Victor Muller is back trying to grab more investors with plans to put the Spyker D8 Peking-Paris in to production. Again.
Just when we thought the demise of Saab would see Victor Muller buy a pipe and slippers and retire to Switzerland to contemplate his motoring adventures in to his dotage, CPP goes bust after Vlad the Investor went slightly overdrawn and Victor snatches Spyker back from its UK sojourn as a platform for more grandiose plans.
The ever optimistic Muller has revealed that he sees the Super Luxury SUV that became the Spyker D8 ( as we exclusively revealed back in 2009) rising from the ashes to take on Bentley and Lamborghini’s promised Super SUV offerings in the next five years. All he needs is €25 million to make it happen – can you spare a few bob, Guv?
Impressive though the Spyker D8 is (which was the Spyker D12 until Spyker dropped the V12 in favour of the Supercharged engine from the Cadillac CS-V), it was conceived six years ago and will – if Victor gets his investors – be almost twelve years old by the time it gets to market.
In the meantime, Victor says that plans to get the Aileron out to customers is going well after Spyker grabbed the tooling from the bankrupt CPP and that the order book looks ‘very good’. But no numbers from Victor.
What we did get a number on was how many cars Victor thinks Spyker can build each year – 1,000. Which is probably about 100 times the amount Spyker has actually managed to build in recent years. But Victor’s nothing if not an optimist.
‘Hello, Rich Man’, said the dapper man from the Low Countries. ‘You look powerful’ he said, as a friendly arm went round Rich Man’s shoulder. ‘You like cars? Excellent – come and have a schmoke; I have a surefire investment in the greatest car company on earth…’
And the beat goes on. (‘Rich Man’ scenario entirely fictitious – of course).
Spyker D8 Peking-Paris Photos
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