Motorists buy cars based on, and are taxed on, their CO2 emissions. But the CO2 emissions are as big a lie as the official economy figures. We’ve banged on forever about official economy and emission figures and how misleading they are. But it’s worse than that – they’re a complete lie. Did you think car makers […]
Car emissions – Ferrari lambast regulations
Ferrari bemoan the fact that they are being forced by regulation to introduce hybrid Ferraris to reduce emissions. Every time we get a bit of bumph in from a car maker about their latest car, or the latest tweak to their slightly past its sell by date car – and that’s umpteen times a day – there is always a big bit […]
UK car buyers don’t care about CO2 emissions
Car buyers have decided that the environment is of little or no concern with only 1 in 5 buyers considering the emissions of a car when buying. I know, we bang on about the nonsense of having CO2 targets for everything we buy, sell, rent or use. And bang on even more about the absolute […]
Climate Change & Cars: The Debate
In an effort to open up a debate on Climate Change / Global Warming and the role of cars, we’re inviting readers to submit their argument for publication. The headline is something of a misnomer. There is precious little debate on the effect that car use is having on the Global Warming issue. You may […]
Bio Fuels more Polluting than Petrol
Oh dear. This will get the Eco-mentalists in a frenzy! Bio-fuels are the way of the future, they claim. Far less polluting than fossil fuels, they shout from the roof-tops. Apparently not. Nobel-Prize winning scientist Paul Crutzen and his team have shed a much needed light on the real cost of bio-fuels. Apart from the […]