planned trip. I later recieved a further voucher for £250.00 to be used against my next service after later complaining at 3 weeks when it appeared I was not going to get the car back in time to go on a break we had planned. As it happens I did get back in time. Other people on this site have mentioned getting 2 free services! It would seem that MB Corporate have acted in a most haphazard manner here without any definite strategy and are reacting in a head in the sand approach hoping that they can get away with minimal outlay while those that complain the most get awarded compensation. You would have thought that a unilateral approach to ALL customers would have been the correct thing to do. The car is beatiful, my local dealer has been very good but MB Corporate have been dreadful.
Mike Jones says
Injector problem for Mercedes
Friday, March 26, 2010
900 Mercedes owners contacted
Affects C- and E-Classes
At least four weeks to fix
Latest News
Mercedes-Benz has contacted 900 of its UK customers whose C- and E-Classes could be affected by a problem with the car’s fuel injectors.
The problem concerns diesel C- and E-Class models built between last summer and November.
Mercedes says the problem can manifest itself by either the engine running roughly at idle, an engine warning light coming on or, in the most serious cases, the car goes into limp-home mode, where two of the engines four cylinders switch off and therefore the car’s power is halved.
While 900 customers have been contacted to have the injectors replaced, Mercedes says it’s not an official recall because it’s not a safety issue, but a comfort and refinement problem.
‘The cars are still safe to drive,’ confirmed a Mercedes spokesman.
What happened to a Mercedes owner
‘The management light came on and the engine went into limp-home mode – I was in the outside lane of the M60 in morning rush hour,’ said one E-Class owner who got in touch with What Car?.
‘The car was recovered within 30 minutes, but the dealer says I could have to wait six to eight weeks for the fix.’
Mercedes told What Car? that the fix should take four weeks to fix and customers will be offered suitable replacement cars. Vehicles built after November last year are not affecte
Les McGuffog says
My E220 failed on tuesday whilst in the outside lane of the motorway and there is no safety issue!!
Supplied an Astra, which accepted as didn’t know what the problem was, xcess £500 and I’ve been paying £5/ day to waive.
Spoke to enterprise as car broke down in a different region to where I live basically they can’t be bothered as too much hassle to deliver a car elsewhere.
spoke to assist on Thursday when told what problem was, they said would look into an get back. 24hrs later nothing.
spoke to some department rumoured to be customer services – supplied a car and all they were duty bound to do!!! said would investigate but complaints procedure would take 10 days.
I had emailed a mag as so they could warn readers over the problem as I had seen little in motoring mags.
Had a call at 5pm Friday from another company to say they had been authorised to provide a similar type of car – date not confirmed but hopefully this will be monday.
And merc had top customer services department!!
I know not the guys at other end of phones fault, but I was polite and I did not pay £28k to drive an astra for 4 – 8 weeks
ooh and definately can’t have a car with a tow bracket, and it was for towing weight bought an E rather than C.
Deep joy – 6 mercs – is this the last one?
I ask do we reject?
Trading standars also suggested contacting finance company and threatening to hand back to them – merc finance may find themselves with lots of newish cars to sell shortly.
Martin Bennett says
Both my E250’s have been off the road for a month each with the same problem.
I started with a Astra from Enterprise but when I contacted the Dealer that sold me the cars (Priory, Hull) they instantly gave me a C220 until Enterprise had a merc 2 days later.
Now both cars back and the offer on the table is 2 free services for each car.
I suggest you rattle your dealer.
Good Luck
Les McGuffog says
comment from the sales person at York was don’t know what they could do to help.
Based on some of comments above will be contacting them again on Monday.
Martin Bennett says
I live in York and the lack of enthusiasm from the York dealer made me buy my cars in Hull.
Just remind them that they sold you a vehicle knowing there was a fault with it.
They are also obliged to repair your vehicle within 3 weeks of breakdown.
Good Luck !
Fanie van Wyk says
My E250 CDI was delivered in South Africa during September 2009, but not released becausse of the injector problems. I was told the injectors were replaced and took delivery on 10 February 2010. On 24 March 2010 my car started, but had no power and was not able to move at all. It had to be towed away. The answer 2 days later “Diesel injector problems”
pier pistocchi says
I have got a load car from Enterprise today after my c250 sports broke down 3 weeks ago. The loan car is a brand new 10 plate Eclass saloon diesel. Its de-badged and by the way it drives id say its a 250 cdi. its only done 300 miles and i looked at the injector serial numbers begins with 09330…so an old batch on a brand new 10 plate car……
mms says
It is somewhat unlikely that this brand new W212 has been fitted with defective injectors. The serial number as a means of identifying the injector version or whether it was from the old defective batch is a myth and I recall you specifically being told this on a Mercedes forum. Think of it logically; why would MB knowingly fit a brand new car with injectors that were likely to fail, necessitating a costly recovery, customers expenses and further dissatisfaction? With that logic, they might as well just stick a defective batch in the customer’s own car, send them off and save themselves the rental expense.
pier pistocchi says
” Think of it logically; why would MB knowingly fit a brand new car with injectors that were likely to fail”
Well they did…to over 150,000 cars..and thats why we have problems and hundreds of web page forums discussing it…
Just because the car itslef is registered as a 10 plate does not mean that the car is brand new. Some 10 plate cars people are buyig were made months and months ago, and the compnents of those engines perhaps even earlier, These cars are have likely been sitting in a compound somehere in Germany stockpiled waiting for dealers across Europe to order them in, the dealers order them in advance in popular specifications to
1. get their qaurterly bonuses for buying x amount of cars to hit their targets and
2. When a customer decides to buy a brand new car they are not given a 3 month waiting time, but 10 days like mine….also it stops people buying from other dealers that didnt pre-order cars that dont have the spec the cutomer wanted.
mms says
No, it’s somewhat unlikely that MB knowingly fitted brand new cars with injectors that they knew would fail and no, this is not what the vast majority of forum contributors have been asserting or discussing. The hundreds of pages that started in roughly Sept/Oct 2009 were initially reporting the increasing number of failures, then discussing the nature of the problem, what might be causing it, MBs resolution attempts and handling of the problem and the customer service. A tiny minority have been seized with the notion that the MB have deliberately fitted injectors that they knew to be defective to their new engine and happily shipped these cars to their customers. A subset of this minority believes that MB is knowingly continuing to fit their new cars with these defective injectors. Why MB would engage in such a process simply defies any business logic and I have yet to see any hard evidence to substantiate these claims. If this is a clear and common practice by MB, could someone please supply the evidence?
Over the last 20 years I’ve ordered several BMWs, 2 Audis and this is my first MB. My wife has had mainly VWs and Audis in the same time frame. Colleagues and friends have ordered many of these brands. On almost every occasion that I recall the car has been built to order and a delay of 3 -6 months has been the norm. Apart from the odd cancelled order or showroom model, never have I been made aware of a stock of cars with popular spec available in 10 days. When my W212 failed for the 2nd time I was offered an E350cdi upgrade, and when I asked how long I would have to wait, given that I was then in one of Enterprises smaller cars, it was made clear that whilst they would check for any cancelled orders or showroom stock, it would be 12-16 weeks for the car to be built. This didn’t surprise me as I’d waited 16 weeks for my W212, as has anyone else I know who has ordered a Audi, MB, BMW or VW. Everyone knows that all of these manufacturers make their real money from the huge options list and would be committing financial suicide by stuffing compounds with standard option vehicles that might never find a buyer. AFAIK Audi and BMW operate a just-in-time and just-in-sequence inventory control and assemble to order as opposed to plugging out standard spec cars. I find it utterly implausible that MB do not do exactly the same. If you have proof that there are airfields full of standard option W212s then clearly I’m wrong and need to have a chat with MB to ask why nobody I know has ever been offered these on a 10 day delivery as an option on every sale.
Nobody is saying that MB have been transparent, have handled this matter to everyone’s satisfaction or that we are home and dry with the new injectors. I think that MB corporate communication has been dire, despite the best efforts of dealer staff, many customers have been left in the dark and only time will tell if a slew of injector failures arise or not. Internet forums and boards such as this are proving invaluable for helping us see through the issues, ask questions and realize that our problems are common, but what undermines their value and is of no use to anyone here, is idle speculation and fiction presented and repeated as fact, only serving to confuse and needlessly whip up concern and anger.
Yes, Ian I also wondered about the 09319 serial as Piers also stated elsewhere that this was the threshold. Where are these figures coming from?
Ian K says
But earlier in this thread 09319 was supposed to be the threshold, so by your reckoning your 09330 would be the new batch…
PAUL says
Does anyone know the part number for the new injectors(if in fact they have been superseded) I am wondering if many of the users who’s vehicles have failed more than once, have been fitted with old ‘stock’ injectors.
mms says
As I understand it nobody has been receiving the initial defective injectors since the first new injectors arrived at the end of 2009. The people who have suffered multiple failures, including myself, had the individual defective injector replaced with another defective injector and thereafter one and sometimes two software updates which MB hoped would remedy the problem. Basically in October 2009, MB didn’t realize that Delphi had surreptitiously monkeyed with the production spec of the injectors and that no amount of swapping out or software updates was going to remedy the problem. Hence the new injectors, or rather the original injectors that MB had specified. So basically nobody appears to getting old defective injectors, which is why everyone is being told that they having to wait 3-4 weeks for the new injectors to be delivered.
RRV says
I suffered with the injector failure (E220 CDI) on 9th March 2010. Car was puchased on 20th November 2009. Recovery was quick and efficient. Enterprise offered me Vauxhall Insignia with a £500 insurance excess. I refused to take on £500 excess. Mobilo was phoned & the excess was reduces to £250. I am now annoyed as John Smith has zero excess. I would be interested to know what others have been offered. After 5 days car swapped to S class diesel Merc,. Although Inchcape estmated repair to take two weeks my car is still awaiting delivery of injectors. Inchcape say they are not offering any compensation , its up to Mercedes UK and can only be addressed after the repair. Again I am interested in the procedure others have followed. Is it a case of one who shouts loudest gets the most?
TC says
I too suffered the fuel injector issue Saturday 20th March.
I have since read most of the above posts and indeed have spoken with my local dealership who is handling the repair, but not the selling dealer as it was a lease from MB Corporate, my lease company have taken issue with them on my behalf.
Also had correspondence from customers services which seems to be the stock answer seen elsewhere too and not answering my questions, but have already offered the free service compensation which is no compensation at all!
Like others service of Enterprise and recovery been very good, though the Petrol C class I now have is a bit thirsty and gutless and they are trying to find me something else but running out of Mercs.
I also contacted my local dealership today to say that I wanted to get something from my car and the girl I spoke with disclosed they have 30 waiting repair, so the 4 weeks quoted ain’t happening, will be interesting later how many are lined up there.
John Smith says
Update from the 22nd . . .
The problem is indeed injectors, estimate three to five weeks repair due to unavailability of stock items.
I continue to be disappointed with the failure and the wider MB communications to its dealers and customers but, on the up side to date, I am finding that MB customer service is proving exemplary and this includes their contrators; Enterprise and the road side pick up service. Enterprise swapped out their Volvo yesterday for a new E Class and my selling dealership is ocvering the cost of zero excess liability for the duration. I am also being updated from the repair dealership as they committed.
I would be interested to hear from other contributors to this forum who they approached for their compensation. Is it MB through Customer Services, the selling dealer or the repair dealer or another. I think a common approach with shared expectations would be helpful to us all.
Vipul says
Hello All,
Got my car (C220 Sport) back today. Love it again. They assured me its a permanent fix. Customer service with dealer – excellent
2 free services. £100 as costs for excess fuel consumption on hire car.
I was very pleased with the above compensation, but to my surprise, just got a email from MB Cust Serv and have offered me £250 worth of accessories or service. I will obviously go for accessories. going to order a Iphone kit for my car.
warwick hudson says
Update from me…
got brandspanker e220 from Eprise to replace my awesome 1.6 insignia. Eprise service 1st class.
Calls in to MB Bolton with no response yet (waiting, timing).
No appology letter & No written acknowledgement from anyone, MB CS, MB Leeds or MB Bolton regards my complaint letter.
Got a call from MB Leeds today telling me I need to bring the car back for (3rd) recall due to wiring re-fitting? Asked when I would be able to bring it in. Told her that was entirely her choice as she has the bloody car for the next month!!!! Jebus H Christ!
I have a sneaky suspicion these minor recalls are all related to the injector problem and MB are trying to bodge a fix under the radar.
Rejection getting closer.
Vipul says
Sorry to know that you have joined the club. I personally think that it will be much longer than 2-3 weeks. I think you are looking at around 5 weeks before you will hear from them. Injectors for my car were ordered on 22nd February and they only arrived today.
Regarding compensation, you have to ask, or they will not give you anything.
Good luck
Alan Gillies says
My car was back in the dealer today for the aforementioned mystery wire tie-back, which I forgot to ask the reason for due to getting tied up in conversation with the service manager. He told me that he still has 4 cars awaiting repair but no mention of how long they’d been waiting. He also told me that MB have now started proactively replacing injectors(which admittedly seems strange since he has 4 broken cars waiting) but as my car has been back on the road for 2 weeks I can’t think of a reason he’d feel the need to make such a statment if it wasn’t true. I also expressed serious concern about my fuel consumption, averaging only 34mpg since the car was returned with no sign of any improvement. I agreed to monitor the consumption on a long trip planned this weekend and if it is still sitting at this level the car will be checked on my return.
My 2 year’s free servicing is now signed and sealed which I feel is fair compensation from the delaer but I am STILL awaiting a response from MB, now over 3 weeks since my last contact with them. Not impressed at all and getting ready to fire off a rocket to someone high up very shortly.
Vipul says
Hi Alan,
With regards to the 2 free service, how has the dealer formally confirmed? I know you mentioned above signed and sealed. Have they put you on 2 years service plan for free or it is just a written confirmation?
Alan Gillies says
I have signed documentation for 2 year’s free ServiceCare package, copies being sent to me in due course so I haven’t read all the small print yet but assume this will be binding in the same way it would be if I’d paid for it.
Keith says
Just received call from Service Manager – yes injectors at fault. Apparently they no longer replace individual injectors but all 4. They are also of a completely new design to the failing ones. Trouble is he now has to send a ticket to Technical Section at Milton Keynes and they then release the injectors – still takes 2 – 3 weeks though, why so long especially when this problem is so prevalent – or maybe they only manufacture/supply to order?. Told him that my previous confidence in MB engineering has taken a big knock – be interesting to see if any compensation is offered.
Vipul says
I received a call from the service manager saying that the injectors for my car are in today. so hopefully I will pick up the car by this Saturday. Will update you on the compensation/.
Rob Hallam says
My CDI 220 was towed away on 17th March. Yesterday I received a letter direct from MB UK apologizing for the situation and stating that they should receive replacement parts within 4 weeks, but no offer of any compensation. I will take this up with my dealer, but I don’t want to predjudice my position.
Keith says
And another one bites the dust………. C220 CDi Blue efficiency, bought new in November (looks like it was built in April’09), running beautifully until 9.00pm last night, 4400 miles, when engine coughs, management system warning light on, limp home mode. Manage to do precisely that despite some difficult hills – call MB and service is excellent – full info, call back within 10 mins to arrange pick up following morning between 7 & 8 ( any time now hopefully) and hire car – should have bought shares in Enterprise at around 10.) Am going to contact dealers and tell them that if it is indeed an injector problem then I want ALL injectors replacing. Watch this space!
Tony H says
I have continued to be ignored and fobbed off by MB and of last evening I was told by a senior manager at my delaership that they only had an obligation to keep the customer mobile and not to meet any out of pocket expenses that their customers may incurr with this problem! He went on to advise that anything that mb does beyond this basic committment is purely at their discretion. The guy who leased the vehicles to us (an area manager) told us (almost as if it was a state secret) that all mb dealerships were allowed to compensate up to £500 per vehicle per incident for out of pocket expenses without recourse to the head office!He said we should ask for compensation. The other dealership denied all knowledge of any such provision.
Seems to me that a game is being played here.
I do have some good news however. Credit where credit is due! Having explained the situation to Enterprise and my concerns over their damage checking the local manager promtly agreed that some of his staff were overzealous and gave me a written undertaking on damage limitations, upgraded my car and reduced the excess on my contract to match my own insurance on my dead mb. I cannot fault the service he has provided and he has changed my view of their company. I now have a brand new S350 (27 miles on the clock when recieved) for the duration with no unusual risk.
A simple and effective solution that sorted me out in under five minutes. Why nobody at MB could take the initiative like this is beyond me. It is a great example of customer care and now has me singing the praises of Enterprise when I previously had them down as a bunch of chancers. Mb should pick up a few tips here.
……so MB can take as long as they like. I am content in the knowledge that my new hire vehicle is racking up about £200 a day in expense for them.
Inspite of this recent good fortune and the experience of some of the others on this thread I would not return to mb if given choice. The customer care experience is dreadful.
Choong Yee Tam says
My C220CDI failed me at 6500km,about 3 months old then.
Since Mercedes had replaced all the injectors,I had no problem i.e after now clocking over 11,750km.
Take heart, if the injectors are replaced the car drives like a dream.The unpleasant experience would not deter me from buying another CDI from Mercedes.
Hopefully, the supplier of the injectors have corrected the faults
John Smith says
Ref: C250 Injector Problems + MPG
My vehicle has just been recovered from a roadside breakdown and the symptoms indicate injector problems(yet to be confirmed). This apart, I am also extremely disappointed at the MPG of this vehicle for which it has been into the local dealership twice, both times I was assured everything was fine even though the second time – 2 weeks ago, it was accompanied by a burning smell.
The MPG of this vehicle is less than my previous E280 and even on a run has a hard job to exceed 40MPG. How can they claim “Blue Efficiency” and gain Road Tax benefits with such marketing hype.
Chris Oatridge says
John, my 250 was exactly the same. I took delivery from new and thought that perhaps it just needed ‘running in’; however it never improved til my injectors failed at 3000 miles just over a month ago. If and when I get it back I do hope it improves past the 33 combined I was getting, which even on a 60mph cruise was 42 mpg at best.
Paul says
My E250 CDi Coupe is giving me 45MPG some on cruise and some with a heavy right foot. I’m up to 2200 miles on a car I picked up on Mar 1st, built in Jan 2010. the car is much better than my 320d M Sport Coupe. Providing it keeps going I can recommend MB to all I meet. Fingers crossed eh!
Tony H says
We leased two E220 SPORTS back in October from Daimler Finance. Both are off the road. Mine for the first time 3 weeks ago and my colleagues car for the second time a couple of days ago having had its injectors replaced in November! Whilst MB and enterprise have all been very efficient nobody has given a straight answer and we are still out of pocket. When you get a hire car you are lialble for the excess which can be as high as £1000. To get round this you can pay a damage waiver of 8 to 10 pounds per day. Of the three enterprise hire vehicles I have had in the last few years there has always been an attempt to make some charge for stone chip damage or scuffs to wheels. I have always made sure I have a photographic record of the condition before driving so have not been taken by the blatent money grabbing but in this case why should I need to bother. This is MB’s problem why are they making it mine and why should I need to pay again for insurance I already have and risk free motoring.
The latest estimate of us getting our cars back as of half an hour ago is 6 to 8 weeks! Bad enough but also a potential of £560 in damage waiver expenses not including what we have already spent in time and effort trying to get a straight answer.
My dealer in East London already has 15 vehicles in ahead of ours and the guy that collected the most recent failure said that he had collected a further 10 over the last 2 days! So much for MB’s small problem.
Every attempt to get them to pay for the waiver has fallen on deaf ears. So be warned. Take the hire car but be careful not to actually drive it on a road where random stone chip events may occurr.
I will never get another MB after this. Great cars but although very smily and sympathetic noises from the MB crew, pretty shabby treatment.
Thet knew when they leased us these cars that they would fail. DONT BUY OF LEASE UNTIL THIS HAS BEEN SOLVED AND EVEN THEN THINK BMW BEFORE MAKING YOUR CHOICE.
mms says
If I was in your situation I would simply reject the vehicles. It looks like you have a strong case. An alternative and even simpler would be to ask for a 350cdi at no cost to yourself.
Tony H says
We have issued a formal notice to them that invites them to address the problems in a timely fashion as per the terms of our lease. I like the idea of the bigger engine but it doesnt work for company cars on personal tax.
The problem here is that everybody agrees that what has happened is wrong and unjustified but nobody is prepared to committ to a solution.
We’ll post again when we get a response.
Chris Oatridge says
The insurance excess wavier is a bit of a kick in the gutts, particualrly when as you say Enterprise are very keen to check for damage. It is also quite obvious to me judging by the scratched and dented Insignia I have that they don’t actually repair the vehicles. I tried to get Merc to cover this, but they were not having it. However have since suggested that when my situation is resolved, something may get considered. The excess wavier was in my case capped at 10 days max, so £100.
GP from Belgium says
Hello everyone,
It is still curious that the replacement of the injectors is still too long. In Belgium, two days are enough. I am really surprised. Personally, I was helped out in two days. After that, I had other problems. The computer was dropped himself down. I have heard several times, that the computers broke down after replacing the injectors. After replacing the computer, everything is back in order, including silence, performances and consumption.
GP, GLK 220 CDI, Belgium
Vipul says
I am into 5th week now(Car went in on 22nd February). My dealer has been keeping me updated regularly. although the update is same every time, that they still haven’t received the injectors.
Anyone got the car back last week?
shlomi says
Important Update Delphi went bankrupt so have difficulties replacing
mms says
I can’t anything to indicate that Delphi have entered bankruptcy. Please post your source to verify the statement.
shlomi says
Delphi Corp
shlomi says
Vipul says
Please do not create rumours unnecessarily. The news is from October 2009, which says that Delphi is out of bankruptcy
mms says
I don’t understand your links Shlomi. They are from October 2009 and appear to contradict your assertion, actually proclaiming that Deplhi had in fact emerged from bankruptcy. Have you got any evidence to verify your statement about Dephi entering bankruptcy, as it appears that cars which are off the road currently being fitted with revised injectors, which are being freshly manufactured. The delay appears to be production playing catchup rather than any actual difficulties with the design and supply.
shlomi says
You’re right, they went frbankruptcy. But it explains the om difficulties in the supply of parts
mms says
I can see no link between them entering bankruptcy in 2005, exiting in 2009 and the injector supply problems. As I stated above it appears that the delay is solely due to Delphi playing catchup and they can only produce as many as they can produce. People are receiving injectors that are weeks old so they are certainly pumping them out.
warwick hudson says
sorry in the interest of being fair, I forgot to add something……
14:00ish Tom from Eprise calls, a hire Merc due back on Monday I can have. Good polite service from Eprise again
warwick hudson says
Hello Again,
for reasons of frustration and the wife sick of hearing it, I have decided (until bored, dead, busy) I will keep a blog log of my experience under the scandal that is this nonsense.
I will be objective; credit where it’s due and critisism where it is due also.
some is copied out of written notes.
Please read previous blah blah (started 16,03,2010 when this crap begun for me) for any past references from now.
reply and tell me to stop if you want me to stop.
Blah blah blah……
18.00 ish: Call MB CS regards the car breaking down. Recovery quick (55min). Car towed to York for the night, to MB Leeds (i presume) in the morning. Call MB CS, need replacement car asap; Eprise fast on the phone (30 min later), offer VX astra straight away or wait until a.m when main business opens. Reject Astra on basis i can get a better car no later than 9.00am next morning. Good fast polite service on the phone & all round with the recovery, ***** 5star.
08.30: EPrise call VX Insignia avialble around 9.00 (delivered); Agree as need car.
9.20: Car is delivered, nice polite guy that is embarresed to show me the amount of damage already on the vevicle and that its a 1.6. Admits its due for some cosmetic work, but very correctly shows me around the car and ensures all is recorded before I sign. Agree to drive him to his next collection. A credit to Eprise
10:00 Call MB Leeds as worried no body has called me. Guy tells me he’s not sure if its on its way but does not have it at the mo. Described problem; sounds like injectors. Asked if injectors how long will I wait; replied 4 weeks, told him this was too long for me. Asked how many he had in for this problem; answer 13 but rate going down.
10:30 MB Leeds call back; car on way, diagnostic later today.
3.00pm draft complaint letter in apprehension of the enevitable; demanbds are 10 working days repair with assurances or rejection. I have quietly decide I will wait until the appology letter from MB stating 4 week repair, then offer another 5 days on top of my 10 to show I’m “reasonable” as per trading standards.
4.00pm E-mail letter to MB CS, post hard copies tomorrow.
4.45 Call MB Leeds ( no call back on diagnostic); rings forever then most uninterested guy in the world answers. Promised call back by end of day (22:17 before bed, no call back yet!)
9.00am I Call MB Leeds, spoke Laura; confirmed injector fault and describes that the problem is due to glue used in Delphi injector manufacture. Cold weather has caused it to crystalise & fail. 4 week repair quoted, explained detail of my complaint letter / requirements and that MB Leeds would be copied. Very polite lady & and conversation on good terms.
9.30 Post 1st complaint letter to MB CS (MK), MB Leeds (repair) & MB Bolton (purchased) – 1st class recorded all.
9.35 Call MB CS; explain breakdown & dealer (leeds) quoting 4 weeks unaceptable as I need a relaible car for work. Tell I have posted 1st complaint letter to all MB and my requirements (10 days repair or rejection, SOGA 1979 etc)The lady asks what the failure was (?) and I tell her injectors. Tells me 4 weeks and unlikely to get it done in 10 days. Tells me to speak with dealer where purchaesed and rejection may not be an option dependant of the specific deal (fleet, etc). No problem, this car is bought with cash (just like jo public) by my company and rejection will be pursued. Explained not entirley happy with hire car through Eprise (but happy with Eprise service; good) – underpowered / battered & I accepted because I didnt realise I’d have the bugger 4 weeks. She agrees to speak with Eprise about a replacement and expect a call today (either MB CS or Eprise). I complimented her on her manner and was very impressed; polite and clear.
10.00AM ish Voicemail from MB Leeds, Guy confirms he’s recieved my letter, 4 weeks until parts and 10 days not possible. Asks I speak with dealer where purchased from (MB Bolton)regards rejection and acknowledges I have copied them with a letter too.
Polite guy, didn’t call back as busy – maybe pop in tomorrow. No greavence with MB Leeds (so far), this is a matter of procedure.
14.00 ish e-mail from my MD (been keeping him in the loop) offering to hire me a better car if MB / Eprise dont call (no call back from either yet regards a better car)
No appology letter yet (?)
MD calls MB Bolton; awaiting call back (nothing by 3.00pm, but they may have called back after that)
This is where I am up to now.
HR says
Bought my E220 CDI on 30th Dec 10 its got 6k on the clock working fine until today when it lost all power whilst driving on the motorway, managed to limp off to a side street & got the cat towed back home (50 miles away)for the local garage to say up to 4 weeks wait for replacement fuel injectors.Got an E class rental courtesey of MB but after reading the posts on hear i am very concerned i dont want the car back now, thinking abou rejecting it & going back to BMW 5 series!
Andy Hsu says
My GLK220 cdi has the same problem happend once in the end of Feb. It’s about 7500km when the engine lights on. It took only a few hours replacement of the new injectors. Hopefuly, my glk wouldn’t have the same problem again.
ps I’m in Taiwan..
R Lall says
If anyone has suffered complete loss of power i.e. engine cut out due to injector failure whilst driving please report to VOSA via the link below,
There is a link to a form at the very bottom of the page titled: Safety Defect Reporting Form
VOSA are very concerned that there is potential for vehicles to cut out completely and would like specific details to investigate further.
There is a serious concern that this may lead to injury or at worst death.
Please take the time to complet the form and return to VOSA.
Vipul says
My cars has been away for repair since 22nd February. After creating a fuss, got a email from the dealer. I quote the response below
I am sorry not to be able to give you good news, but the injectors are typically taking 3-4 weeks to come through. Yours is well into its fourth week, so I am confident that they will arrive imminently. I know this is extremely frustrating for you, but I hope you can bear with us for a few more days so that we can get your car back on the road for you and you can get back to enjoying the car to its full potential.
I guess there is nothing I can do, apart from waiting.
Richard FD says
I am awaiting delivery of my new C200 CDI. the dealer cancelled last week saying there had been a factory recall, delivery arranged for Wed this week, called me 17:10 Tue to tell me still not resolved & don’t know when the car will be ready & that the problem is due to injectors – starting to wish I had stuck with BMW – mercs dealer won’t even take my call or return call when message left!!!!!
warwick hudson says
A quick update of where I am with this nonsense.
From the very start I have decided I’m not going to be quiet and give them chance to bugger me about. I had a really bad experiance with a Subaru dealer last time and I’d be a mug to let them get away with this sort of thing again. So day 1 I have written to MB CS, MB Bolton (where purchased) & MB Leeds (where the car is for repair). Extract below…
Under advice from Trading Standards, I therefore respectfully ask that the car is repaired and returned to me within 10 working days from Tuesday 16th March 2010 and I receive in writing a guarantee that this fault & inconvenience will not happen again.
Failure on either of these points will result in my company and I rejecting the car under section 14 of the Sale of Good Act 1979 because of the following:
•The car was purchased October 2009 after MB was aware of the defective injector problem, therefore sold not fit for purpose / faulty goods.
•The car was recalled twice to dealer for “software updates” prior to the breakdown with no mention of this fault or action taken to proactively fix the faulty injectors there and then; seems like buying time by waiting for the fault to happen at my inconvenience. I understand you have a shortage of the Delphi injectors.
•I was never made aware by MB that there was a potential fault with my car; no product recall etc.
•This issue will affect the residual value of the car which will reduce how much I can spend next time.
•I have now lost confidence in the product and brand; my job requires reliable transport.
A bit dissapointed MB Leeds did not call me yesterday; I had to call them (2x) and was promised a call back by the end of the day which didn’t happen.
The first guy did tell me the 4 weeks min story and said he still had 13 in to fix. He did comment that the rate of failures did seem to be coming down over the last few weeks.
The clock is ticking..
tm says
c22ocdi sport broke down with injector problem got e class 250d on loan from enterprise guess what 5 days later e class breaks down same problem (2 cars in 10 days) MB dont who breaks down i am now driving vauxhall from enterprise waiting for my c220d=cdi back or i may drive it through dealers window
AJW says
Got my car (C220 BE CDI) back today exactly 1 month after it brokdown 16th Feb……. cleaned and valeted.. lots better than the C180 AMG trim, rental car from enterprise…. lets hope thats the end of this problem………………
warwick hudson says
C-Class C220 CDI (auto) just went pop last night. Engine light on and limp mode (sounded like a bag of spanners).
The guy that came to recover it told me it was injectors before he got out of the truck! Reckoned he’d recovered 25 diesel mercs in the last 2 months.
just 13K, only on the road 4 months with 2 safety recalls and now this. Really really bad.
been givin a 1.6 OPEL insignia from enterprise which is far from good enough and really worried having read comments on the net regards long waits for parts / repair / courtesy cars.
Haven’t heard anything from the dealership yet (Leeds).
Until this I had no idea there was a problem!
Question – does this problem knacker any other parts of the engine? I drove for about 1/2 mile before running out of steam up a hill.
ibrahim zumla says
i bought a mercedes benz 250 cdi. after a month it stopped suddenly on main road and would not start . mercedes took it for 10 days and said repared it, next coming from motorwarway onto a road car engine stalled and would not start. Mercedes took it and said injector problem. co that made it bankrupt so no fuel injectors. Could not repair it for 2 months. mercedes said they have 30 car in service waiting. I rejected the car both to mercedes and finance co . Finance co gave car back to mercedes who paid finance co. Now finance co wants 5 months renatls. i said no so legal action being taken by finance co against me. what is the position. Car had done 300 miles?
Jonathan Welsh says
My wife encountered problems with our 3 month old C class 220 Blue efficiency last Saturday. Symptoms were a complete loss of power and the orange engine diagnostic light coming on. Eventually managed managed to get it home and it was towed away this morning after I contacted Mercedes Mobilo. No mentiion of this problem by MB. The recovery driver told me there was a known problem with the injectors with this model when the vehicle was collected. This was the first I’d heard of it.
As a known fault, why have MB not contacted customers to make us aware of the potential issue. My wife was really upset because she thought she’d done something wrong. Forewarned is forearmed afterall.
I’ve been provided with a Vauxhall Insignia as a replacement. Hardly a comparable car. From what I understand, it can take up to 4 weeks to get the problem fixed. I have a trip to France planned at Easter, but under the terms of the hire agreement for the repalcement, I can only use it in the UK. Will MB provide an alternative vehicle which can be taken abroard I wonder.
I’m still willing to give MB a chance to impress me with their aftersales service. I’ll let you know how I get on.
ck says
Jonathan read my earlier post on taking car abroad. Dealer will have to source one for you or get the paperwork from enterprise.
Vipul says
My car has been away exactly 3 weeks today. No indication of expected return date. Currently they have given me a replacement Mercedes 2009 C180 Sports Kompressor, which probably consumes double the amount of fuel, my Mercedes C220 Diesel does.
I have written to the dealer and expressed my disappointment and asked for another free service. (They have already offered me first service free).
Will let you know, when I hear from them.
Ray Armstrong says
Hi , Got my E Coupe back yesterday , took her out for a spin last night and it was well worth waiting for. For a while there I thought I might not buy another Merc , but I love em and I will.
Ric says
My 07/09 e220 SE was bought back by the dealership for generouus amount.Have ordered new e220 avant garde estate to be delivered next week from different dealer(in Germany at the moment).Can I assume this new 10 reg car will have new injectors?
Tony T says
After following comments on this site and also on the MBClubUK site forum (48 pages of disappointed 250cdi owners) I will be opting for the 350cdi engine. Yes, the 250cdi on paper appears great and my test drives of the C and E models seemed to back the claims but in the attempt to get more and more from less and less MB appears to have substituted reliability for fragility (2000 bar, increased to about 2200 bar at the injector nozzle, is a phenominal pressure). The design of the 250cdi engine is complex and at the cutting edge of current technology, but with valve gear drive moved to the rear of block and the two stage interconnected turbos, future maintenance will be expensive. I certainly wouldn’t want to own one outside of a warranty. My current vehicle is an E class 280 cdi and I’ll stick to the tried and tested silky smoothe V6.
juissi.2 says
Have new injectors 10XXXX broken ?
Gary Betts says
1pm today and I got the call. Your car is ready sir. I now know why I chose the e-class avante garde. It is a beautiful car and although I have been driving around in a C class AMG sport for the last 4 weeks it is not the same. I love this e-class. So although my opinion of MB customer service has not changed I am one happy bunny again. Hang on in their guys. It is worth it.
Gary Betts says
Just had a phone call from my local dealer. He has received an e-mail saying the injectors for my car are due in tomorrow morning – 12th – so all being well I should be able to pick it up tomorrow afternoon. Would this have happened anyway or was it the irate e-mail on the 4th to MB CAC Mastricht and follow up telecon after their less than positice response yesterday the 10th. We will never know. Anyway I did get an initial cheque for £150.00 from MB Swindon to take my wife out for a nice meal – where I actually bought the car from – and a £250.00 service voucher from CAC Mastricht is apparently on its way. Total time from fault to pick up will be 25 days if I get it back tomorrow and during this period I have been given a C 180 AMG Sport. Still not at all satisfied with the way MB have handled this but hopefully all is well that ends well. Watch this space tomorrow.
Alan Gillies says
Had the car back for a week now and loving it all over again. Mileage is extremely poor at mid-30’s but I’m assured this will improve as everything beds in. Been recalled again to have some wiring issue sorted, does anyone know what this is about? As far as I can make out reading between the lines it’s to do with the fuel system, seems a wire needs re-routeing and tied back elsewhere in the loom?
As far as MB are concerned I haven’t heard anything regarding refund of my payment for February so have chased them again today but did receive a questionnaire about their service, which is completed and should leave them in no doubt to what I think of their attitude to their customers. Dealer still been great though and my 2 year’s free Service Care is sorted as promised.
Patrick says
I have had my C220 CDI Sport for a little over 4 months. It is now back at the dealership for the third time, though has failed on four occasions. Three times it incurred problems with the fuel system, “running out of fuel” even though the fuel indicator read a quarter full. A couple of these times leaving me in a ver precarious situation in the middle of busy roads! Then last Friday I had the limp home mode with the injector problem.
Loukas says
Hello Again!
I just collect my c250cdi from the MB, is just perfect as before!!!
Jay says
MY STORY. I collected my new C250 cdi sport saloon on the 20th October, safe to assume going by numerous forums and an article dated 8th October on a German site that MB were fully aware of a fault with injectors as they’d had some 2800 complaints. Mid January arrives and a colleage calls me to inform me he tried to get a quote from a lease company on the same car and was told he wouldn’t be able to due to injector issues. I speak to the service dept. of local dealer who explain its not all vehicles and therefore no recall and the injectors will either fail or not??
Skip to the 9th Feb with 4500 miles covered and the car breaks down driven by wife with 13 week old baby as passenger, luckily 5 minutes prior to joining a busy dual carriageway. Anyway vehicle was recovered by friendly chap who knew exactly what he issue would be and by no surprise the following morning was told by MB it was indeed the injector fault and would be waiting 3-5 weeks. Later that day a C180 petrol arrived, which is not much good for the mileage i can clock up so Enterprise spent the next few days trying to locate a MB diesel but to no avail as they were all on loan or most likely sitting on a motorway or in the dealer awaiting repair!!
It’s now 16th Feb and no news of a MB diesel so I’m offered a Vectra or Astra which I agree to on the grounds I receive a refund of 1 finance payment (£470) and also my first service free (£330) = £800 in total. Milton Keynes CS agree to the £470 bot not the free service so I ask it to be escalated for consideration or will be speaking to trading standards as to my position on rejecting the vehicle, custoemr services explained if i wanted to reject vehicle i would have to go via dealer. Thursday passes no contact so I speak early Friday morning and am told by MK that I will hear later in the afternoon from someone senior, late afternoon arrives and hadn’t heard so called back and was told that I will not get a call until early next week. So by this point I still had the C180 and felt they were beginning to drag the old heels a bit in hope that the injextors came in and car was repaired.
Monday 22nd Feb morning comes and after a lot of reflection on the whole situation i take a drive to the dealer and explain that I wish to reject the car, was asked to speak to Dean Woods at MK, never managed to but they said no you need to go via dealer so emailed th General Sales Manager, by close of play Tuesday 23rd I was offered the following. 1. Take car back once repaired and will receive 3 x monthly finance payments as compensation (£1410) 2. Reject and full refund of deposit , admin fee and finance paymants made (£3706). For reassons of rejecting car I chose the latter and received full refund within days and then purchased a brand new 10 reg 350 cdi sport saloon which I collected yesterday, I put £3k deposit down, insurance only gone up by £5 per month, finance payments have gone down as I doubled my previous deposit and the interest rate is slightly better than before at 5.7%. The 350 cdi is awesome and as I was only averaging 36-38 mpg on the 250 i don’t think I will be far worst off as most journeys are motorways which i will benefit from the 7 speed auto.
The delaer have been great MK not so, I have come away witha good deal and am now very pleased but I havd to point out to the dealer that I loved the 250 and never asked for this to happen so yes I may have come out well but this is a MB problem not mine.
Hope this helps anyone else who is not getting on too well or knowing what to do. And I must point out that in my email I never mentioned any legal talk or advice I had been given, MB are not putting up much of a fight it seems and the words they used when it came to full refund was “putting me financially back into the same position I was in prior to entering the agreement”, sounds to me like thay have had legal advice, this is why I got full deposit, admin fee and finance payments back and they never mentioned about depreciation or excess mileage charge as it wasn’t my fault.
May take the V6 for a quick spin.
R Lall says
Thanks for your post, I have experienced almost the same problems, only difference is my request to reject the car has been declined. I would really appreciate it if you could let me have some specific details so I may use your situation as precedent.
If you are willing to help, please email me on
g.bradley says
i read your article i am rejecting mine did you deal with milton keynes grey friar court kingston, i have failed e250 sports waiting to see if they will replace nearly 5 weeks my car been off road gerry 2000 miles
jay says
In the end I dealt direct with my local MB dealer at Gatwick as MK HQ were not a lot of use. I emailed the General Sales Manager to inform of rejection.
Good Luck.
CK says
Wow at this thread already – My story [long post].
25/2 – 220 CDI Blueefficiency car failed outside a MB Dealership (my only fortune) so managed to limp into Garage with the engine management light on.
MB Dealership (Robinsons of Norwich) immediately knew of the issue without looking at the car. Asked me to sit down and drink plenty of coffee and declared 4 week wait for parts from Germany.
A replacement car was sought through MB assistance, who outsource the replacement car to Enterprise.
My nightmare began when Enterprise called. I had advised the dealership and they had advised MB 24hr assistance that I was departing for Morzine, France the following day and needed an adequate replacement that could take a roof box (skis) and comparable boot space. In fact the roof box was already fitted to my 220 CDI that very morning.
After retreiving my Dog and Son from the car the showroom was getting busy now, and aside from increased biscuit consumption, Robinsons where pretty calm and organised.
Sadly any information about Europe travel didn’t get to Enterprise who kindly declared they could not help with getting a car for Europe (it takes 3-4 working days to sort out the paperwork) and roof boxes are not allowed. I admit to a surge of Panic rising in me as the Holiday was not looking good at this point!, up sh*t creak without a paddle! however I stayed cool and kept away from the debate of why the car failed to keep the peace for the time being.
After further discussion with Robinsons and MB 24hr assistance (via the dealer line) they where advised to source a local hire car direct to meet requirements.
Showroom drinks consumption increases as my Wife and two daughters arrive and its now getting late into day (5.30pm).
Thankfully we are given a Ford Focus to get home in with the promise that it will be all sorted by 10.30am the following morning to allow departure that day.
26/2 Robinsons called through at 8.30am with a replacement Ford Galaxy (Gas guzzling auto) with ‘no roofbox’ and I hastily collected it and loaded up with kit, quickly discovering that I could not get everything and people in the car (I was also taking some friends kit who where flying). Thanks to Easyjet I offloaded the wife, packed the car, advised Eurotunnel of change of car and left pronto.
At this point I can only speak highly of MB customer service, although no sign of getting the car back yet. Ski trip was just fab and eased the pain and stress of the preceeding hours.
ck says
Well patience is a virtue. After 5 weeks MB finally returned the car on the 29th March [Failed 25th Feb] after some 4,000 miles gas guzzling in the replacement Ford Galaxy. The fuel economy has *improved* for me, up from city/country lanes of 40mpg to 45pmg and long runs of 53mpg now for 220 CDI.
After discussing compensation for additional expenses incurred during this time, my dealer referred me to MB Customer Services, and after two/three weeks of discussions MB have just informed by email that my dealer is raising a cheque to cover the cost of 1 month lease; £459 (Free servicing is not worth anything to me as its all part of the lease whole of life cost).
So despite the fault itself, I’ve received some very good MB customer service and am happy to leave this all behind .
Malcolm Inchley says
Today I’ve collected my C250 Sport Estate, which broke down on 6th February. I’m counting on M-B making certain that the new injectors will not fail on cost grounds alone. The world wide cost to M-B of this debacle must be absolutely astronomical and I really cannot imagine that they would risk doubling it and further alienating customers by fitting unreliable parts. Time will tell and if I do have a failure, I’ll report it here. Hope the same goes for all.
Tony T says
I am considering purchasing E250 cdi, but am very concerned after reading comments on this site regarding engine problems and have delayed decision. Has anyone covered reasonable mileage (10k+) since having latest injectors fitted and software mods. If so, has there been a reduction in performance and/or fuel economy?
Paul says
Mercedes stated that the new c-class is an example of the company coming back to its quality roots ….and that no engineering or financial effort was spared in producing the new C-class….was it indeed?
The demonized Delphi injector ‘batch’ seems to have hit only the luxury brand, but not the Citroen C4 and the Peugeot 307 that are equipped with the same injectors (
…Or is rather the fault due to engine design and software issues (yet again) and Delphi is the scapegoat in all this story ???!!!
Paul says
I am in the middle of the preparation of a legal battle with MB UK and I am assisted by a top legal firm in the city.
I will probably need a few witnesses regarding customer service, etc.
My email is
clare says
I’ve just had my 7 week old E220 cdi blue efficiency towed away 2,100 miles – even more upset to hear it will be at least 4 weeks until I get it back, I have been given a hire car but that really doesn’t make me feel any better I feel cheated that they sold me the car knowing their was a problem.I contacted MB Customer services who really don’t care and my local MB dealship told me ‘ Your car is at the back of a queue – 1st come 1st served I have a lot to fix?
GP from Belgium says
Hey everyone,
Sunday night I broke down injectors for the fourth time on my GLK 220 CDI and hopefully the last. I drove my car to my dealer. According with the boss, I should get it wednesday with four new injectors and a new software. Mercedes appears to have been agreed. I confess that it seems very fast. We’ll see. Whatever the issue, I repeat with force and conviction that this extreme style “I must wait for a failure to be repaired” is and remains unacceptable. I will keep you informed.
Vipul says
its difficult to suggest regarding the compensation. My dealer has offered me 1 Free Service and AMG track experience.
I think 2 services sound better, however it is difficult to determine, what they are going to offer
Martin Bennett says
I purchased 2 Mercedes E250 in October 2009 for my business aat a cost of £75,000. One broke down on boxing day and was off the road for a month and the other is now off the road with the same problem.(Injectors).
The Guy who sold me the cars is just not interested.
After driving a hired 1.3 Astra for 2 days I demanded a car of similar standar to mine. Eventually I got a Mercedes E320.
What sort of compensation should I expect for this poor service.
Richard S says
I have got my 220 CDI back now after 3 weeks, and it seems okay at the moment. I have nothing in writing to say the work has been done, and no guarentee’s that it wont happen again.
it seems that MB are adopting the “Our cars don’t have an injector problem” attitude, and it never happened. The problem could be when the car owner needs to change there vehicle and everyone will actually know of the injector problems, so where is the proof the work has been carried out?
Has anyone else had anything in writing yet, or any explanation to failure ?
SC says
Ok… got mine back yesterday – after a 4 week wait – and I’m falling in love with my car all over again…. just want to go out and drive, don’t care where….
As long as you get a reasonable hire car it doesn’t seem to bad – the four weeks have gone quite quickly in reality, and I did get a small amount of compensation out of MB for the trouble.
Simon W says
Ditto to that. Got mine back today. Loving the car all over again.
Had an E class 320 diesel for the last period of loan. Overall MB have looked after me well. 2 years free service and a car that is better than I remembered!
Vipul says
SC, what did they gave you as compensation?
John Sibbald says
My CDI 220 has just had an injector failure and had to be towed away only 4700 miles on the clock! Have a hired replacement car – but have now been informed it will take 4 weeks to get replacement injectors!!!!!!
The workshop manager mentioned that this now becoming a major problem.
car was recalled in Decemeber for engine management upgrade after that the performance dropped off.
NickA says
My E220 CDI broke down on 20 Feb. Same experience as most above. Breakdown service staff identified it as injector problem without any investigation. No response from dealer(MB of Stratford upon Avon). Passed on to MB customer service who denied any problem. Given 4-6 weeks waiting time. Wrote threatening rejection. Received call today offering refund of finance payments for off road period or buy back at “enhanced(unspecified)” market value. Also was promised E class temporary vehicle (currently C180) and a call re that later today. So far no call.Confirmed wait period will be at least until 31 March
Mrs Williams says
An update from my previous post on the March 1st. We now have a C180 auto courtesy of local MB dealer (teeside). Our waiting time for our 250 cdi sport to be repaired is approx 4 weeks we have been assured that all injectors will be changed with the up to date parts. Our local dealer has been more than helpful – up to press.
Paul says
Now have my E250 Sport Coupe, picked up Mar 1st. Dealer has been first class in every respect and has reassurred me that the 2010 built car should be trouble free. The car is fantastic ( I thought my M Sport 320d Coupe was good). My injectors are “10” marked, so Im feeling good about reliability. Has anyone had a failer with the “10” injectors fitted?
Gary Betts says
Well I have been waiting now for just under 3 weeks with no hint as to when I might get my car back. What is reaaly annoying at the moment is that the day after it broke down – havinbg had it for only 3 weeks – I had arranged for a tow bar to be fitted. We use our car for towing a caravan and trailer and currently we can do neither. We had planned to be away this week in the caravan – first trip of the year – but cancelled. If we are looking at 6 weeks then that is 6 weeks I cannot go away!! What compensation do I get for holiday cancellation and day to day function where the trailer is required. Can anyone give an accurate time scale from breakdown to getting their car back? Also why has this MB debacle not featured anywhere in the press. Do all the editor’s have gratia MB vehicles?
Simon W says
I’ve had a call from my MB dealer tonight to let me know mine is ready to collect. It has taken three and a half weeks from breakdown on 10th Feb. I get the impression that the backlog is growing though and it seems recent breakdowns are being told 4-6 weeks to repair, where as I was told three weeks which was pretty accurate. Good luck.
Steve Salisbury says
You’re not the same Gary Betts who used to work near Basingstoke in the noise control business are you?
Gary Betts says
The very same Steve. Sorry to see you have had problems as I know how much you aspired to an MB. Drop me a line if you want on and we can compare notes
Chris Oatridge says
Unfortauntely my C250CDI broke down on me last weeked. The recoverey driver told me has had collected at least 20 of these for Merc, and likewise the hire car company manager said similar. My local dealer had 16 lined up for repair and knew of 2 others on the way! As it is a first come first repair (which is fair enough) I have been given an estimated repair time of 4-6 weeks. My local dealer admitted however this was likely to increase and that some vehivles had been with him 14 weeks! This car had done only 3000 miles, and had only just come out of repair, having broke down previosuly due to a fuel pump problem – again apparently common and well known! I had a look into the Sale of Good Act, however the way I understand it, mercedes must be given an opportunity to first repair before any rejection can occur?
Jay says
MB had my car 2 weeks then I walked into dealer and explained I was rejecting the vehicle as it would have been a known fault to MB at time of purchase 20th October and that I had lost all confidence in the car, I received a full refund of deposit and finance payments / admin fee.
Chris Oatridge says
Unbelivably now my Mercedes hire car, has now sucomed to the same problem! After spending the day sorting it out, I now have an Insignia! Merc have offered a £250 voucher now towards the service cost. Though it has cost me £200 so far in excess wavier fees from the hire company. Not to mention nearly 2 days of my time.
Steve Salisbury says
You made mention in your note of a known fuel pump fault – can you give me any more information, please?
My C220 CDI estate, first registered in Sept 09, suffered injector failure on 19th Feb with only 4400 miles on the clock. It is now awaiting repair with the usual predictions of a 4 weeks delay.
What interests me is that, 3 days before the failure, my car apparently ran out of fuel. The engine died but the fuel gauge showed a quarter of a tank remaining, the fuel computer showed 103 miles to go to empty, there was no low-fuel warning light and on filling up after putting 5L in with a can I could only get 49L into the 66L tank!!
The other thing I don’t understand is (and prior to retirement I worked in the auto industry for over 44 years and know quite a lot about engine manufacture!!) once the injector problem has been resolved, Delphi will be manufacturing these injectors at a rate of about 400 an hour!! So why the delay in delivery of replacement injectors, if, as M-B Customer Services claim, replacements for customers with cars off the road are given priority over new production requirements?
Nothing makes sense to me!!
Gary Betts says
Hi Steve. Speaking to my local dealer yesterday they admitted after some pressure that the problem effects ALL C and E class vehicles fitted with the 220 or 250 diesel engine. This is a worldwide problem. I cannot confirm accuracy but a figure of 140,000 cars was mentioned. As most Uk dealers sseem to have 20-25 cars hanging around with more breaking down each day and we take that over just Europe then that is a fair handful of motors. MB actually stopped prodcution of the 220 and 250 for a month because they did not have injectors. I guess even at 400 injectors an hour it will take time for all of these to filter through and maintain new car production levels. What is more worrying are all of those owners out there who currently have no idea what is about to imminately happen!!
Chris Oatridge says
Steve. I had exactly the same issues as you. I believe the fuel tank sandle piping system was set at too low a presssure. So when getting down the fuel, the shear mass was no longer enough pressure to pump it through. There was a recall on this in December, however MB did not go to press as it was not considered safety related. My car ran out on me still showing a third of a tank, similarly so did my hire car Merc yesterday. The dealers are aware and it takes around 30min while you wait to fix.
Mike Jones says
Steve, If you wanted to buy a new 250/220 CDI MD quote August 2010 delivery at the earliest. The Injector problems are world-wide. Each car has to be registered individually with MB before a set of injectors are dispatched for the particular car. Dealers can not get stock of these injectors, to proactively cure the fault. As crazy as it seems MB can not produce the injectors fast enough to keep demand.
I bought an ex demo C class as no one explained to me why such a long wait time for a new car. Once I had bought the ex demo , they told me that I can not have the car before the injectors are done. I guess that they figured out if any thing happens they will be liable in a court of law, which is correct.
One thing that no one has mentioned here is protection under EU law. This deals with “fit for purpose”. If MB sell something to you and they know that it is not fit for purpose (in this case they know that the car WILL BREAK DOWN) you can take them to court.
In USA all car companies capitulate due to what happened to GMC a few years back. Class action law suites with billion dollar punitive damages makes even the car companies eyes water.
One of the guys on this forum has already said that a London firm is looking to represent him, so every one can wait for him to “set precedence” or join him.
I have given the MB dealer a deadline of Tuesday for delivery or I am going after them in the courts.
Alan Gillies says
Got my C250 Sport Estate back last night, bang on schedule as agreed last week, fully repaired (fingers crossed) and fully valeted, 2 year’s free servicing and tank of fuel.
I really can’t fault my dealer, after an initial delay in responding to me they’ve been fantastic and I honestly get the impression that the dealer network isn’t getting anything more from MB than customers are. I suspect it was my threat to reject the car that got MB moving in the first place, it seems too much of a coincidence that they confirmed a delivery date for the injectors the day the dealer got my letter.
I’m still awaiting a response from MB Finance regarding a rebate of the payment made while the car was in the garage. Got a terse e-mail from them saying they couldn’t help but if I called Maastricht they would assist. Replied and told them THEY could forward my e-mail to Maastricht as I wasn’t about to spend half a day on the phone being passed around looking for someone with the capability and authority to grant a rebate.
Will update when I hear from them but meantime good luck to all in getting your cars back.
AJW says
Still Waiting for a call…
My car a c220cdi blue efficiency failed 2weeks ago 3 months old with 6,000 miles on the clock, symptoms misfire and raised rpm with engine warning light on (limp home) the car was recovered within the hour and replacement delivered promptly that evening a C180 AMG. I have had no contact from the dealer that has my car for 2 week, I called today 03/02/2010 just after lunch, to ask if there was any news the receptionist that took the call couldn’t put me through to service reception but took my phone number with the promise of a call back…… No call back.
AJW says
Still no call back from them by lunchtime today so I called them again. They have no time scale for parts availability for my car, and told me that they had just received injectors for a car that came in on the 6th Feb…. I got the impression that I shouldn’t have called them, and they said we’ll call you when its ready… the dealer response wasn’t what I would have expected..
Steve W says
Another one bites the dust.
I’ve had an E250 CDi for approx 4 months and have covered approx 8k miles without problems. On Saturday night, while travelling on the M4, the engine warning light came on and the car lost power dramatically. I limped home in ’emergency mode’ and the car got my family and I home (just).
Last night I got a call from MB Bristol who were very apologetic and keen to help, but they told me that the car would be with them for at least 5 weeks. They have provided a replacement car via Enterprise (a VW People Carrier) and I’m assured that I’ll get a MB once one becomes available. Aparently things are rather stretched as there are approx 18 cars awaiting the repair at the Bristol dealership alone.
I’m told that part of the reason it will take so long is that the dealership have to submit details to MB about the car and await MBs return of a set of injectors that are matched to the car (whatever this means). However, they will change out all of the injectors to avoid a repeat failure. What is not clear to me is whether the problem emanates from a faulty batch of injectors or whether it is a faulty design. I’m not clear whether the new injectors are of a design that resolves the problem?
I chose the E Class as I figured it would be a change from the 5 series I’d driven for the preceeding 3 years. It is certainly looking like a ‘change’, but not a great one.
Only 5 weeks to go……
exmocmember says
Further to my post on 5th Feb (see above) I received my C250 back from the dealer last Friday, so I waited 4 full working weeks for the car to be repaired. The new injectors are marked with Delphi and a code starting 10 049. This indicates they were made on the 49th day of 2010, ie Feb 18th. They were fitted on Feb 26th. Allowing for one week transit time from Germany this confirms that MB are still working hand to mouth. The service and attitude of MB can only be described as arrogant and not at all apologetic. More reminiscent of a former Soviet Republic! Today I had a call from MB UK who were following up on the report I submitted to VOSA. They were concerned and claimed that mine was the first report they’d had of the engine totally failing, rendering the car undrivable. They said all other concerns had stated the car went into limp home mode (ie. was still driveable but with reduced power). If your car has failed and did not go into limp home mode you may wish to consider filing a VOSA report as this could be safety critical. You may save a life.
Regarding Enterprise I found the service from my local branch to be excellent. OK, they gave me an Insignia for the first 8 days but then changed this for an E250 Sport. Luckily this did not break down whilst I had it…..
Mrs Williams says
I am sat here speechless having read all of these comments, we bought our lovely shiny brand new C250 cdi sport in November 09 due to the bad weather (not the cars fault) it was garaged for 3 weeks, so only 2600 miles on the clock and today it died on me, rang merc garage for recovery – which give them there due car was recovered in 1 hour. We were totally un-aware of injector problems and having read above posts are now wondering do we hand car back or wait for repair??? ps were offered a toyota by enterprise which we rejected and have been delivered a mondeo!! no mercs in stock!!
Martin B says
What a real pity that Mercedes had produced a cracking car in the C220CDi which I was delighted with, good looking, fast and economical and then they go and spoil it all with an injector fault! My car broke down today – sudden loss of power and eventually limped home at 30mph. Rang Mercedes Assist who told me it was a known fault and they would organise a replacement car same day. My car picked up and transported off to the B garage and Enterprise Car hire got me a CLS as a replacement – nice one. The Mercedes garage are giving the party line 3-4 weeks wait along with all the others! What I cannot understand is why is this fault not a recall? If I had been doing 70 in the outside lane there could have been real safety issues. Surely if MB know that all cars with this engine WILL be affected they need to do what Toyota was eventually forced to do and issue a recall.
Malcolm Inchley says
I was one of what I was told was half a dozen members of the public who registered a concern with VOSA, about this problem. As a result VOSA held a meeting with MB, finding no grounds to demand a recall, and were satisfied with the way that the problem was being dealt with. The gent from VOSA who phoned me explained that they operate very much like a court of law, and before they can insist upon a recall, they must establish beyond reasonable doubt that there a good reasons on the grounds of safety, to do so: they saw no such grounds. As for MB volunteering a recall, things are bad enough now with shortage of loan cars and new injectors, so can you imagine the chaos that a reacall would cause? I’m not defending them and I think there has to be a huge question over their business ethics in selling afflicted cars after the point at which the fault became known to them, which seems to be early in October in the UK, but as far as I’m concerned, what matters is when head office first cottoned on to it.
Like you I was very, very pleased with my C250 Sport, but we have to be realistic, accept the unpleasant facts and go for the best possible outcome according to individual requirements. My car has been off the road for three and a half weeks, so hope to get it back soon. Can’t wait, but it had better keep running.
Vipul says
I just received a email from MB dealership. They have offered me my next due service free including parts and labour.
I think this is fair and I am inclined to accept this.
Paul says
Parts and labour….for the first two services is the oil change, unless you drive 35K miles /year and then you will need new breaks as well
Vipul says
That sounds very worrying Mrs Day. Wonder what MB have been doing and what has happened to quality control
Mrs Day says
our broke down took 4weeks to fix came back as fixed but keeps on misfiring and jolting so sent it back again & was told it was a gearbox issue, sent back to us again FIXED but still jolting!!! so asked for copies of the reports for all work undergone on the car but mb keep putting it off and have told me they can write what was done on headed paper, not good enough i want copies of the job sheet surely they must have signed off what they did to the car when they fixed it!
Vipul says
Guys we all are sailing in same boat. My dealer have been generally quite co-operative. I am finally given a Mercedes C220 Blue Efficiency Sport as a loan car by Enterprise.
Regarding the wait on the parts, there is no definite time. The service manager did mention it will take around 3 weeks.
Mr Andy Matthews says
It would seem I have joined the elite club of failed Fuel Injectors!
Like many others my C220 sport Blue Efficiancy was happily cruising an A road at approx 50mph when all power was lost and the vehicle hit the very worrying “home mode” Only 3000 miles on the clock…
I was recovered quickly but only to be told that this was the 8th C-Class to be recovered in the space of the week. The garage are unable to give me a return date for my vehicle but have informed me that it will be weeks rather than days!
The insult is that the hire car company knew what the problem with my vehicle was before the garage did!
My winning prize is a stunning OPEL Insignia 1.6!!!!!!!!!!!!
CarsUK says
Not so elite, it would seem!
SC says
May not be elite or even exclusive, but it is bl**dy expensive to join…
Mr. Richard Steele says
My C220 CDI Estate (Blue Efficiency) (New August 2009) packed up mid February with injector problems, luckily for me only a mile from home. Only 5000 miles on clock. Phoned local dealer who collected the car and was told 3 to 4 weeks for repairs.
No proper explanations, and after a lot of E mails and grumbling with Mercedes UK, finished up with a Ford Mondeo loan car from Enterprise.
Have not been offered anything else including any good reasons for the problems.
They say that they knew nothing of the problems when I purchased my car, but shortly afterwards I had a recall to adjust the fuel pressure.
manesh says
my new e220 cdi had the injector problem before the car reached 3000 miles. Its a shame that they have my £34k and my car and there is not much i can do about it.
There has been not much communication since the car has gone in and I am not sure when I will get my car back. I will think twice befor I but a Merc. Bring on BMW!
William Hodgins says
Has your car been supplied with the new mark 5 injectors?
I was getting 49mpg before they gave me a software upgrade and then I got around 42mpg and then shortly after that the injectors packed in!
After a month, I have been told that my car will be repaired on Monday so I will see what mpg I get then!
Steve Barnes says
I have a e250 cdi — done 2000 miles (From December 24th). I am concerned that the most I ever get is 42mpg and this is on a long motorway journey at legal speeds with no traffic.
Shouldn’t I be getting 50+ on such a run?
GP from Belgium says
Here is what I received from the MB Belgium Customer Service in response to the question concerning the date of the first production of reliable injectors:
We refer to your e-mail of 9 February.
In response to your request concerning the precise date on which we can consider that the injectors are reliable, we are unfortunately unable to answer your question.
Indeed, we regret to inform you that a replacement of the injectors as a preventive is temporarily impossible given the limited production capacity injectors by our supplier. We can also confirm that the current injectors are reliable and meet the technical standards and the most recent and high norms of the manufacturer Mercedes-Benz.
Thanking you mainly for your patience, we hope that you quickly find the confidence you gracing our brand. Please accept, Mr, …
Conclusions: MB refuses, once again, to disclose anything that could help the customer. I think that this is the same in all countries.
Sorry for not advancing the problem, except, perhaps, that they explicitly recognizes the lack of injectors availability.
Loukas says
I have the same problem with my c250 cdi too it to MB and i am still waitting for the injector to arrive in Cyprus.. I am waitting more that 3 weeks now.. Did you hear anything about recalling the cars? or if they offer any loan car?
Loukas says
Iam thinking of selling yhe car guys.. I am very dissapointed!!!
Vipul says
I got a call from MB dealer today and the sales manager went through everything with me again. She insists that the fix is permanent and in the past they were not aware of the exact problem and hence they kept on replacing with same fuel injectors. Provided this is true, the fault shouldn’t re-occur.
Regarding time scale, she said it takes between 1 week – 3 weeks. And she said it normally doesn’t take longer that that. I have sent her a email with all I discussed over the phone and mentioned that I am accepting repair if these 2 conditions are met.
Also she mentioned that she will try to arrange something as a goodwill gesture. I mentioned that too in the email and demanded some sort of compensation. (2 free services will be ideal)
Now the wait begins. Hopefully I will have my car back soon.
Will keep u guys posted.
William Hodgins says
Visited the local dealer again today and Mercedes are now quoting 4/5 weeks for injector repairs instead of the previous 3/4 weeks… car has been in now for 3 weeks!!
R Lall says
I’m experiencing a number of problems with my C250 CDI Sport, one being very poor fuel economy. Can anyone comment if this may be a pre curser to injector failure?
I have already written to my dealer informing them that if all the issues with my car are not rectified to a satisfactory level within 14 days I will be rejecting the car.
I am very concerned that they sold me the car new at the end of October 2009 knowing full well that the possibility of injector failure was apparent!
Simon W says
I was also bitterley disappointed with the 33mpg I was getting from my C250 (also registered in Oct 09) 2 Days after taking it into my local dealer for diagnostic work to establish the cause, the injectors failed. The dealer told me they are sure the mpg was affected by a faulty injector thereby suggesting that if you have poor mpg this is a precursor to injector failure. However due to the age of your car, it is an unfortunate probability that they will fail at some stage anyway! Mine has been of the road for 2 of the three weeks estimated by MB so I do not yet know if the mpg will be improved. I certainly hope so.
Alan Gillies says
Have had a response to my letter threatening to reject the car on Friday. Mercedes have now come up with a definite delivery date of 3rd March for my injectors (funny that eh?) and I’ve been offered the service manager’s C-Class estate for the duration plus 2 years free service-care. I don’t want the guy’s car, I’m reasonably happy with the diesel Insignia for now and the service-care is £600 worth so think I’ll be accepting the offer, on the non-negotiable condition that my car is back with me no later than 4th March, otherwise all bets are off and rejection follows immediately.
Good luck to all on here, I’d suggest you start rejecting your cars and see if you get the same result I have. Let’s hope I’m not back next week with more tales of broken promises………
Willy Nobles says
2 years free servicing……I’d be happy with that!
I’ve had nothing yet, but I did write to MB detailing my dissatisfaction over the whole affair. They have contacted me by phone to acknowledge receipt of my letter, & said that they would make a goodwill gesture.
They’re probably keeping me in suspense before sending me a new key fob!
g.bradley says
hi there reading all the comments i am gob smacked iwent to ireland just over three weeks ago to my holiday home thinking i would have trouble free motoring i bought a brand new e250 sports auto after 2,000 miles i broke down m6 on the way to stranrear, filled car up at filling station went to start it it sounded like a bag of nails failed injectors not going anywhere 3 weeks and 2 days still waiting i am considering rejecting my car, enterprise doing there best no car to match ours ford galaxy at moment took liberty changing to hertz tomorrow to mercedes c lass had enough phoned dealership said maybe another week
Derek says
I work for a Chauffeur company, who bought 2 E220s last year (one in July, the second in September).
So far we are on our Fourth set of injectors for the first car, which at this time is back with Merc at Oxford for repair. Our second car came back on friday after breaking down 2 days before (2nd time). The only reason we got it back so quick was the car was needed for a Wedding at the weekend. My bosses have now lost all faith with Merc and the dealership in oxford, who wont be getting any new orders from us again.
Vipul says
I bought a approved used C220 Sport from Brookland branch and took delivery on 2nd February with appx 9950 miles on clock. Very next day the engine lost power and Engine Fault light came on. I just managed to reach home. As I was travelling same day, I couldnt do anything. I reported the problem to the salesman at the dealership and he advised me to book it in for repair when I come back. I sent the car for inspection/repair yesterday. They still haven’t got back to me, however I strongly feel that its the same problem. I am very concerned and not sure if I should even agree to repair. I want to explore my rights of cancelling the sale.
Vipul says
I got a call from Brookland service centre and they confirmed that its a fault with the injector system and they will have to get it replaced. He said he cant promise any time scale and will get back to me after speaking to Technical Department tomorrow.
I am very confused as to what I should do. Please suggest. Shall I insist on cancelling the sale or agree for repair. I like the car, however I am concerned about the fault.
Please let me know what options do I have and what course of action should I take. I have already sent an email to the dealer and MB Cust service team. will wait for response till tomorrow.
Alan Gillies says
What you should do is really for you to decide. If you like the car and want to keep it then make it clear to the dealer that they have a once only opportunity to repair the fault and return it to you within a reasonable timescale. What’s reasonable is open to interpretation but I’ve allowed 3 weeks as that’s what Mercedes told me. However, I gave the dealer 7-10 working days to allow me some flexibility in my decision making and make it seem like I’m being reasonable by extending my timescale. If you’ve lost all confidence in the car then don’t authorise the repair and state in writing that you wish to reject the car under the Sale of Goods Act. You’ll have to do some research on this to find out exactly what your rights are and what you can and can’t do. My 3 weeks are up on Friday and I’ve written to the dealer stating that I will reject the car if the repairs aren’t completed or a satisfactory agreement reached by then. You have flexibility, you can allow them to attempt a repair but this has to be within a reasonable timescale and without significant inconvenience to yourself. If they fail to meet your requirements you can still reject the car later, although not AFTER the repair has been carried out and you’ve taken the car back from them unless the same fault recurs.
Vipul says
Hi Alan,
Thanks for your reply. I think I like the car and would allow then to attempt a repair. I spoke to the service manager this morning and he informed me that it will not be this week. HE didn’t promise me any time scale. He mentioned that the delay happens due to the availability of the part. Fitting takes just couple of hours.
I did mention to him that I don’t want to wait month for this repair to happen. he then said it doesn’t take that long, however he still didn’t give me any time scale. Whom can I get in touch with to ensure that the repair is done within a reasonable time. As mentioned in my earlier post, I have already sent complain email to MB C Services and the dealer. Still waiting for a reply.
Alan Gillies says
If you are going to allow a repair then put it in writing that this is a once only opportunity to fix the problem, you want it completed in a reasonable timescale (I suggested 7-10 working days, then amended this to 3 weeks following letter from Mercedes) It sounds like the dealer is feeding you the same line as Mercedes are quoting, either that or he’s not had any other breakdowns and genuinely doesn’t know the scale of the problem, which I very much doubt.
You should write to the service manager, recorded delivery, stating you want your car repaired in 7-10 working days and if it isn’t then you intend rejecting the car under the sale of goods act as unfit for purpose. You can’t ensure the repair is done within a reasonable time, you can only give them an indication of what you would consider to be reasonable so that if it comes down to rejecting the car you can show you’ve made every effort to be reasonable and allow a repair. That should get some action, if it doesn’t then you’ll have to follow through with the threat to reject the car I’m afraid. MB UK are useless but you’ve got to deal with the retailer as legally that’s who sold you the car. My dealer has been great since I wrote to them, communication has been fine and I believe they’re doing their best. Mercedes on the other hand have ignored my letters, e-mails and phone calls.
Good luck.
Alan Gillies says
Spoke to Trading Standards since my last post and they have advised me to write to the dealer advising them that if the repairs aren’t completed, or a satisfactory agreement reached, by Friday (MB’s 3 weeks as stated in their letter) then I will be rejecting the car under the Sale of Goods Act and seeking a full refund of the purchase price.
Letter is written, let’s see if it gets a result……….
Alan Gillies says
Spoke to the dealer Friday, the end of my “reasonable” timeframe I’d given them and still no idea when my car will be repaired. Had previously decided to allow maximum 3 weeks, the time given by MB UK in their letter so if the car isn’t ready by Friday I’ll be returning all documentation and keys to the dealer and rejecting the car. I’m not chasing MB any more as a) legally my gripe is with the dealer and b) it’s a complete waste of time.
I’ll be looking for the return of my trade-in or equivalent in cash, return of the payment made while my car was unavailable to me and seeking damages for the hassle and inconvenience I’ve faced. I’m expecting a protracted fight.
Overall I just want my car back and there is nothing else out there that I’d actually want to replace it with, however I’ll just buy a Mondeo or Focus to keep me going meantime as I don’t suppose MB will be in a hurry to settle things with me. Then again, maybe it will focus some minds at the dealer and/or MB if cars start being rejected but on principle alone I won’t be settling for a miraculously speedy repair once I’ve handed everything back.
Theresa says
My C250 engine stalled, luckily I was only driving slowly in town and not on the Motorway late at night as i often do as it would have been very dangerous.
Although this is a company car I have owned C class cars privately before and always been very pleased.
However the attitude of the Merc garage (Truro)was appalling.
I had just been to the supermarket and my car was full of 2 weeks’s worth of family shopping. I had to transfer this heavy shopping from my car to the hire car with no offer of help from the staff. As the 2 cars were parked away from each other this took over 30mins. They said they would call that day. 4 days later I had to call myself to find out what was going on. they told me about the injectors and that it would be a 3 week wait. What makes me angry is that my car was delivered in Nov when Merc knew about the problems so they delivered a faulty car knwoging full well it was faulty.
bobby says
fri 19th feb .emailed MB customer services saying car had been off the road for 4 weeks asked about refund. Time approx.1445 received call from garage 1645 to say car was ready.Have picked up car asked if original settings had been programmed.Was told garage had carried out MB instructions. ???
G O Donoghue says
I bought a E250 cdi SE in December 09, car registered in June 09, MB Chelsea never mentioned that there were any problems with the fuel injectors. Car exported to Ireland.
Anyone thought of contacting TopGear regarding this problem?
Ian says
I have written confirmation from M-B head office in Milton Keynes that M-B in the UK were aware from “early October” (2009).
Jay says
Hi Ian, I collected my c250 cdi 20th October, if you have written evidence from MB about a known fault since early Oct then I would appreciate seeing a copy ( Thank you in advance.
Andy Clarke says
Ian could you forward a copy to me going legal with MB Preston
for misrepresentation on the grounds that ‘they’ (because they are all in it together) new the vehicle was defective when I purchased a C220CDI BE in November (friday 13th as well!!!)
Andy Clarke says
Sorry Ian my e -mail adress is
Chris Oatridge says
Similarly the written confirmation would help my case.
Kind Regards
Willy Nobles says
I got my car back a couple of weeks ago, & I have been a little concerned about what appeared to be reduced MPG figure. However, I couldn’t be sure that it wasn’t because I had been doing more driving in traffic, so thought I’d give it time & see how it went.
When my injectors failed, I’d done just short of 14k miles, average overall MPG 45.7. 2 weeks later, average had dropped to 45.1.
Now, I regularly do a 450 mile round trip, all motorway driving, leaving at around 3am, setting off for the return at about 7pm, so traffic is almost non existant, & I keep to around 70mph to keep the licence clean.
Previously, I’d returned approx 52mpg. Yesterday, I got 47mpg.
Seems the new injectors knock about 10% off the mpg. A little disappointing.
Gerard Hawkes says
Just spoke to Trading Standards 0950 19 Feb, they say that if you allow MB to do the repair, it is then very difficult to reject the car. However they suggest that on collecting the repaired car, leave them a letter, stating that if the problem recurrs then you will reject the car.
So it seems to reject the car it must be done before letting them repair it.
Also your complaint is with the Dealer NOT MB.
Gary Betts says
Heard nothing from Milton Keynes after mailing CAC Services to complain which I guess is typical. Enterprise did change my Kia Sorento to a c class sport with the AMG trim – blue efficiency model!!!!! Well heres hoping that it will be OK and I guess now that I have a decent hire car I am ok with the wait. Does not let MB off the hook or Mercedes Swindon for selling me an e-class 3 weeks ago knowing there were problems.
GG says
Really annoyed. My E250 coupe is currently in the garage in Liverpool, as 2 weeks ago it cut out on me while driving in the fast lane on the M62. It’s only 4 months old. If I had been informed that there were problems with this model, I would never have bought the car. It will take 3 weeks for parts from Germany. Got an E320 replacement which will probably cost me more to run. Anyway, I’ll be telling them to keep the car and demanding a full refund. All my confidence in that model and in Mercedes in general is lost. Found customer service of little use and the dealer itself, not interested.
Peter Reece says
I am keen to speak to you as my car is in Liverpool as well and they were most unhelpful. Where did you purchase your car originally? My car has now been there 10 days. Once 3 weeks passes I will refuse the return of the car as per advice of Trading standards. I am looking for full refund of all payments and also cancel the Finance contract. I think they have misrepresented their customers at the point of sale and therefore all contracts should be void. I think it is going to take someone going on Watchdog to sort this out!! MB are clearly getting away with murder and are putting the safety of its customers at risk with this problem.h
Gerard Hawkes says
Does any body know the legal situation regarding “rejecting the car” when MB have replaced the injectors, and how to go about it?
Peter Reece says
Trading standards have told me that if the car is not repaired within 3 weeks you can reject the vehicle and demand a replacement. I am not sure what you do if your car has been repaired other than demand the car was sold under misrepresentation as MB knew there was a potential problem at the time of sale.
Malcolm Inchley says
My posts on 7th, 8th & 12 might help you. I didn’t find Trading Standards much use, but I was able to get some legal advice. it’s best to put everything in writing and if M-B won’t play ball, then you’ll probably need a solicitor to act for you. If you’re going to permit a repair, put it in writing that it’s a once only opportunity and if the repair fails you reserve the right to demand a refund using the teminologey from my previou8s post.
This is all based on the advice given to me; you might get a different opinion elsewhere.
Dennis Edlin says
My Sept 09 250 CDI failed almost 3 weeks ago at 5000 miles. Had standard letter from MB. Dealership not returning calls. Changed from BMW big mistake.
I’m seriously considering rejecting the car; MB sold these cars knowing they would fail.
MB no longer stands for quality
My car was averaging high 40’s MPG; then then recalled it and the MPG fell to barely 40 then a few weeks later it failed.
I’m disgusted with MB
stephen warburton says
My E Class has been in 10 days now,and i called in the dealership today to get some things out of the car (i hadn,t realised it was going to be in so long),and i am assured that all 4 injectors are now being replaced on all defective cars.This wasn,t the case initially,but Mercedes now seem to accept that there is no point in just replacing the one thats gone.
Gerard Hawkes says
I took delivery of a 59 reg E220 CDI in Oct 2009, in January it went into “limp” mode after 5500 miles. I’m now waiting 3-4 weeks for the new injectors. They’ve given me an 09 reg C class until my car’s repaired.
If I’d known about this problem I’d have stayed with Lexus.
This is a disgrace, so I’ve asked for my money back!!
It’s worth a try.
Paul says
I have now seen my E250 CDi Coupe in the dealership ready for delivery to me on March 1st, I have checked the numbers on the injectors and they all begin with “10” so Im hoping that I will be OK.
The dealer has assured me that these are the latest batch of injectors and as my car was built in Jan 2010 it will be trouble free.
Please, can anyone tell me if their car has failed after having all FOUR injectors replaced?
Tim Dodsworth says
Hi Paul
Yes mine failed for the second time after having all FOUR injectors replaced, however i understand that the replacements were not numbered to begin with 10, they were from the previous faulty batches.
Tim Dodsworth says
I purchased a new Mercedes E250 CDI Blue Efficencey in July 2009. It first failed with clients on board on 9th September 2009 and recovered to the Portsmouth Main dealer for repair.
All injectors and fuel pipes were replaced mileage was circa 10000. I did have a loan car that enabled me to keep working and I got my car back 22/9/09. The vehicle went into limp mode again on 1/2/10 with clients on board, was recovered to Portsmouth, given a car and told it will be 2 to 3 weeks to repair, since changed to 16/2 3 to 4 weeks. The dealership has told me that they have had 16 other vehicles in but as yet mine is the only one to fail twice. MB seem unable to cope with the failure rate, even surprised by it, I bought Mercedes for reliabilty, economy, comfort, and after sales service, as a prestige car, what a mistake, never again. MB are in denial they do have a major problem, their reputation is once again in tatters, MB fail to communicate.
Jay says
I’d be very keen to see a copy of any official MB correspondence which states they were aware of injector faults since early October ( as I collected mine on the 20th October. 8 days have now past, petrol C180 on drive far too juicy for the mileage I do, offered Astra or Vectra, MB have accepted my proposal that if I downgrade to one of these I can ‘miss’ 1 monthly finance payment of £470. I believe this is the least they should do as they will be far better off handing me a VX rather than a MB from Enterprise. Doing mostly motorway journeys prior and averaged 37-39 mpg (C250 cdi sport saloon auto), 10mpg lower than book and I don’t drive particularly aggressive with my right foot and use manual mode, seems low to me although I know book figures are never what they seem.
Peter Reece says
I am contacting Trading standards tomorrow to confirm my rights to cancel the Finance agreement and return the car.
Can anyone advise on what Trading Standards have stated?
Pier says
I spoke with Trading Standards and yes, if your car has broken down and MB were aware of the issue when you bought it then you can reject the car. The issue is that the longer you have had your car and the more mileage it has then your negotioting position gets weaker. there is no legal black and white situation. Apparently you have to give MB ‘reasonable chance’ to repair your vehicle, so maybe you have to have it break down 2 or 3 times before you can reject it. Or if the repair is of an ‘unreasonable’ period of time.
Basically it all boils down to what is “reasonable”
My 250 has not yet broken down so I have no case….only a matter of time
If your car is over 6 months old then you still can reject it, its just then you need “burden of proof” IE proof that the dealer knew the car was faulty when you bought it and had done so in the first 6 months. If after having your car 6 months, and then MB only became aware of the injector issues, everyone would be in a far weaker position….I think we are all safely in the “MB knew about it” boat
Gary Betts says
Well I bought a 3 month old E.220 cdi demo with 5K on the clock on the 25th January. Yesterday it failed with the injector problem – rough as a bag of old nails – and went into limp mode. MB assist to get home and a KIA from Enterprise. Minimum od two weeks to get back but don’t be surprised if it is more. What is really galling me is that MB sold me a demo only 3 weeks ago knowing that this fault existed big time. It really is a disgrace.
Dave Caswell says
My Wife’s 2 month old c 250 estate put it self into limp mode whilst i was driving it last saturday with 2300 miles on the clock
When the recovery firm picked it up the driver said he had
“collected 50 Merc,s with the same problem are they are all stacking up at our local dealer”
We have had the appology letters & a loan car but no offer of compensation !!!!!
William Hodgins says
My 250CDI went into limp mode two weeks ago with the injector problem. The car is 4 months old and has covered 10,000 miles….I received a C180 automatic from Enterprise….no sign of my car being repaired!….is there actually any 220/250 vehicles that have managed to exceed 12,000 miles without failure?…..this situation is a disgrace!
Alan Gillies says
Now 8 days without the Merc (appreciate this is a drop in the ocean compared to some!) and not at all happy. Have writtent ot he dealer and MB UK and the dealer has finally pulled himself together and I’m now happy with their responses. Wish I could say the same about MB – got a standard letter of apology, valued customer blah blah, unacceptable blah blah, within 3 weeks blah blah but not addressing any of the questions I put to them. A phone call led them to tell me they were only obliged to keep me mobile which didn’t exactly make me happy and I’ve had to deal with Enterprise directly at every turn. Enterprise have been better but had to make 2 journeys to airport to switch cars, they’ve waived refuelling fees etc but not really the point. Now have Insignia which is underpowered, thirsty and not as spacious as I need (hence why I bought an estate) Have now e-mailed MB UK again and await a response but to be honest I don’t expect too much in the way of specific feedback from them since they seem to be running scared of actually admitting there’s a serious problem here. Legal advice following Toyota debacle was not to drive the car at all if there’s a known fault as driver will be liable if it all goes pear-shaped and causes an accident – does this leave anyone who’s aware of the issue holding the can if an accident occurs through injector failure? Mine went at under 10mph on a roundabout, what about the potential for those who’ve found themselves doing 30mph in the fast lane of a motorway?
Sally says
I’ve just had my brand new Mec 220D carted off with the fuel injector problem. The man from the garage told me mine was the 21st since Christmas!!!!
Peter Reece says
To all drivers I think we need to form a complaint group and raise our issues formally via Trading standards. If each of us complains individually we stand little chance against the large MB organisation. If you all agree you can send me your details to a group email account and we can contact Trading standards and instruct legal representation. My grounds for rejection are based on that we have to give Mercedes opportunity to repair but this must be completed in a reasonable period which 3-4 weeks is clearly not. The alternative is to demand that any MB finance contracts are null and void due to misrepresentation at the time of sale when Mercedes were aware of this potential injector problem affecting the C/E 220/250 engines. Buyers are entitled to reject the goods as they are not fit for purpose. Please leave me a post if you to form a group.
Marco Hendrick says
Got my car back last Thursday, no apology from MB or dealer, fuel con still as bad!
Simon W says
I had suffered very poor fuel economy with my C250 since purchasing it and was in the process of complaint to MB when the injectors failed (4000 miles). MB have told me that they expect the new injectors to resolve my 33mpg average returns.
If that proves to be true when I get my car back, I will be happy to keep the car. Other than its economy, I was delighted with it prior to the injector failure.
It is unfortunate that MB cars area breaking down all over the place and it is not a satisfactory situation at present but I do see that with so many cars awaiting reair, they cannot issue a recall and add to the problem.
So far I am fairly happy with how I’ve been treated. The Merc was collected 1 hour after failing, the hire car was delivered after 2 hours. A letter of apology arrived from MB the next day and I also got a phone call from the Manager of the dealership.
Bearing in mind that the BE engine is cutting edge technology and pushing the envelope somewhat, I can appreciate that things sometimes go wrong with new technology. MB do not seem to be handling things as well as they could do with some customers though. I will gadly give them this opportunity to resolve my issue but a second failure would definitely not be acceptable.
Stephen Hughes says
I agree that the post is probably placed by an MB employee. It is all well and good saying don’t throw our toys out of the pram but we were left stranded for 2 hours on Jan 1st in temperatures of -3C outside of the Car on the embankment. The fact that the company as a whole fails to communicate to customers when your car is in the dealer you end up developing a Stockholm syndrome mentality and just resign yourself to waiting and giving in. Whilst it can’t be helped that the injectors are in short supply and we have to put up with this aspect, the communication and customer management is appalling. Why a large company would use a sole source for such a crucial part of the engine in the first place defies belief. This issue is not limited to Mercedes and now VWs, Audi and BMW will be hit in the near future but it will be interesting to see if they handle it better. At least Toyota and Nissan have been honest and have a plan whereas Mercedes have just panicked and tried not to admit any liability at any stage and therefore give text book answer dictated by their lawyers…This is what leaves the bad taste. Mine is coming up to week 4 with the dealer accepting they have no idea when it will get done. My call to mercedes UK has 6 days on failed to produce the text book letter.
I resign myself to another week without my car.
Jay says
I suspect the below comment was not made from an owner of a car that died either on a motorway or indeed like mine in the middle of nowhere driven by my wife with our 13 week old daughter in the car – stupid comment to make!!!!!
Ted on Sat, 13th Feb 2010 8:15 pm
All this talk of rejection and legal action strikes me as a severe case of prematurely throwing the toys from the pram. Yes there is a problem, MB are in the process of sorting it, give them a chance
Ted says
I don’t work for MB. MIne broke down at 50mph half way round a bend. Guess I just haven’t caught up with the litigious society we seem to live in now.
peter rabaa says
The issue is much wider than problems with injectors, on existing cars.
I have ordered a new vehicle through an Australian dealer – which at present is to be supplied with a 10 month delay.
The only reason given is a shortage of OM651 engines, but no admission that this is because of injector problems.
Australia is a small market, but the lack of a reason from MB — leaves a nasty taste. They throw platitudes around–like ” valued customer “, which are merely words dreamt up by the customer care crew.
I have read that production has been slowed to take injectors for existing customers, which is reasonable, but leaves others in the lurch.
The truth is all customers are being short changed.
Are delays in delivery of new vehicles being experienced in markets other than Australia?
Ian says
My C250 (new in September 09) broke down in January with injector fault. Still waiting repair – more than 3 weeks now.
After writing to MB their response included the statement “In the UK we have only been aware of this issue from early October 2009”
Does anyone have any comments on this.
Stewart Collins says
Extract from an email to my dealer – this is the earliest reference I’ve found so far – does anyone have anything older?
The link is to a German site, but you can use Google to translate to a form of English
“Ok – but I don’t accept that Mercedes were not aware of the issue at the time the car was built – as I knew there had been problems before I collected may car, but was under the impression that it had already been resolved and therefore wouldn’t effect my vehicle.
There’s even a quote from Mercedes on 8th October 2009 ( acknowledging the problem by which time they had already received 2,800 complaints. This is almost 3 weeks before I collected my car from the Factory – so Mercedes and possibly you were well aware of the faulty injectors before I took delivery.”
John says
The response from MB that ‘in the UK we have only been aware of the issue from early October 2009’ – even if you believe that statement which I don’t – implies that MB knew about this outside the UK before then. What is different about fuel injectors in UK models?. I thought they all were manufactured by Delphi and this would therefore be a world-wide issue.
Surely M-B UK were therefore negligent in not alerting UK dealerships thus allowing them to sell cars with an inherent fault. This is important for those of us who are now taking legal action in this matter.
Ian says
I do agree that the date of awareness is an impotrant issue for M-B. The carefully written response I received clearly seeks to demonstrate that my car was delivered (late September) before they were aware (ie “early October”) in the UK. Although it seems an untenable argument for M-B to claim they neglected to let UK (and other countries ?) dealers know of the fault as soon as they were aware (presumably the dealers have e-mail !), it would be worth knowing how many pre “early October” failures were actually recorded in the UK. Can anyone add to this.
David Mason says
The letter stating that MB new of the fault in early October is helpful to me and I wonder if I can get a copy?
I have written to reject my C250CDI which failed on 25th March on the basis that it was not “fit for purpose” when it was sold to me in mid November as MB knew there was a fundamental problem with the cars before that time. It will be interesting to see if I get a letter stating they did not know of the problem until early December!
The dealership (Bristol) were very apologetic and did arrange a hire car as quickly as they could, so I have no complaint with them so far, but I think MB as an organisation have let their customers down very badly. This is not a trivial fault and it’s only a matter of time before someone gets hurt when their engine fails at a critical time.
The fact remains that no one would have taken delivery of these cars had they been informed of the problem before hand.
Ted says
All this talk of rejection and legal action strikes me as a severe case of prematurely throwing the toys from the pram. Yes there is a problem, MB are in the process of sorting it, give them a chance.
Mrs Day says
No i think we should be able to hand them back. My car went into limp model whilst i was in labour on the way to the hospital, it was a nightmare then we had to wait ages to get a hire car which had to get delivered to the hospital for us to return home in! They had the car for 4weeks and then it has happened again whilst having a large lorry approaching us with our new born baby in the car. I have lost all trust in this car and im not having it back. You pay over 30k for a car it should drive perfect. I dont know how this is not a safety issue as if we never pulled over in time we would of been serious hurt.
SC says
Do you know if all of your injectors were replaced during the original repair? If so your experience suggests that Mercedes still haven’t got to the bottom of the problem.
Can you provide dates on when your car originally broke, and was returned?
Mrs Day says
it originally broke down on the 16th Dec and we got it back on the 14th Jan (not too sure of the date it was returned), it went back again on the 10th Feb, but they are telling us it was due to the software and gearbox this time but im not convinced as it was acting the same as last time ie lack of power. We have spoken to Trading Standards and they have advised us of our rights and how to go about returning the car.
DT says
Mrs Day, I’m writing about these problems for a newspaper. Would you be able to give me a call on 020 7782 5820 please?
Dan says
Quite surprised MB are getting away without any negative publicity.
I notice the whatcar site is full of glowing reviews from happy owners – I suggest people post their experiences there too as it will warn prospective purchasers and hopefully speed MB into a full recall.
Stewart Collins says
I don’t understand everyones desire to see Mercedes issue a full recall at this stage. It isn’t going to help anyone – there just aren’t enough injectors in the supply chain to repair those that are already broken – let alone all those that are yet to fail. Some kind of official public statement – maybe – but a full recall….
John says
The reason I am demanding that all vehicles be recalled is on safety grounds – to prevent other owners suffering the dangerous ordeal I went through which was an immediate loss of power at 70 mph on a motorway at night. A second fuel injector failed 6 weeks later. I have sent letters by recorded delivery over the past 5 weeks to Customer Services at Milton Keynes without even the courtesy of an acknowledgement. Legal action with recovery of costs is the only option.
Hom many chances are they supposed to get?
Paul says
‘What car’ as well as ‘JD Power’ are sites / companies that exist by tempering with reliability reports …against cash.
john cullen says are to be commended for highlighting injector faults
with certain models of Mercedes Benz. It now seems very likely
that Mercedes Benz are still selling these cars with injector
faults, making a virtue of stupidity and entering a vicious
cycle of sell and repair in a mad gallop to drive their
once good reputation into the gutter. Why this motor manufacturer did not act like Toyota is perhaps explained by the belief that it’s cars belong to a master class of vehicle.
Under the Sale and Supply of Goods Regulations Trade Descriptions Act 1968, Road Traffic Acts, there is a strong case to demand a full refund in these injector fault cases.
go to consumer rights uk faulty goods via google. What’s really needed here is to organise a ‘Class Action’, that is
to set up a small committee, get legal advice and employ one
uk based solicitor to act for all those who have injector fault
Mercedes cars and are willing to sign up. At present everyone is on his own against a world corporation. Luckily, I am not the owner of a new Mercedes with injector problems, but if I were I would be writing to my local supplier rejecting the faulty vehicle and outlining the reasons why and demanding a full refund. Writing to my finance company, maybe Mercedes Finance is the loan company in many cases here and outling the reason why I am rejecting the car. The Finance Company is actually the legal owner of the
car, until it is paid for in full. Allow the Finance company
and Mercedes Benz come up with a solution that suits you.
Good luck to everyone
JB says
Quite remarkable that someone who hasn’t got one of the affected cars is recommending a class action!! It may have escaped your notice that a lot of us actually want to keep our C classes. I think the c250cdi estate is a fantastic combination of power and economy. Rejecting the car would simply give me a problem of what to replace it with.
john cullen says
For JB’s information: my daughter is the owner of a new
mercedes model, with nominal mileage with injector faults which broke down on the M6. So what is so remarkable about my
comments JB ?. A class action is being confused with the Mercedes C class model. A class action is an action taken by a group of affected owners rather than each owner taking individual legal action. I would like to see a copy of your earlier comments, prior to february 19, in support of your
fellow Mercedes owners who have injector faults, with just one helpful idea, rather than denigrating my remarks.
Ray Armstrong says
Just looked up merc injector problems on google and found this site after our Merc e250 coupe packed in tonight , 4000 miles without a problem then out of the blue the car went into limp mode. Looks like it might take a while .
Ric says
I have been “enjoying”miserable mpg from my e220 for a few months before it failed this week.No where near advertised figures.I will certainly attempt to get some compensation.
Malcolm Inchley says
Having had discussions with the MD at my dealership and with VOSA who earlier this week had a meeting with M-B about the problem,I am now prepared to give M-B the benefit of the small doubt I have about the long term durability of the new injectors. I’m convinced that everyone in the supply chain is taking this matter very seriously, in order to minimise the damage to their reputation as well as to contain the enormous cost involved. So, I’ve agreed to give them a single chance to repair my car and if it fails again, I’ll be after that refund. At the very least, I suggest putting it in writing that you’re permitting the repair strictly on the understanding that the new injectors will not fail. If you want maximum protection, spend a few quid on a solicitor.
I hope M-B gets it right because I would prefer to keep my car since I’ve been very impressed with the performance and economy of the 250 engine. It is my third Merc so I know this problem is not typical, though there is perhaps some room for criticism over the way it’s been handled. At least I got to drive a Kia for a few days, which has reminded me how fortunate I am!
Stewart Collins says
@Chris – with regards to software updates – i received the following from my dealer.
“Mercedes will be replacing all the diesel injectors and carrying out the latest software updates to the car. This as we know it will cure the current issues with the vehicles reliability.
Regarding time scale, Mercedes are unable to give us a release date for injectors. However the parts seem to arrive two – three weeks after the vehicle has been recovered into us.”
Stewart Collins says
I did query the software update with the dealer and got the following reply:
“We have no reason to believe the car will drive any different, the power out put and economy should be exactly the same as before. Mercedes was not aware of the current fault when your car was made.”
Peter Reece says
Malcom – Are you looking to reject the return of your vehicle and have you made any progress with Mercedes
Malcolm Inchley says
Peter, please read the message I posted on Sunday, it gives the legal position as I understand it.
Peter Reece says
C250D sport injector failure on Tues 9th and car went into limp mode. I have only completed 4500 miles. Been given old style E class as a replacement via Enterprise replacement. I orignally pcp’d car via Mercedes Corporate Exeter and they have been helpful and have told me to monitor situation over next 3 weeks. If it goes beyond this point I have indicated I will be pursuing claims for this months payment for a vehicle I dont have and also any out of pocket expenses such as damage waiver fee from Enterprise. I have stressed I am not happy as car is only 3 mths old and by law they should at the point of sale advised there was a potential problem with some fuel injectors in these cars. I think all of us if we had known this would not have bought a Mercedes. I am looking to reject car if the issue is not fixed within 3 weeks. I would accept 2-3 days to be off the road but 3 weeks is just not reasonable. I need to take legal advice….is there anyone on this forum who can offer advice on the legal position
Chris Gouolding says
On the subject of fuel consumption……
I picked my C250CDi up from the factory last July and averaged over 50mpg driving it back to the UK. I was impressed. Up to the time of the first injector failure in October I had averaged high 40 mpg overall from the start. But I can’t prove this because all the data was lost when the injector was replaced and the engine software updated.
After this, up to the time of the second failure in February I had averaged 42 mpg (I noted this before it went to the garage).
I suspected that the engine had been detuned so that the injectors would not fail but have no evidence to support this. When I was told by Mercedes HQ at MIlton Keynes that all 4 injectors would be replaced I asked whether the engine management software would be changed too. I was told that it would not. The service dept at the dealer said that the decreased fuel consumption could be caused by the faulty fuel injectors.
I await the return of my car and will monitor the consumption with the new injectors.
I purchased the car based on the blue efficiency fuel economy message but feel I have ended up paying for a C250 and received a C220. I guess I have lost my confidence in Mercedes but will be more than happy to be proved wrong.
Stewart Collins says
Is there any evidence that Mercedes effectively de-tuned engines via software, once the problem was known about in an effort to delay failure. I only ask this because a lot of people myself included have been disappointed with the actual fuel consumption of the new engines.
I’ve also read somewhere that once the injectors are replaced performance / economy is improved dramatically – although this could just be the relief of getting one’s car back – it’s all new again 🙂
Food for thought maybe?
On another note making a big wave of publicity about this right now won’t help any of us who’ve already got failed injectors. If all 220/250 CDI owners start turning up at dealers demanding new injectors it will just hamper the dealers efforts to effect repairs. I know that there are some angry people out there and that my experience may not be atypical – but we all know the solution is being delayed by supply issues – Mercedes can’t just magic new injectors out of thin air….
I wasn’t impressed that it took my dealer didn’t contact me to confirm receipt of my car, and that it was injector failure – but then it’s not exactly a message that will have been received well by most customers so I can understand that the service staff are probably a bit sick of the whole fiasco as well…
The bottom line is that my engine is broken, Mercedes are going to fix it, and they’ve given me a reasonable car to use in the interim. As long as the fix works, and they offer a token gesture of a service voucher – I’ll be happy – not ecstatic – but satisfied. Yes like a lot you – I’m paying finance to Mercedes to drive a Mondeo, but it could be a lot worse…..
I shall now don flameproof overalls and hide 🙂
GP from Belgium says
Hello everybody,
Two things:
1) At least in Belgium, the situation seems to move. There is not really visible effects but my dealer told me of his optimism about an massive arrival of new injectors. A procedure to collect information on stationary vehicles, was introduced.
2) I asked Mercedes to the question concerning the date of inauguration of new injectors (version 5). I wait for the answer. As soon as possible, I will communicate it. This will help you to identify the good and bad injectors.
CarsUK says
GP: Your info is really useful to Cars UK readers. Many thanks. We too have asked Mercedes about the injector updates and serial numbers, but they’ve declined to comment. Maybe you will have more luck.
john says
I have had 2 fuel injector failures within 6 weeks on a C250 CDi supplied at the end of September 09, the car supposedly having been fixed after the first failure. I have asked in writing some searching questions of Customer support at Milton Keynes but, unsurprisingly, no answers forthcoming as yet.
At least Toyota have been up front with the problems with their cars but clearly Mercedes UK are burying their head in the sand and are hoping the problem will not get publicity. They are wrong. It is up to everyone who has already had problems to leave messages here in the hope that Cars UK will give this the exposure it deserves. This will at least alert other owners of those models affected to expect potentially dangerous situations arising and to take their car back to the
dealer to get the problem fixed. It is not a nice experience to suddenly lose power in the outside lane of a motorway at night as happened to me!
Does anyone know definitively when Mercedes UK were first aware of the problem with faulty fuel injectors on these models affected and if so could you please post that date on this website. This date is crucial for those who are pursuing legal claims against Mercedes in this matter.
Ric says
E220se 08/09.7700miles failed today ,limp home.Missed appointment.Took to mb Stratford upn Avon ,very good sorted out Insignia for following day.Not happy with car always pulls to left(been in twice),known rattly dash,awful fuel consumption and now injectors.They should do better.
Jay says
A petrol C180 saloon sport just arrived from Enterprise, so far no complaints about any service received from MB or Enterprise.
Jay says
Oct C250 Sport Saloon with 4500 miles died yesterday, phoned Gatwick MB this morning and to my total surprise was told it’s an injector fault!!!! All 4 to be replaced and told at least a few days until fixed, awaiting contact re the hire car.
Ted says
Count yourselves lucky the only car Enterprise had for me was a Prius.
Paul says
Then it means you finally have a reliable car….I reckon you are lucky
Tim Newman says
One of the many with a CDI 220 currently waiting for new injectors. Paying MB finance £550 a month on a 2 year PLP for the privelidge of driving a Mondeo!!!
If the repair takes 3 to 4 weesk as seems average from the blog feedback does anybody know if i’m entitled to compensation?
The small print on the Mobilo cover seems to suggest that replacement cars are subject to availability. I’m getting the same spin from Enterprise that they dont have enough Mercs to go round. That sould like a convenient story.
Oh well early days it’s so far only been off the road for a week.
Ian K says
E220CDI delivered 29th Dec 2009. 1700 miles and no breakdown so far.
Injector numbers start with 09331
Marco Hendrick says
Just had an update, Mercedes are today or tomorrow getting a bulk order of new MODIFIED injectors delivered to dealers, fingers crossed.
Marco Hendrick says
Please all log onto this site and report your story BBC Watchdog the more people that do the more notice they will take.
GP from Belgium says
Oops, Just a small mistake,
I made a mistake in the date of manufacture, you should read 09319 instead of 09349. It is a mistake of one month. The boundary date is still to be verified. Mercedes has never communicated to me the exact date.
Sorry for this mistake. If you can obtain this date, it would be great.
pier pistocchi says
Hi. Do I read the date in your example as 31st March 2009, we read the year, month and date? so an injector manufactures on 14th june 2009 would read 09614??
Am I thinking along the right lines?
pier pistocchi says
sorry, got confused, your example of 09319 is that 19th march 2009?
GP from Belgium says
Hello everybody,
How do you know if your vehicle has been repaired properly and correctly?
Open your front trunk, remove the protective cover of the engine. It is very easy. Pull out the four corners and everything come easily. The 4 injectors are perfectly available. Write the serial numbers or take a photo (this is a proof in case of …). They all begin with “09” or “10” (year) followed by three digits notifing the date of manufacture. If the number of each injector is greater than 09349 (I can not guarantee the exact day), your injectors are generally in order. Otherwise, there is a problem. Contact in any way your dealer.
For those that have been repaired, can you post the serial numbers (the first 5 digits), please, just to have a clearer idea of the date of manufacture of the first corrected injectors.
CarsUK says
Great information GP. Many thanks.
Stephen Hughes says
Spoken with Mercedes Customer Services this morning and unloaded everything onto them, fit for purpose under sale of goods act, unsatisfactory communication from Mercedes, Wanting a Diesel instead of a 180 Saloon, Compensation for my monthly payments towards ownership, possible appearance on Watchdog, The fact the dealers are left stranded by Mercedes…….Let’s see what happens now and if miraculously my replacement injectors turn up early…
Paul says
Have a Merc E250 CDi Coupe due for delivery on March 1st after cancelling my order for BMW Coupe due to alloy wheel problem. The supplying dealer has assured me that my car will have the revised injectors fitted which use a different adhesive. They tell me I will have no problems whatsoever as the cars produced in 2010 have been made with the upgrade. After reading this forum, who should I believe?
Justin Bass says
Spoke to a soliceter this morning and he advised giving the dealer a timeframe that is reasonable to fix the car – about 7 to 10 days.This step will help if you are going to try and use the sale of goods act.Can be a diffivcult area and you need to take advice but he was pretty clear that it is possible given the circumstances.Spoke to my dealer and outlined this was my intended action.Dealer Director was very good and listend and agreed very sorry state to be in with one of the best global car brands.Within 3 hours I had a call back adviseing they had a delivery of injectors and I should have my car back in the next couple of days!!
Still not had a call back from Mercedes about any form of compensation.
Malcolm Inchley says
Have today delivered a letter to my dealer rejecting my car and demanding a refund. I met the top man and was treated with every courtesy. it seems that at first M-B tried to get away with replacing just the faulty injectors, only for others to fail, meaning that some owners broke down more than once. Now they are replacing the whole set, which of course is placing a greater demand on parts. My dealer would not predict how long the car would be off the road, not that I’m interested in having it back.
Now awaiting a written response to my letter.
Stephen Hughes says
Got my Mercedes C CLass Estate 250 Diesel Sport end of September, Had poor fuel consumption and a twitchy gear box from the start. Then a day after New year’s day broke down on M6 toll and Mobilo left my wife and I waiting two hours in -2C. Then on back of lorry for 4 hours to get home. Went into Garage at Brooklands and then got a software update. Came back with damaged paintwork in 3 places. On route to take it back the engine failed again and finally after telling them if I had a crash due to engine failure I would hold them liable and to sort out their internal warranty discussions. 3 weeks later they have done nothing, don’t know when the injectors will come in and can’t do anything with the paintwork as they can’t move it. It could be sat there for months as they are still fixing ones that came in start of January and December. They admitted they try the software update first but I think this just buys them time. I have had to chase them and got the feeling they are overwhelmed but no real communication and the whole thing is a mess. In comparison just sold my Passat and the guys at Colbornes, Woking, really can’t do enough for me and have always given exceptional service. My colleague just got his Passat CC and now regretting ever being enthusiastic about a Mercedes. This will be my first and last Mercedes!!
Paul says
You have a few more days before the lagal six months for refund expire!!!
Repair the scratches with one of these mobile scratch repairers and reclaim your right…and buy the new 5 series, a Lexus or a CC VW. Anything will be better…
Once a lemon, always a lemon. Get rid of it asap!!
Good luck
Stewart Collins says
My C220CDI (Oct09) with only 3,000 on the clock went into limp mode yesterday (Sunday) morning at 9am. Called Moblio – within 15 minutes they had arranged to collect my car from home (which they did on time today), and got me sorted with a Mondeo Titanium X TDCi from Enterprise by 3pm – would’ve been earlier in the day but I rejected the Galaxy they offered originally. I guess the replacement car is luck of the draw depending on where you live, as to current stock levels at Enterprise – the chap there did say they hadn’t got any Mercs at all as they were all out on loan – they also only stocked C180Ks locally so probably better off with the Mondeo.
So far MB have been very good and I can’t really complain – other than the fault shouldn’t happen in the first place. However, considering my dealer has had my car since 10am this morning, I’m not impressed with the fact that they’ve not bothered to contact me at all…….. 🙁
John says
My dealer didn’t bother to contact me at all – but was probably so embarrassed as this was the second time it happened in a few weeks! After 3 days of the dealership having the car back without any communication whatsoever from them, I had to resort to visiting the dealership to get some idea as to what was going on.
All this from an organisation that prides itself on Customer Service!
Ted Sepple says
Same deal as you guys!Purchased C250 Blue efficiency estate in September, 1st Merc, looking for reliabilty and a good drive.
It died Sunday 31st January after 3,000+ miles. MB were quick to pick-up the vehicle and find me a replacement CLK with Enterprise all within an hour. Recieved an apology via a letter on the 4th Feb with an explanation saying ‘problem due to a small number of faulty diesel fuel injectors from the suppliers’ and anticipate delivery within the next three weeks. Had a bad experience with another local MB dealership when I was looking to buy this car so maybe I should have gone with one of my other choice’s BMW 5 series or the Audi, any more problems and I will definatley be throwing it back
Alan Gillies says
My C250 CDI went into limp mode yesterday afternoon at just over 5000 miles, recovered efficiently by the dealer within the hour. Enterprise claimed not to have a hire car to give me but after MB got involved I’ve ended up with a Chevrolet Aveo. I wasn’t aware of the problems with injectors until I found this site today and I’m pretty hacked off right now as my dealer hasn’t even looked at my car yet. I’ll be kicking off with them over the atrocious hire car I’ve got, which was acceptable yesterday before I knew I’d probably be looking at a minimum of 3 weeks without the Merc. I’ll be researching the legal position just in case but have to say MB have been great so far, although the dealer isn’t communicating as expected, but Enterprise will be getting a hard time either directly or through MB until I get a decent replacement.
stephen warburton says
I wasn,t aware of the problem until this morning when my E Class went into “limp mode” in the outside lane of a busy motorway.In fairness to Mercedes they arranged a replacement car immediately (although not a Merc.),and i was back on the road within 2 hours.There was no mention of a free service at the dealership,but there will be from me thanks to your article.
Willy Nobles says
I’ve had mine back, having been off the road for around 4 weeks. This seems like the average waiting time.
I understand that the policy was originally to replace only the faulty injector, but this has been changed to replacing all 4 injectors. (Or at least, that’s what my dealer told me)
It would be interesting to hear if anybody has experienced any failures with the new injectors. So far, mine seem ok.
John Graham says
My C250CDI failed on my drive on Feb 4th at 10,300 miles. Confirmed as Injectors problem by dealer and standard blurb of typically taking at least 3 weeks to effect repair. I intend to investigate rejecting car as I only purchased on Dec 18th from MB Direct. Spoke with MB Direct at the weekend, and will hopefully be sorting out this week.
I don’t want the car back, even if it is fixed. It’s a shame as I previously had a C320 CDI until December from new that have never given me even a hint of a problem in the 3 years I owned it.
John Graham says
After rejecting my vehicle, I have reached agreement with my dealer to return the car without any costs incurred to me for the 45 days that I had the car before it failed. MB Finance will now refund any payments made and we have now cancelled agreement.
I stated that I did not want the car back due to the failure and that I was very concerned that MB had sold me faulty goods whilst aware of these injector problem since at least Oct 09. Further disappointed that the injector problem was not resolved when the car was in the MB workshop for an ECU software upgrade on Dec 4th, two weeks before I bought the car. One would have assumed that they would have swapped the injectors then, rather than sell a car that they know would fail within a few thousand miles.
Have now parted as friends and cannot complain about the way that this matter has been resolved.
Now need to find a replacement vehicle.
Peter Reece says
Which dealer were you using and what was the registration of your car? I would like to use you as a test case against Mercedes South West so I can get out of my contract due to misrepresentaton of selling me a car not fit for purpose. I to had my car in for a ECU software update in December and nothing was made aware to me of the problem.
John Graham says
I have had a lot of mails asking for details of my car return. So here goes…
I bought my car C250CDI at 8600 miles from MB Direct in Kingston. For those that don’t know, MB-Direct sells MB Head office cars and demonstrators through the MB Direct dealership network. I bought from the Kingston branch on 12th Dec 09 and picked the car up on Fri 18th (just when all the snow started)
On Feb 1st, (10,300 miles) the car failed on my drive. I became very suspicious when the Breakdown driver said that my car was the 16th Mercedes Blue Efficiency he had picked up recently, then went to the web and found these comments on the Cars UK site, and also some German sites. ( I can speak some German)
I visited the dealer (in my hire car Mondeo) and told them that I was furious because I had only had the car just over a month, and that it had been my expectation that any known injector problems would have been dealt with when the car was being prepared for resale. My converstaion with the local MB dealer in Ascot had revealed that the service records showed that it had received a s/w upgrade for ECU on Dec 4th, and no injector replacements.
I spoke with the MB-direct dealership and considered modifying my agreement to a different MB model, but did not find anything that appealed. I made clear that I had no confidence in my car and did not want it back, and also that I thought I was on very good grounds from Sale of Goods act perspective, in that the comments I had read on various websites went back to at least early November and I believe into late October.
The dealership were very understanding and advised me to contact MB Customer services. I logged a complaint and told them that I wished to formally reject the vehicle as I had been sold defective goods in my opinion.
A few days later I received a call from the MB-Direct Kingston service manager who ran through the problems and advised that my car had slipped through the net and had not had the injectors changed when in for resale preparation in early December, but should have had. My view was that this was irrelevant and that I had been sold faulty defective goods that based on the level of complaints across Europe, MB most likely knew my car would fail at the time that I purchased, but did not inform me. I also clearly stated that I would not have purchased the car had I known about the issue. The fact remained that I had been sold faulty defective goods.
About an hour later, the Dealer Principle for MB-Kingston called me and offered me 3 options:-
1) Select alternative model not affected at attractive cost
2) Await repair & return of my vehichle and then if still not happy, return it
3) Cancel agreement & walk away as friends
I answered that I had already considered those 3 options and that I wanted to cancel agreement and walk away. The question of cost differentials and depreciation for the 40 days I had owned the car came up and I stated that I was happy to pay for the mileage I had used at ‘excess rates’, but that in my view this was an MB problem and that I did not expect to pay for a fall in price due to depreciation on the vehicle. He asked for the mileage and other details and then called a few hours later to confirm that I could return the vehicle at no cost to myself and that my payments would be refunded.
I went to the dealership on Mon 15th, signed the papers to transfer ownership and received a refund of payments made to date on that agreement into my bank on Thursday 18th Feb.
I should point out that I was an existing customer of MB Direct in Kingston, and had bought my previous C Class there 3 years previously.
Oddly enough, I also believe that due to the snow, and not driving the car that much in the month I owned it, other than a 1000 mile round trip to Scotland over Christmas, that I was not as attached to the new vehicle as one might have expected. I was also probably still a bit annoyed that MB had tried to charge me for every miniscule scratch on my recently returned C Class from my previous agreement
Therefore, for me in my circumstances, rejection was the choice I made. I can fully understand others who want to keep their vehicle.
I did not write any letters, but stated clearly to both the dealer and also MB Customer services that I wished to reject the car as I had lost all confidence in it and would not have purchased it in the first place had I known about these problems.
Hopefully, there is enough detail in here to help others. I spend most of the week in Germany, which is why it may take me a few days to respond to personal emails.
Pier says
please help. I have a 250CDi, bought new on October 2009, done 7200 iles and so far so good. Seeing this an other forums its only a matter of time before my injectors fail. I hear horror stories of cars going into limp home mode on the motorway. I have a 4 year old who often travels with me between Bristol and Sussex and I am scared half to death should my injectors fail. My car is less than 6 months old and I want to reject it now (or at least replace it with another MB 350cdi which are not affected) Problem is, if my car has yet to break down, how weak is my case for rejection. To be fair MB have known of this issue when I was buying the car?
Jay says
I don’t have any legal knowledge but I doubt you’d have a good case to reject a car that has no problems with it (yet?!?). When I was made aware of the injector issues I spoke to the dealer who said “it will either fail or it wont as not all cars are affected and therefore no recall is in place”, unfortunately it did fail 3-4 weeks later whilst my wife was driving with our 13 week old daughter ion the car, luckily in a village with 30mph zones. Knowing what I know now and the journeys you are doing I would want to have a MB garage look at the injectors to see if it’s a faulty batch, issue is even if they are able to tell you wouldn’t be on a priority list to have then changed as most dealers have a yard and car park full of E & C 220’s / 250’s awaiting the new injectors!! Best of luck and hopefully as you’ve managed to get past the 5K (seems common & mine was 4.5K) mileage mark you will be ok.
John Westrup says
My C220CDI blue efficiency 3 month old has the same problem, I have been told 3-4 weeks for a repair. I have recieved a letter from MB customers suport centre which states that they are awaiting the replacement injectors, what worries me is will they replace ALL injectors with the new modified injector or will they just replace the failed one, I have written to MB customers support requesting an answer to this question but as yet have recieved no reply, my local dealer when asked said yes but not very convincingly. This is very important as if the faulty injector only is replaced we are still open to future breakdowns!
Chris says
My E220 purchased in Sept 2009 broke down on Monday last, at 4000 miles, with what turns out to be an injector failure. Initially given a C200 until I was told my car would be off the road for at least 3 weeks. They have now supplied a new E220, which I’m assured has had its injectors replaced, until mine is repaired. Yesterday received a letter of apology from Mercedes. However, have not been offered a free service or extended warranty.
Reading websites with great interest.
Justin Bass says
Thanks – I will put the call in tomorrow.Can you post up what happens when you talk to the dealer.
Thanks for all the advice
Malcolm Inchley says
Having realised that my domestic insurance includes legal protection, I’ve just had an illuminating chat with one of their advisers, who made the following points.
1. Clarify your rights with the local Trading Standards Officer, so that you can approach your dealer with that as an opening statement. Let them see you’re well informed.
2.Under Section 14 of The sale of Goods Act 1979 (as ammended)a purchaser, within a reasonable time, (six months was suggested in this case), may reject the goods and is entitled to a full refund where the item purchased is not fit for purpose, and where the flaw is a fundamental one, as in this case since the injectors perform a basic and necessary function. contrary to a previous suggestion there is no option for the manufacturer to attempt a repair; the purchaser can claim that the product is not behaving as it should and that all confidence in it has been lost.
This is my brief interpretation of what I was told, so please don’t take it as gospel advice. Speak to your local Trading Standards and get your own legal advice if you can. I certainly feel very confident now and tomorrow looks like being an interesting day!
Costas says
Does anyone know if the problem with the injectors also applies to the E 250 CGI (petor).
CarsUK says
No, it seems to be just the 220 CDI and the 250 CDI diesel engine (OM651) affected by the faulty injectors.
Justin Bass says
My C 250 Had 6000 miles on the clock and then had the injector failure.Same story as all the other comments – Enterprise could not get a car then waited a week and a Merc arrived.I am now going into my 4th week with no sign of the parts.I have phoned Mecredes and explained how dissapointed I am ,they responded in starting a complaint investigation that could take up to ten days!They dont appreat to care at all and dont seem to have any sort of set procedure for dealing with this major problem.Reading the various replys it looks like a big problemCould someone give me some clear advice on the sale of goods act – what is the chance of returning the car?
CarsUK says
Caveat – we’re not lawyers. But we did ask a lawyer friend this question this week. She said that if the car was less than six months old – and the fault could not speedily be remedied – then buyers were entitled to get their money back by rejecting the car. There is case law which allows car makers up to three attempts to fix a car, but it would seem the evidence points to there not being a reliable fix available yet.
She also made the point that any cars sold after Mercedes were aware of the problem should be able to be rejected out of hand. Proving how long Mercedes has been aware of the problem is another issue – but we knew about it by September at the latest. They must have known before that.
As we said – we’re not lawyers. But if there’s a lawyer reading this who wants to submit their professional opinion – even if they’re touting for business – I doubt anyone here would object.
Elaine Usletten says
that could be a big problem but i cant figure out how failures on a merc
Malcolm Inchley says
My C250, which I aquired last August, expired yesterday after 3500 miles: I’m getting the same story about the magnitude of this problem from the supplying dealer, recovery driver and Enterprise. Does anyone know when M-B first became aware of this problem?
CarsUK says
There are comments on here going back three months with the injector problems and we first started to hear rumblings in the Summer.
Drew Rushton says
I had my brand new E250 blue-efficiency coupe for 4 weeks when it suddenly went into limp home mode in the fast lane of the M1, luckily I was able to pull into the hard shoulder with little problem before my car completely cut out!
This is my first mercedes having had all manner of makes and models in the past (from fords to lexus) none of them have ever broken down.
My experience of the car dealership that my car was recovered to was one of confusion – noone explained to me what to expect, what to do with regards to my car being fixed (I didnt even revieve any paperwork that acknowledged that they have my car!! Having never broken down before I am not aware of the processes involved – I do however expect some communication with regards to progress.
Mercedes have now had my car for 5 days – I have not had any communication from them – luckily I have a mercedes E-class hire car in the meantime (I’m now waiting for this to breakdown!) but still would have appreciated some communication with regards to initial diagnosis of problem – I have since heard roumers that fuel injectors could be a problem with this engine.
Not a great first impression of Mercedes, they certainly need to up their game to keep me as a client.
Marco Hendrick says
Willy, i have had three,3 series and never had a single issue with any of them, i chose the C class for something different, if i could go back to last September, no choice 3 series all the way, even if spec is really basic in comparison.
i have spoken to my lease company today, they have assured me that when the injectors do finaly get replaced, they will be the new fixed ones not just replacing old for old to fail again, we shall see?
Paul says
I had an A6 Quattro that served me flawlessly for 6 years; I had a small cooling pipe puncture and I followed AA advice and left the car on the hand of the butchers from Nationwide Autocentres…hence the purchase of a new Mercedes, though I hesitated a lot and I was close to buy a 5 series or a 2nd hand new Quattro A6….
Mercedes was the choice of the guy – that’s ME – with too much money and too little brain; an aspirational choice that led to a decision taken against the odds.
The only good Mercs are the S-class and some E-classes. The rest are …poor man’s mercs.
Denis Farrell says
Yeah right!cos a poor man can afford 32grand for a new c class.
exmocmember says
My C250 CDi Blue Inefficiency broke down last Sunday. 4 months old. 5000 miles. Same problem as everyone else. 3 weeks quoted by dealer to fix. Dealer’s parking bays were full of 10-15 cars all awaiting similar fix. Service manager said that there are 100,000 cars worldwide which WILL breakdown. I was lucky, my car broke down on a narrow country lane. What if it had been the fast lane of the M6? All power was lost, including brake servo assistance and power steering. Is this a potential safety problem? If you think so you can post a concern form to VOSA. It is on their website. If they see enough forms and agree they may force a recall. Regarding the injectors themselves, look at This shows Delphi’s publicity on the launch of this ‘amazing’ step forward. References to forthcoming launch on a premium car in Europe fit to MB C class BE launch. Perhaps we were the guinea pigs?! Some further questions we should be asking Mercedes:
1) What is the root cause of the problem?
2) What guarantee can the give that is has been fixed and will not recur?
3) Are the ‘fixed’ injectors giving same fuel economy, torque and CO2 etc that was the reason for many of us buying this model?
Rumours I have heard from contacts in Germany are that Delphi changed an adhesive used in the manufacture of the injectors at some stage and this has caused the problem. If this is true then it may be an easy problem to fix. This could be wishful thinking…..
Willy Nobles says
I wasn’t exactly pleased when mine failed, but I have to say that I was never without a car, even if it was twice as expensive to run!
I’ve had mine back for a week, & it seems ok, time will tell.
However, there are a few things that have concerned me;
1) Lack of contact from the dealer. In fact, most of the time I had to contact them, & when I spoke to the service department, it was almost as if they didn’t even know they had my car!
2) £250 compensation/goodwill. I’ve had nothing. Not even a call from MB to see if I was happy with the car now that I had it back.
3) What is the effect going to be on residual values? Seriously worrying.
£250 compensation may look like a real insult in 12 months time.
4) Lack of communication from MB. This is a massive problem, I’d have more respect for them if they came clean & stated what their policy was.
This is the first Merc I’ve owned. When it works as it should, it’s fantastic to drive. However, if I could go back 6 months, knowing what I know now, I don’t think I’d buy it again. So what will I do when it’s time to change it? I’m really not sure that I’d be willing to buy another.
GP from Belgium says
I found that creating an new extra item about the injectors problem on the engine OM651 was not a good idea. Let a single forum for open discussions. Otherwise we will dissipate in different forums with the same subject. I have another suggestion, open a new group, internationally, if possible, in facebook. I leave you the choice of a title. It would be fun. The whole world against the Mercedes-Benz communication.
CarsUK says
A good point. But we had to write a new story in response to what’s going on. We’re talking to other media outlets to see if we can take this further for you guys. We’ll see what we can do.
We have also disabled comments on the new article and asked readers to come to this story to leave comments. At least this way we can keep your points of view in one place.
Marco Hendrick says
Has anyone considered contacting ‘watchdog’ does anyone know what my legal rights are, i have a C220 Sport which i lease from Leaseplan, am i entitled to a refund? i have contacted the lease company and they dont seem interested to say the least, what we need here is some media exposure to shame Mercedes and get them to pull there finger out.
i have family in Italy, who interestingly have told me that there local dealer near Verona,would not sell them a C class, to embarased, knowing there is a major fault.
Richard Law says
Since I made my post this morning I’ve had 26 calls from people with exactly the same problem…given the low probability of someone with the same problem looking on the same site on the same day I would say that this is a much bigger problem than MB are admitting to.Some good news coming through though MB have apparently agreed a full refund to one of the people who called me because his car broke down an incredible 4 times in as many months…the feedback from different people is mixed however in relation to how they get dealt with. Some have been given poor replacement cars whereas some have been given equivalent or better replacements. Some have been offered no compensation while others have a refund…I guess it depends on how loud you complain. I’ve been contacted by the Independent today wanting a follow up and one person wanting to share the car transporter!…British fighting spirit is alive and well..
CarsUK says
We’re not surprised. And to blow our own trumpet a little there are over 150,000 readers a month on cars UK so we get a fair bit of interest. We’ve actually asked Mercedes a pile of questions about this issue and so far we’ve had no reply. If we don’t have one by the morning we will be writing about the ‘Unanswered questions’. Which should be interesting.
CarsUK says
Mercedes felt unable to answer the questions we put to them on the injector problems, so we’ve published a new article – Mercedes injector problems – the unanswered questions – which you may find useful. Mercedes has also offered to take any complaints Cars UK readers send us and address them.
Marco Hendrick says
My 220 sport, broke down last Wednesday night, local dealer told me not to expect to see the car for a month, not happy….
H Stone says
My C220 sports broke down with the same problem. I was given a loan car and was told that parts will not be availble for four weeks! So I was driving around in a very thirsty E class. In any case, it was fixed and I have just picked my car being reassured that all will be well ….. Only after having it for four days the lock on the passenger side has gone !!
I am not impressed for an expensive vehicle !
Andy says
Bought new e class in Sept 09, picked up from Germany, packed up 1st week of Nov. eight weeks later not fixed. Told dealership i didnt want it back, they said i could pick up new one in Mar 10. Phoned me last week, still injector problems and wont be able to pick up new one until MAY 10. Told them no way, want money back. Have lost 2k in payments. Bought a BMW. Very unhappy thinking of suing.
peter sheldon says
My 250 CDI stopped due to injector problem at 4,500 miles. Have been assured by Mercedes dealer (Inchcape) that the problem has been solved, but must wait about 1 month. You say you got your money back minus 2K. W3ell done, I’ll try the same.
PS Which BMW did you buy, and how is it going? The Mercedes people told me that BMW have the same problem with injectors for 4 cylinder cars.
g.bradley says
what was the outcome of your car i am in the process of taking legal action against the dealer who sold my car e250 sports they treat you like your dirt never phone back
g.bradley says
what was outcome of your problem i was told may also now they are saying they wont reject my car with 2000 miles 3 months old when broken down this was a brand new car regards gerry
Jay says
I purchased C250 sport in Oct, 3.5 months later breaks down with 4.5k on the clock. Rejected after MB had car for 2 weeks, received deposit, admin fee and full 4 x finance payments back. MB even offered me 3 x finance payments as compensation if I took car back once repaired, I opted for full rejection and then purchased brand new 350 cdi sport. V happy now and the V6 is a great engine with an awesome 7 speed auto box, great for the motorway journeys I mostly do and to date the MPG is equal to what i was getting before if not better on a good motorway run. Legally if the car was sold with a known fault and safe to say by early October this would have been the case and the car is not fit for purpose then you can reject, MB didnt put up a fight at al.
Pete says
Hi Jay
I’ve been wrangling with Mercedes for 12 weeks now, after initially rejecting the car via email with MB Customer Services. 2 weeks ago, I formally rejected via letter to MB Customer Services, MB Finance and MB dealer. In the first 14 weeks of ownership, the car lost power 4 times, 3 times in the outside lane in highly dangerous circumstances. 3 of the failures were caused by known issues (fuel tank twice and fuel injectors). I have lost faith in the car completely, so all I want is my money back or the car replaced. All they are now willing to give me is my initial deposit plus an additional amount for the time the vehicle has been out of use having the injectors repaired (7 weeks!). That would leave me short by £2000. I’m currently hireing my own car at the moment because of my refusal to take the car back, so they know I’m serious about this. I don’t understand why they are sticking to their guns, as if I did take them to court, surely they wouldn’t have a leg to stand on?
My question is, as you appear to have a satisactory conclusion, what did you say to convince them to give you all of your money back?
I’ve threatened them with Watchdog and legals, but nothing seems to be working.
Kind regards
Richard Law says
I’ve spoken to MB, numerous Mercedes retained car hire providers and my dealership during the near 10 weeks that my 220cdi has been off the road with this problem- 7 weeks when it first went wrong and a further three after it went wrong a second time having only having it back with me for 3 hours.
According to the people I’ve spoken to the manufacturer of the injectors has been forced into liquidation by MB and MB have now taken control but the problem is out of hand and growing.
Enterprise, their hire car provider just can’t get their hands on enough vehicles to keep all affected people in cars or equivalent cars and the dealerships are swamped with veichles in for repair. One person I spoke to has left the MB dealership with stress and reckons that this is such a big problem “it could bring MB down”
I’ve told my dealership that I don’t want my car back because apart from the problems, this will defineately affect MB’s reputation and the re-sale value of these cars. I’m also considering suing because MB knew about this problem when they sold me the car. Alternatively I’m up for hireing a car transporter to take my pile of crap back to MB in Germany under a blase of publicity…anyone want to join me call on 07802 346006.
Ali Asif says
Hi Richard,
Any luck, I have the same problem and even not getting a date back when it will be fixed.
Best Regards
Chris Oatridge says
Richard, what was your end result? It seems MB are sinking with the shear number of these problems.
Mark H says
My wifes E220 CDI has so far failed twice. The first time Enterprise only had an Astra available as they had “run out of Mercedes cars” – at least it was fixed inside a week. It failed again on the 9th of December, Enterprise only had a Ford KA available, we went ballistic, finally got a Mercedes delivered from London (we live in Portsmouth). They have replced the injectors, the diagnostics indicated that something else was wrong – they fixed that – now it says that the ECU is faulty and that was ordered over a week ago and we are still waiting. If this car fails again we will consult a solicitor regarding the Sales of Goods Act – despite all of the supposed “testing” done by Mercedes the reliability is a joke.
GP from Belgium says
Hello everybody,
I was reading : “A problem has been identified which is due the manufacture of a small number of faulty diesel fuel injectors by our supplier, which can affect 220 CDI and 250 CDI models of the C-Class and E-Class ranges fitted with the new OM651 engine”
Sorry, this is a big lie. All vehicles equipped with this engine (OM651) have problems. This problems also concern the GLK Class. In Belgium, all users of these vehicles are offered a replacement car until the permanent repair of the defective car. This could continue until June 2010. On the other hand, MB will give free one-year warranty over the normal 2-years warranty.
CarsUK says
We’ve asked Mercedes to comment on GP’s comment about replacement cars and a free extended warranty in Belgium. We’ll let you know what they say.
Willy Nobles says
Not much comfort to you guys with broken Merc’s, but this might give you some idea about timings.
My C250 failed on 30/12, I was given an E350CGI via Enterprise. Nice car, but very thirsty! From posts on other forums, I guessed the average repair time is 4 weeks, so by late January I was back onto the dealer. “It’ll probably be at least another couple of weeks, Sir” was the answer!
Now, I don’t mind waiting my turn, but I won’t tolerate being shuffled back in the queue, which is what I suspected was going on. I immediately called MB customer service, who wouldn’t confirm or deny my theory, but promised that they would contact the dealer.
Within 4 hours, I’d been contacted by 2 people from the dealer, to advise that my car would be ready for collection the next day, which it was.
So, expect to wait 4 weeks, be polite, but be persistant.
John Sparks says
my new cdi 250 , injectors packed up on Friday night , car collected taken to mercedes in poole on Monday morning 1st Feb , they had three in already that morning , so far been told the new injectors will take 21 days to arrive , my business partner who was in line to also order a new c class is currently sitting with our local Audi dealer!.
CarsUK says
This whole Mercedes injector saga is probably the best Audi advert around.
Paul says
I would suggest he has a look at the new BMW or Lexus.
I was told by the son of a retired MB exec in Germany that MB does not even consider as Mercedes the A, B and C class; the focus on quality is solely on the E and S class.
Paul says
I am getting very concerned about this. My own C250CSI has so far had no problems but I seem to be in the minority. I have spoken to the service manager at my local dealer repeated more or less word for word the Mercedes press release above. Wht really annoys me is that Mercedes are refusing to do a recall and inspect/replace suspect components, but waiting untill cars actually break down with all the inconvenience and agrovation that involves.
CarsUK says
The quote in the article was in response to us asking Mercedes about this. The problem is big – and to a degree being hidden by Mercedes. The fact is there are not enough injectors available to have a recall. If they recalled the cars they couldn’t do the fix.
But this isn’t just the fault of Mercedes – although they are handling it badly. The simple fact is that car makers are being forced to introduce new technology to hit CO2 targets set by Governments – targets based on cod science and conjecture. But it means that the technology used in cars like the BlueEfficiency models is at the bleeding edge of what is possible. And anything like that is always going to have problems.
Chris Gouolding says
I’m sitting here at 4am having just been delivered home by recovery vehicle with my broken down C250 Blue Efficiency.
This is the 2nd time in 6 months it has broken down with the same problem.
First time – Mercedes replaced the broken fuel injector and changed the engine management software. Before that I was averaging high 40mpg, now it is low 40mpg. They said they didn’t have enough of the updated fuel injectors to meet demand for retro-fitting and for new cars. I said – so that means my car could break down again….and it has.
Iain Logue says
My new E250 Cdi blue efficiency was collected of 4 January. It seemed to be brilliant. After 24 hrs and taking it easy on moterways, I had 50 mpg.
After 30 hrs it was taken away on the back of a lorry with the injector problem. That was 5 January. I havn’t seen it since. Still no date for when parts will be available to fix it.
It went into limp home mode, in which it would hardly go up a hill. I had to quit at the roadside. The nearest dealer took it away in no time, but it took a further 14 hrs to get a replacement Toyota Aigo! I spent the night in a hotel.
The dealer has since told me his own demonstrator is also awaiting injectors with no idea of delivery date. It seems this matter is a bit bigger than Mercedes say.
PJE says
We have 4 C220 CDI Blue’s in our company. 1 broke down several times before MB fully replaced injectors.
The other 3 including mine worked ok with no probs BEFORE the recall. After they recall, they have ALL broke down. Mine and one others had covered about 10,000 miles, the other about 5,000.
Small problem with 100% failure rate on these 4 cars, I thik those numbers speak for themselves!!
MB have had my car 4 weeks, still no confired fix date as “MB Germany do not state when parts will arrive”.
Paul says
I bought the previous C220 CDI model (2006) and it worked like errr…a swiss watch until its first service. After MB put their claws on it, I had only problems ever since. You could swear that MBs franchised dealers are employed and paid by BMW or Audi. One cannot be that incompetent.
Mark says
Just for the record my E 220 CDI sport broke down this Monday on the way home (fifty miles away at the time). Both recovery and rent car person said straight away injectors and both are dealing with these issue constantly. Both E and C class. To be fair with Mercedes they dealt with the problem very efficently and I was given a C class sport replacement vehicle. The dealer has rang today and said it will take 4 1/2 weeks, they have ordered all the injector from Germany. This is the first incident from new in December 09 and have covered 7000 miles since new. I was getting 40 miles to the gallon in the E, but now only getting 30 in the petrol version C class, so as well as the inconvenience I will be out of pocket with the number of miles I cover. The dealers comments seemed to play the issue down. Providing they sort first time and there is no delay I will not lose confidence this time.
Jaime says
I have a B-Class 180 diesel, bought in Sweden (since I live here now). I had no idea about faulty injectors until one night my car failed and would not start 1h30 minutes away from home in minus temperatures. I received a hire car the next day as the repair man decided to leave it until the morning and after a week I picked up my repaired car which had had a broken fuel injector. I asked the guy in the garage whether other B-classes had the same fault and he said yes some B-classes had been in for repair but it is mostly C and E classes. The car was not right after that and would often feel like it was not getting enough fuel to the engine and could hardly go along the road. I took it back to the garage and they replaced some sort of environment filter which made the car much quicker but it still occasionally had problems with seeming like it was not getting enough fuel. I took it back once again, last week, and they said that they could not find anything wrong with it and perhaps it was full of soot. This evening, the car conked out completely again, it hacked its way up a bank, stalled twice then would not start. Back in the garage for the fourth time, I am about to complain but unsure about what I can get – the car is out of warrenty (just over two years), bought at a Mercedes dealer and they have paid for all repairs so far. I have lost confidence in the car and it could be dangerous if that happened on a fast road. I am also about to look up the sale of goods act here. Has anyone else had problems with their B-Class?
kogelid says
jag har haft 2 stop
Allan Brown says
It would appear mercedes are now using a piezo (crystal)type injector which are at best not reliable. Mercedes know they are unfit for purpose but tend only to replace one at a time when a fault develops meaning more inconvenience and trips to the dealer for repair.
Ive heard of blue efficiency models breaking down during a pre delivery inspection with no miles on the clock!!!!!!!!!
My advice is to avoid diesel and buy a lexus or jaguar. German stuff best avoided im afraid.The facts speak for themself.